Going out is to die.

The thousand-meter height is enough to kill them.

So, they can't go out from here.

"This road is blocked, change the way!"

Suddenly, the demon army turned around and returned to the abyss from the vortex.

These hundreds of space cracks were abandoned by them. Just kidding, going out at a thousand-meter height will be killed.

Therefore, these hundreds of space cracks are no longer valuable.

They can't let ordinary demons go out safely, so they are temporarily abandoned.

Only powerful demons above the hundred-meter demon can go out from these space cracks, and the thousand-meter height can't threaten them.

These hundreds of space cracks have become the exclusive channels for the hundred-meter demons.

Ordinary demons can't go out, so these hundred-meter demons go out.

At this moment, the thousand-meter demon looked at many ordinary demons falling to death in the space cracks, and finally, only the hundred-meter demon appeared, and his brows were frowned.

This terrible pit directly caused their hundreds of space cracks to fail.


At this moment, some helicopters flew over from the sky.

There were task force soldiers in these helicopters, and they came to check on the situation of the thousand-meter demon.

At this moment, there was no intact part of the thousand-meter demon's body, his body was torn and still bleeding.

He had been seriously injured by the missile.

After seeing these helicopters coming, a trace of murderous intent appeared in the eyes of the thousand-meter demon.

"Destroy them!!"

He immediately gave orders to the hundred-meter demons that appeared from the space cracks.

All of a sudden, these hundred-meter demons rushed towards these helicopters.

In the helicopter, the Samsara team looked solemnly at the thousand-meter demon in front of them.

Seeing that the thousand-meter demon was still alive, they were also very shocked.

"This thousand-meter demon is too scary!"

The endless god cards around him meant that the missiles just now were very scary.

However, such a terrifying missile did not kill the thousand-meter demon. They were shocked.

"This demon is probably close to being a god!"

The members of the Samsara team looked very solemn.

They came to see the situation of the thousand-meter demon. If they could catch the thousand-meter demon, they would catch it.

Now it seems that they may not be able to catch the thousand-meter demon.

"Report to the commander, it cannot be contained!"

After seeing the thousand-meter demon, the Samsara team knew that they could not contain the thousand-meter demon today.

After Jun Tiance knew that he could not contain the thousand-meter demon, his brows furrowed tightly.

The Foundation has sent the best task force soldiers to contain the thousand-meter demon, but all failed.

The members of the Samsara team were also unable to contain the thousand-meter demon.

The Seven Spear Warriors also failed to contain other thousand-meter demons.

"I wonder if Mo Yu has a way to contain the thousand-meter demon?" Jun Tiance thought of Mo Yu instantly in his mind.

He was not sure whether Mo Yu could deal with the thousand-meter demon.

However, the Foundation and GOC had used all the methods they could, but they could not deal with the thousand-meter demon.

"We can only wait and see..."

Jun Tiance did not have much hope.

It was just that he really couldn't find anyone to help. The thousand-meter demon was already at the demigod level, and they were invincible in the world.

It was difficult for the task force soldiers to contain anomalies, and it was difficult to contain powerful anomalies.

Now, the thousand-meter demon directly announced that it could not be contained.

Jun Tiance also contacted Mo Yu.

"Mo Yu, where are you now? We need your help!"

Jun Tiance said in a deep voice.

"What's the matter?"

Mo Yu's calm voice came.

"We want to capture a thousand-meter demon alive, collect his data, and use it to develop the third-generation demon pistol. The third-generation demon pistol can deal with the thousand-meter demon!"

"Unfortunately, we have used all our strength, but we can't do anything to the thousand-meter demon. We want to ask you for help!" Jun Tiance said in a deep voice.

"Thousand-meter demon?"

Mo Yu frowned. He had killed several thousand-meter demons during this period.

It would be a little difficult for him to capture a thousand-meter demon alive.

Because he was not sure, he could only find a way to kill it.

"It would be a little difficult to capture it alive..." Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

"Mo Yu, can you think of a way!" Jun Tiance said in a deep voice.

"Killing it is no problem for me, but I have never tried to capture it alive..."

Mo Yu frowned.

"Have you killed a thousand-meter demon?" Jun Tiance was stunned.

"Killed several!" Mo Yu said calmly.

"Fuck, are you so awesome!" Jun Tiance was shocked. He did not expect that Mo Yu had killed a thousand-meter demon.Demon.

Their Foundation and GOC organizations tried their best to catch a thousand-meter demon but failed.

Mo Yu killed a thousand-meter demon by himself, which was too awesome.

Even Jun Tiance had a little respect for Mo Yu, who really grew up step by step under his watch.

"Since you have killed one before, then, please help us catch one..."

Jun Tiance begged.

"Catch one, I'll try..." Mo Yu nodded.

He had fought with thousand-meter demons and knew how to kill them.

However, he had not tried to catch one alive.

For him, it was also a big challenge.

Jun Tiance was very excited when he saw Mo Yu agreed.

After Mo Yu hung up the phone, Jun Tiance sent Mo Yu the location of the thousand-meter demon that they had injured with missiles before.

"Is it seriously injured..."

Mo Yu's eyes lit up.

It was indeed very difficult for him to deal with the intact thousand-meter demon.

However, if the thousand-meter demon was already injured, then it would be much easier to deal with.

Therefore, Mo Yu also moved instantly and disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived near the space crack next to the thousand-meter demon.

The members of the Samsara team were waiting for him here.

After arriving here, he was also stunned by the surrounding situation.

"Such a big pit!"

Mo Yu looked around in amazement. This deep pit was even bigger than the deep pit in Hanting City.

He saw hundreds of space cracks next to him. At this moment, hundreds of hundred-meter demons gathered under these space cracks.

These hundred-meter demons were preparing to go to the human world.

Mo Yu's eyes saw a thousand-meter demon.

At this moment, this thousand-meter demon was bleeding all over his body, bleeding non-stop, and had too many wounds.

Even if he was a demigod, he could not recover so quickly.

At this moment, this thousand-meter demon was preparing to go to one of the space cracks.

He was seriously injured now, and he needed to go back to the abyss to recuperate.

Only in the abyss could he recover faster from his injuries.

Suddenly, he felt a breath locking onto him.

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