The terrifying regenerative power constantly offsets the system's devouring power.

The system is also very fortunate that SCP-682 was put to sleep by the Death Song.

Otherwise, there would be no such good opportunity to devour SCP-682.

Now, SCP-682 has almost no resistance and is completely defenseless, so it is easier for the system to devour it.

Under the system's devouring, SCP-682's body is slowly shrinking.

The body size, which originally exceeded 100 meters, is shrinking, and soon, it will only be 100 meters in size.

The Death Siren has been under SCP-682's body, and she has been trying to find an opportunity to devour Mo Yu.

However, the bombs of Wang Ming and others made her dare not come out of the water.

Once she goes out, she will be attacked.

In addition, 10 wasps are around SCP-682's body.

There are 5 wasps with orders to kill her, and the other 5 wasps are monitoring Mo Yu.

A wasp entered SCP-682's mouth from the gap between its teeth and found Mo Yu.

He took a picture of Mo Yu's current situation, and Wang Ming and others also saw Mo Yu's condition.

"If he doesn't wake up, he will be swallowed by SCP-682 when it wakes up!"

Wang Ming and others were also worried about Mo Yu. Now, Mo Yu's situation is too dangerous.

Once SCP-682 wakes up, Mo Yu will be eaten by SCP-682 just by swallowing his saliva.

"Captain, what should we do?"

The task force soldiers all looked at Wang Ming.

They were a little helpless about Mo Yu's current situation.

Wang Ming also smiled bitterly and shook his head. He could only transmit Mo Yu's current situation to Li Xiu truthfully with data. He also asked Li Xiu what to do now.

When Li Xiu knew that Mo Yu was in SCP-682's throat and could be eaten by SCP-682 at any time, he also had a headache.

"Find a way to rescue him!"

Li Xiu ordered.

"Captain, the Siren of Death is singing down there, we can't get down!"

Wang Ming said in panic.

"The Siren of Death's singing can kill you, you can play songs, as long as the sound covers the Siren of Death's singing, you will not be affected!"

Li Xiu shouted.

"Sir, I know what to do!"

Wang Ming's eyes lit up.

Then, heavy metal songs were played in the helicopter, and the sound was very loud.

Wang Ming turned the volume up to the maximum.

This helicopter was specially made by the SCP Foundation and controlled by artificial intelligence. The sound can theoretically be infinitely amplified.

Therefore, heavy metal music sounded over the entire sea.

The Song of Death was directly covered.

The helicopter slowly descended and approached the sea.

Wang Ming and others were very nervous. To be on the safe side, they put earplugs in their ears to prevent the Song of Death from reaching their ears.

The helicopter's altitude was constantly decreasing. They could only hear heavy metal music in their ears, and the Death Song could not be heard.

They were not affected by the Death Song either, and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, they controlled the helicopter to slowly descend, and soon, it was close to 100 meters above the sea.

They were still not affected by the Death Song, and the heavy metal music resounded throughout the world, completely making the Death Song inaudible.

"It works!"

Wang Ming and others were very happy, this method really worked.

The heavy metal music covered the Death Song, and they were not affected by the Death Song.

Therefore, they could quickly approach SCP-682.

The heavy metal music resounded throughout the world, and the Death Song had no effect.

SCP-682 and Mo Yu gradually woke up, and there was only heavy metal music in their minds.

"Quick, rescue SCP-1010 as soon as possible!"

The helicopter descended quickly and came directly to the sea surface, just 10 meters above SCP-682's head.

Then, a snake-like rope fell from the helicopter.

The head of the rope was controlled by artificial intelligence, and it instantly drilled into SCP-682's teeth like a snake's head.

The snake head found Mo Yu.

Then, the snake head wrapped around Mo Yu several times and tied up Mo Yu's body.

Wang Ming and others saw through the wasp that the rope had tied up Mo Yu, and then their helicopter flew quickly into the sky.

They wanted to use the rope to drag Mo Yu out.

However, SCP-682's mouth was closed.

Mo Yu's body was dragged next to the teeth and was blocked by the teeth. Unless scP-682 opened its mouth, otherwise Mo Yu couldn't get out.

"We wait!"

The helicopter was suspended 100 meters above SCP-682's head.

They quietly waited for the opportunity. As long as SCP-682 opened its mouth, they would drag Mo Yu out.

They stretched the rope straight. Even if SCP-682 woke up and swallowed saliva, it would not be able to swallow Mo Yu into its stomach.

"Host, wake up quickly, you are tied up with a rope!"

The voice of the system sounded in Mo Yu's mind.

The heavy metal music made him dizzy.

He gently opened his eyes, and his pupils slowly returned to normal.

He saw that his body was tied tightly with a rope, and he frowned.

"What's going on?"

He was a little confused. Wasn't he in SCP-682's mouth? Why was there a rope tied around his body?

"What happened?"

The system told him what happened.

"These task force soldiers are really not giving up. They still want to catch me even though I'm in this state!"

Mo Yu looked at the rope on his body speechlessly.

This rope is accelerating his death.

The rope puts him next to SCP-682's teeth. As long as SCP-682's teeth move, they can tear him into pieces.

Wang Ming and others are not saving him, but harming him.

Without this rope, he can still enter the old man's stomach completely and devour the old man in the old man's stomach.

However, this rope may cause him to be torn into pieces by the old man.

"This rope will kill me!"

He wanted to move his body and found that his body was probably tied tightly.

In addition, he found that this rope seemed to be able to move by itself. The more he struggled, the tighter the rope became.

"Host, this rope is controlled by artificial intelligence. I am connecting to its artificial intelligence. It takes three seconds!"

Mo Yu was also surprised to hear the system say this.

The SCP Foundation is so awesome that a rope can be controlled by artificial intelligence.

As soon as the three seconds were up, the system connected to the rope's artificial intelligence.

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