The hundred-meter demons around the space crack were killed one by one.

Half an hour later, there was no hundred-meter demon here, only dense ordinary demons.

These ordinary demons were roaring wildly on the ground, looking at the helicopter in the sky, they held the gravel on the ground and smashed it towards the helicopter in the air.

However, the helicopters rose to a higher altitude and easily avoided the attacks of these demons. More than a dozen helicopters flew towards the space crack.

This time, there were no hundred-meter demons to stop them, and they could fly to the space crack unimpeded.

No new demons appeared in the space crack, because the peak period of demons had just passed.

At this moment, although there were demons coming out of the space crack, they were very scattered, and there were no hundred-meter demons.

All the hundred-meter demons had just come out and were killed by them with the second-generation demon pistol.

More than a dozen helicopters were suspended around the space crack, and the agents in the helicopters were all wearing a set of mechas.

This set of mecha is specially designed to resist the tearing force of the four forces in the space crack.

Jun Tiance has learned from Mo Yu that the space crack is not safe. Once you enter it, everything will be destroyed by the tearing force.

Even if a helicopter goes in, it will be torn into pieces in an instant. Therefore, if the agent wants to enter the space crack safely, he must have protective measures.

In order to resist these space cracks, the Foundation has specially developed such a set of mecha.

Moreover, this set of mecha was jointly developed by the Foundation and the Broken God Cult. The Broken God Cult's transformation of machinery is the most advanced.

The Foundation combined the top mechanics of the Broken God Cult to create this set of mecha together, which can resist the tearing force in the space crack.

Of course, although this set of mecha has been tested many times by them, it can resist many kinds of tearing force.

However, it has not really entered the space crack, and it is not known whether it can resist the tearing force of the space crack inside.

Therefore, more than a dozen helicopters were suspended around the space crack, and only one of them flew into the space crack.

There was a camera inside the helicopter, and everything that happened inside would be filmed.

The other helicopters were waiting outside the space crack to see if the helicopter that entered inside could be intact and whether the mecha of the agent inside could withstand the tearing force.

Under the solemn gaze of everyone, the helicopter instantly approached the space crack. At the moment it was ten meters close to the space crack, a terrible devouring force came from the space crack, and the helicopter was directly sucked in.

The moment the helicopter entered the space crack, it was torn by the tearing force.

The helicopter was cut into many pieces almost instantly.

At the same time, the agents inside were also attacked by the tearing force. The mechas on them made a harsh sound and were being torn by the tearing force.

However, the mecha perfectly blocked all the tearing forces, and the agents did not suffer any damage.

There were 10 agents in total. They were suspended in the space crack. They all breathed a sigh of relief when they felt that they were not torn into pieces in the first place.

With the mecha, they could move perfectly in the space crack.

At this moment, the abyss gas in the space crack was condensing some demons, and these demons were in the process of forming.

Seeing that these demons were about to take shape, the agents also took out the demon pistol in their hands and shot at these demons that were about to take shape. One by one, the abyss bullets killed these demons that were about to take shape.

10 agents destroyed all the demons that were about to take shape in a short time.

The space crack became empty in an instant. They found a vortex channel deep in the space crack, which was the channel to enter the abyss.

There were bursts of rich abyss gas coming from it. The abyss gas emanated from the vortex channel, filled the space crack, and then half of it emanated from the space crack and diffused around the space crack.

An abyss environment suitable for the survival of demons was formed around the space crack, which could keep their combat power in a normal state. Without the abyss energy, the demons' strength would be greatly reduced.

The 10 agents were alive, but the agents outside did not know.

Because all communication information was blocked in the space crack.

However, the agents outside soon learned that the 10 agents were still alive, because after confirming that they were safe, the 10 agents turned on the internal monitors of their mechas.

After turning on the monitorsAt the moment, the agents outside also knew that they were still alive.

"They are still alive, great."

"Success, the mecha can block the tearing force, and we can go in."

After the agents outside knew that 10 agents were still alive, and these 10 agents had cleared the demons in the space crack, they could enter safely.

These agents were also ready to go in, but before going in, they also transmitted the information here to the 05 Council.

After Jun Tiance knew this information, he was also very happy. The entire 05 Council and the GOC Supreme Command were all staring at this space crack.

This was their first attempt to enter the abyss, and it was more effective than they expected.

The agent entered the space crack perfectly, and cleared the demons in the space crack, and had found the vortex channel to enter the abyss.

The next step is to enter the abyss to find the production demon.

As long as the production demon is killed, then they have a chance to defeat the demon.

As long as the number of demons is no longer continuously generated, they can kill the demons bit by bit. Humans have always been the originators of protracted wars.

Everything is in their plan. The dozen helicopters outside are also approaching the space crack quickly, and they are almost all sucked into the space crack instantly.

The helicopter was torn into pieces by the tearing force at the first time, and the agents inside appeared in the space crack intact.

The mechas on their bodies blocked the tearing force, and then they gathered towards the 10 agents in front.

They stood in front of the vortex channel. This vortex channel is 10 meters wide and is the only channel to enter the abyss.

Hundreds of agents gathered here in the vortex channel. They all took a deep breath. Now, they are ready to enter the abyss.

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