682 is over 1600 meters tall and very fast. He can run hundreds of meters in one step on the ground. He runs towards the next space crack at this speed.

Although the distance is far, his speed is fast enough.

Mo Yu directly brought Ziyun and Passerby A to the vicinity of the next space crack in advance. He continued to let Ziyun seal the demons around.

He needed to train Ziyun as soon as possible and let Ziyun become a little god as soon as possible, so that he would have a chance to devour the ten thousand meter demon.

Ziyun wanted to control the sealing power in her body. There was only one way, that is, through thousands of hammers, seals, and mastery again and again, until she completely controlled the sealing power in her body and became a little god.

At the same time, after the ten thousand meter demon appeared, he went straight to the undertaker, and the undertaker became a huge stumbling block for the demons to invade humans.

If the undertaker is not solved, then the demons will suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, this ten thousand meter demon is specially out to solve the undertaker.

At this moment, a war of gods broke out in the abyss, and the demon leader could hardly come out to help. He took time out to deal with the undertaker after receiving the order.

After dealing with the undertaker, he had to go back to participate in the war of gods.

Therefore, he did not waste words and found the undertaker at the first time.

In order to keep the undertaker, they sent a group of demons to attract the undertaker.

At this moment, in a demon base where 100 space cracks gathered, densely packed demons rushed towards the undertaker like moths to a flame.

Their mission was to keep the undertaker here and buy time for the ten thousand meter demon to come.

Countless demons were sucked into the coffin by the undertaker, and the figure of the ten thousand meter demon appeared instantly in the largest space crack of 100 space cracks.

He appeared outside and locked the undertaker.

The undertaker also had a sense and became quiet instantly. The undertaker and the ten thousand meter demon looked at each other face to face.

After the demons around them saw the 10,000-meter demon appear, they also scattered. They had wanted to leave long ago.

Now, their mission is completed, and they don't have to stay here. With the 10,000-meter demon here to deal with the undertaker, then there is nothing for them here.

Therefore, all the living demons fled in all directions, and many 100-meter demons directly crawled into the space cracks and returned to the abyss.

It is too dangerous outside. If they continue to stay outside, they are likely to be sucked into the coffin by the undertaker.

Therefore, the safest way is to return to the abyss and wait for the 10,000-meter demon to deal with the undertaker, then they can continue to come out.

Soon, only the 10,000-meter demon and the undertaker were left around the space crack.

They looked at each other in silence, and did not attack at the first time. The 10,000-meter demon looked at the undertaker solemnly.

Only when they were face to face could he clearly feel the horror of the undertaker.

He couldn't see through the undertaker at all. The four undertakers looked ordinary, just like ordinary humans.

However, he also saw the scene where the undertaker just showed his power and sucked away countless demons.

Those demons of several hundred meters could not stop him. The demons of ten thousand meters looked at the undertaker solemnly, and a black hole appeared in his hand.

This black hole was condensed by the air of the abyss, and this black hole exuded the power of destroying the world.

The black hole was constantly compressed and was compressed into a black ball by him.

Then, he shot the black ball in his hand directly at the undertaker like shooting a bullet.

The speed of the black ball was too fast, and it appeared next to the undertaker in the blink of an eye.

Four undertakers carried the coffin, and the coffin lid opened instantly, sucking the black ball directly in.

The next second, the coffin lid was closed again.


There was a loud and earth-shaking sound from the coffin, and the black ball exploded inside, just like the Big Bang of the universe, but unfortunately the four walls of the coffin blocked the explosion.

After the coffin shook violently, no more breath came out.

The ten thousand meter demon also took a breath of cold air. He had just used all his strength to attack. With his strength, that attack could destroy a city without any problem.

However, it was easily sucked into the coffin of the undertaker, and it had no effect at all.

"At least a minor god, or even stronger..."

The ten thousand meter demon also tested the strength of the undertaker. He was now at the level of a minor god, but his full-strength attack was so easily absorbed by the undertaker.

He felt that he was no match for the undertaker, and the information was wrong.

This undertaker was not an ordinary god at all, but an extremelyHis powerful god.

He frowned and kept his distance from the Undertaker. At this moment, if he approached the Undertaker within 150 meters, he would be sucked in.

He did not dare to guarantee that he could block the Undertaker's coffin, because he had just witnessed a thousand-meter demon being sucked into the coffin by the Undertaker.

And that thousand-meter demon was attracted without any resistance because he approached the Undertaker by 100 meters.

He did not know whether he could block the suction of the Undertaker's coffin, but he did not dare to take the risk.

Therefore, he stood far away from the Undertaker, but unfortunately the Undertaker was too fast and came to him in the blink of an eye.

He also retreated frantically, one step over a thousand meters, and directly distanced himself from the Undertaker. The Undertaker seemed to be able to keep up with his speed.

The faster he was, the faster the Undertaker was, and he was chased by the Undertaker.

The Undertaker tried to get 150 meters closer to him, and he felt his scalp tingling. It was the first time he was chased so embarrassingly.

At the same time, humans were also monitoring the scene here through satellites. Seeing the 10,000-meter demon being hunted by the Undertaker through satellites, humans also took a breath of cold air.

The 10,000-meter demon is hundreds of times stronger than the 1,000-meter demon, but now it can't escape the fate of being hunted by the Undertaker.

"The Undertaker is invincible, we must be extremely careful."

Our demons have reached the level of minor gods, but they are still no match for the Undertaker, so humans must treat the Undertaker seriously.

Once the Undertaker locks on humans, it will be the end of humans.

The Undertaker is so terrible that humans can't find a way to deal with them, unless God comes back, I'm afraid only God can deal with the Undertaker.

After all, it was God who drove the Undertaker back to the time train before, but God is still in the abyss at the moment and has not come back yet. I don't know when he can return to the world.

Jun Tiance also prayed in his heart that God would come back before humans were extinct.

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