"Sir, is he still alive!"

Wang Ming was so excited.

If Mo Yu was alive, they wouldn't have to be executed.

"He's still alive, but if he continues to stay in SCP-682's stomach, he will be digested into feces!"

Li Xiu said.

"I will find a way to rescue him!"

Wang Ming said loudly.

The other two task force soldiers were also full of ecstasy, surviving a disaster!

They thought they were dead, but Mo Yu was still alive, and they had hope again.

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"Now we can only disembowel SCP-682, blow it up directly, and blow it into pieces, then we can rescue SCP-1010."

Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

"But we don't have fission bombs anymore!"

The task force soldier said puzzledly.

"Support will be here soon, they brought enough weapons, and there should be fission bombs!"

Wang Ming said confidently.

The helicopter was suspended a thousand meters above SCP-682, and Mo Yu had been swallowed by him for 10 seconds.

Wang Ming controlled the wasp to come to the side of SCP-682. The wasp's body was very small.

The wasp took advantage of the moment when SCP-682 opened its mouth and got into SCP-682's mouth, and then went into his stomach along his throat.

The wasp needed to find Mo Yu.

After Mo Yu was swallowed by the old man, his body went into the old man's stomach along a channel.

Mo Yu was awakened by a foul smell.

He opened his eyes and had an urge to vomit.

The surroundings were really too smelly, and his consciousness was also awakened by the stench.

He looked at his body, which was in a sticky pool.

Moreover, bubbles full of foul smells kept appearing and bursting.

It was like a pot of boiling sticky liquid, full of terrible stomach acid.

Mo Yu felt a lot of pain in his body.

Stomach acid was corroding his body. He could even see his bones and his skin was being corroded by stomach acid.

He instantly realized that he was in the stomach of the old man. The stomach acid would digest his body and turn him into dregs.

The reason why he was not digested was mainly because of the regenerative power of his body.

The regenerative power resisted the corrosive power of stomach acid and allowed him to live until now.

However, he could not hold on for long. If he continued for a long time, he would be digested into dregs by stomach acid.

"System, can I devour him now?"

Mo Yu asked the system loudly. Now he had come to the stomach of the old man and was in close contact with the old man.

With a one-third probability of devouring, the system should be able to successfully devour the old man.

" SCP-682's resistance is very fierce. Its regenerative power is very strong. It is stopping me. I need time."

Mo Yu frowned. The system needs time. He must survive before the system defeats SCP-682's resistance.

The stomach acid around him made him feel dangerous, and he might be corroded at any time.

He could only save himself.

As long as he left the stomach of the old man and went to the other internal organs of the old man, he could hold on for a longer time.

However, looking at the smooth stomach wall around him, his hope of climbing up was very slim.

He tried it, and just as he jumped onto the stomach wall next to him, he slipped down as if he had stepped on ice.

His body fell into the stomach acid, and the strong stench made him vomit wildly, but the more he vomited, the more he wanted to vomit, it was too bad.

He almost fainted from the stench.


At this moment, he heard a strange cry, and then a wriggling worm appeared on the stomach wall next to him.

The worm was two meters long and was looking at Mo Yu with hostility.


Mo Yu was speechless. He actually encountered the parasite in the old man's body here. This was a parasite that wanted to come and eat him.

"Then, I'll satisfy you!"

Mo Yu instantly thought of a way to leave the old man's stomach.

He relaxed his body directly, without any defense.

That day, the parasite slid down from the stomach wall and approached Mo Yu.

Mo Yu endured the nausea and looked at the parasite.

The parasite was like a snake, with its mouth wide open.


Mo Yu sighed, gave up resistance, stood there, and waited for the parasite to devour him.

The parasite bit Mo Yu's body without hesitation, and swallowed him from head to toe into its stomach like a snake eating food.

After swallowing Mo Yu, the parasite climbed up the stomach wall contentedly and left the stomach.

In the parasiteIn the stomach of the parasite, Mo Yu held his breath.

He could hold his breath in the sea water for 10 minutes, so it was no problem for him to hold his breath in the stomach of the parasite without air for a few minutes.

Of course, he was also enduring terrible stomach acid digestion in the stomach of the parasite.

However, the stomach acid of the parasite was much weaker than that of the old man.

His regenerative power could completely resist it, and he was calculating the time.

After ten seconds, he felt that it was almost done, and his hands struggled.

In the small space, he moved his hands, and then, with his fingers like knives, he cut open the stomach of the parasite like a blade.

His body was now very strong, and he could easily tear an animal apart.

It was easy to tear open the stomach of the parasite.

Moreover, the inside of the parasite's stomach was very weak, and tearing it open was like tearing a piece of paper.

Mo Yu crawled out of the parasite's stomach, and the parasite that was disemboweled was dead.

He found himself in another part of the old man's stomach. He didn't know where this was, but there was no stench around, and there was no stomach acid to digest him.

He successfully came to a safe place.

Now, he could wait for the system to devour the old man.

After a few minutes, the system finally overcame the old man's resistance.

The system officially began to devour the old man.

The old man's body was shrinking as the system devoured him.

The old man realized something and roared wildly.

On the sea outside, the old man was tumbling wildly and roaring in the sea water.

"Why did SCP-682 suddenly go crazy!"

On the helicopter, Wang Ming and others looked at SCP-682 inexplicably.

At this time, SCP-682 was rolling wildly on the sea surface. Under his tossing, the sea water was overturned, as if a tsunami had occurred.

"His body is shrinking!"

Wang Ming and others kept a close eye on SCP-682, and transmitted everything that was happening now back to Li Xiu.

"He is being attacked by an unknown force. Check, find out who is attacking SCP-682!"

Li Xiu shouted.

"Yes, sir!"

Wang Ming and others used wasps to observe SCP-682. They suspected it was the Death Kraken, but they quickly ruled it out.

"What is going on?"

Wang Ming and others were full of confusion.

"Support is coming!"

At this moment, ten helicopters came from the distant horizon!

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