The situation on Panlong Star has also undergone tremendous changes. Zombies have gradually become the strongest force on Panlong Star.

Whether it is human or demon, as long as they are encountered by zombies, they will be directly transformed into zombies by the zombies in the most effective and fastest way and become one of them.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing about zombies is their evolution speed. At this moment, there are already many intelligent zombies among the zombies.

Their IQ is not lower than that of humans at all, and even much higher than that of humans.

The number of zombies is increasing geometrically at a snowball rate, occupying most of the entire Panlong Star.

The demons don’t dare to confront the zombies head-on at this moment, because their IQ is not online if they fight zombies.

In other words, they like to conquer with violence, that is, they want to fight violence with violence and conquer everything with their own powerful strength.

However, zombies are different. Zombies not only have strength and speed, but most importantly, they have wisdom.

When demons fight zombies, they will always be suppressed by zombies.

Demons are good at violent conquest and attack zombies with absolute power. However, zombies do not fight demons head-on, but use high IQ to solve demons.

Zombies use one conspiracy after another, and demons can't resist.

The powerful demons among demons, such as 100-meter demons and 1,000-meter demons, want to solve zombies with absolute power.

Instead, they are taken down by zombies with wisdom. Many 100-meter demons are directly transformed into 100-meter demon zombies by zombies.

As for the 1,000-meter demons, they are not easy. They will also be targeted by zombies with wisdom. Even some 1,000-meter demons are directly pitted by zombies and transformed into 1,000-meter demon zombies.

Among zombies, the number of 1,000-meter demon zombies has increased, and these 1,000-meter demon zombies have become the highest-end combat power on the battlefield.

Even if the 1,000-meter demons among demons meet them, they can't beat them. They need many people to surround and kill them before there is a glimmer of hope to defeat them.

If the 10,000-meter demons don't come out, the 1,000-meter demon zombies are the most powerful existence on the battlefield.

Zombies attacked demons, and demons around the space cracks were attacked by zombies.

The number of demons was decreasing madly.

"What's wrong with these zombies? Why are they so scary!" Many thousand-meter demons roared.

Originally they came to conquer the human world, but they didn't expect to encounter zombie mutations. Now everything has changed.

Humans have become bystanders, and now it's the demons and zombies fighting.

Demons have no way to continue to destroy humans. Now, zombies are enough to give them a headache.

If the problem of zombies is not solved, then they can't continue to conquer humans.

In addition to the terrible force of zombies, there is another thing that gives demons a headache, that is, the undertaker.

The undertaker is now chasing the ten-thousand-meter demon all over the world. The ten-thousand-meter demon is the only demon commander who has come to the human world.

Other demon commanders are fighting in the abyss and cannot be distracted to come to the human world.

Because, according to the demons' idea, the human world is too weak, and they don't need to send out demon commanders at all.

Only the thousand-meter demons need to be dispatched to conquer humans.

However, the appearance of the Undertaker changed their minds and sent a demon leader.

Unfortunately, the Undertaker was too scary, and the demon leader was no match for him, and was hunted down instead.

The demon leader also told the demon leader in the abyss about the Undertaker.

After knowing the existence of the Undertaker, the demon leader in the abyss was also very shocked.

No one has ever seen the Undertaker, but from the description, the Undertaker is very scary and has surpassed the level of a minor god.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to hunt down that demon leader all over the world.

"Hold him, we will come soon." Such a message came from the abyss.

The only demon leader in the world had to bite the bullet and agree.

He knew the situation in the abyss, and the demon leader could not be distracted, and had to go all out to solve the problem in the abyss.

Fortunately, although the Undertaker was scary, he could temporarily avoid the Undertaker if he ran away madly.

However, the Undertaker's current strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The strength of the Undertaker was not strong at the beginning, but as more and more people were sucked into the coffin, their strength became stronger and stronger.

Especially now, anyone who is 500 meters close to the Undertaker will be sucked into the coffin.

The Undertaker's coffin is getting more and more terrifying, and the 10,000-meter demon is also feeling uneasy.

The strength of the Undertaker will become more and more terrifying. He can still avoid the Undertaker and escape for the time being.

However, when the Undertaker's strength has increased and developed to a terrifying level, then he may not be able to stop it.

Now, anyone who is 500 meters close to the undertaker will be sucked into their coffin.

This range will become larger and larger, and will develop to a thousand meters, or even ten thousand meters...

The range will become wider and wider, and at that time, even the whole world will be shrouded in the range of the undertaker.

The undertaker may suck all the lives of the whole world into the coffin in a moment.

If this is really the case, all the creatures in the world will be sent away by the undertaker.

Even gods like them can't escape.

Only those powerful gods can escape.

"The undertaker is so terrifying!" The ten thousand meter demon felt more and more terrified the more he thought about it.

Although this is a theoretical conjecture, the undertaker seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and this strength is determined by the strength of the people they suck into the coffin.

However, the ten thousand meter demon is not too worried, because the attack range of the undertaker's coffin is increasing.

However, if you want to develop to the point where you can send away the lives of the entire world in a single thought, you need the coffin to absorb a lot of people to do it.

Now, the Undertaker has absorbed a lot of people, but it has only developed to 500 meters.

Therefore, the 10,000-meter demon is not worried about anything, but takes the Undertaker away from the demons.

It is a disaster for the Undertaker to get close to the demon army.

No demon can resist the Undertaker. As long as the Undertaker appears, all the demons within 500 meters will be sucked into the coffin.

Therefore, the 10,000-meter demon also tries to take the Undertaker to a deserted place, so that the Undertaker cannot go back and increase his strength.

Of course, the 10,000-meter demon also thought about taking the Undertaker to the zombies. However, when the Undertaker is in the zombies, he can still absorb all the zombies, which will make the Undertaker stronger.

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