After hearing the system's warning, he was also trembling in his heart, and did not dare to enter the abyss casually.

"It just so happens that there are not many demons and zombies now. I swallowed all the space cracks."

There are still many space cracks in the world that have not been swallowed. Before, every time he swallowed a space crack, he would encounter the obstruction of demons. Now that there are so many fewer demons, he can swallow them unscrupulously.

Now is an opportunity. If he can swallow all the space cracks in the world, then it will not be so easy for demons to come to the world again.

Moreover, most of the demons and zombies have returned to the abyss. Now, the demons and zombies are probably fighting in the abyss.

The number of zombies is likely to increase crazily, so if he closes the space cracks now, he can also reduce the chance of zombies returning to the world.

Closing one space crack means one less, which makes it much easier to deal with. Therefore, he keeps appearing next to the space cracks.

Now, he swallows the space cracks without any obstacles.

There are too few demons and zombies around the space cracks to stop him at all, but of course it doesn't mean that there are none.

It's just that there are much fewer demons than before.

There are also demons of 100 meters and 1,000 meters.

As the demons in the human world were defeated step by step and were no match for the zombies, most of the demons retreated to the abyss.

Even the zombies killed their way into the abyss, which prevented the demons from being distracted and coming to the human world.

Therefore, in the human world, the efficiency of the demons has become much lower, and the demons can no longer attack humans.

Mo Yu devoured the space cracks frantically, and at the same time, humans also came out of their hiding places.

Now, the number of demons and zombies has decreased a lot, which is a good opportunity for them to develop.

The top leaders of the foundation decided to take the opportunity to snatch back all their places.

Before, the attack power of demons and zombies was too fierce, and many of their important resources were left in place without being taken away. Now, they need to snatch these important resources back.

For example, some military bases have many large weapons left in place, and everything developed too fast, and the personnel in the base were killed.

Now, they need to recapture these military bases and make good use of the weapons inside.

In this way, if the demons and zombies come back, they can also use these weapons to kill demons and zombies on a large scale.

The most important ones are some missiles, many of which can destroy a city.

Before, they were attacked by demons and zombies, which led to the failure to make good use of these missiles and put them at a disadvantage.

Now, they have recaptured these missiles, and they can use them to kill zombies and demons at critical moments, so that they will not be too passive.

One by one, important resources have been recaptured, and the strength of mankind has also begun to recover slowly.

Of course, this process is not smooth, and there will still be resistance from demons and zombies.

It's just that the number of demons and zombies has decreased a lot, and the resistance effect on humans has become much worse.

Moreover, humans have demon pistols, and demons can't stop them if they come. As for zombies, humans already know that the purpose of zombies is crazy transformation, so they will not give zombies the opportunity to transform them.

If humans know that they are doomed, they will shoot themselves in the head to die first and not be transformed by zombies.

After experiencing the previous doomsday, humans have become more cautious and do not give demons and zombies a chance.

Therefore, with this cautious attitude, humans have also recovered lost territory bit by bit and obtained many key resources that were previously lost.

After the human forces are armed, they are also ready to deal with the attacks of demons and zombies at any time.

At the same time, Mo Yu is frantically devouring space cracks. More than half of the space cracks in the world have been reduced, and now there are only a few thousand space cracks left.

Mo Yu also saw hope. As long as he worked harder to devour all these space cracks, then humans may be able to fight back.

The top leaders of the Foundation saw that the space cracks were getting smaller, and everyone was very excited.

However, when they saw SCP-1762, it was difficult for them to be happy.

Because at this time, SCP-1762 has completely opened the channel.

SCP-1762 was originally a passage between the fantasy world and the human world. After the fantasy world was occupied by the devil, the devil tried to open a passage from the fantasy world to the human world.

And the devil succeeded. The originally closed passage of SCP-1762 was completely opened, and the crack directly became an intact passage.

At this moment,Demons continuously came out of SCP-1762, and the base that originally contained SCP-1762 had been destroyed by the demons.

When they saw the passage above SCP-1762 open, the Foundation and GOC high-level officials retreated. They could not stop it if they stayed there, and on the contrary, they would increase the risk of being destroyed.

Therefore, SCP-1762 was snatched away by the demons that came out of it, and the surrounding area was occupied by demons.

At this moment, the area around SCP-1762 has become a military base for demons.

Densely packed demons are stationed near SCP-1762. They know that SCP-1762 is an important channel for them to descend on the earth.

Therefore, they are heavily guarded and will never let SCP-1762 fall into the hands of humans again.

Even, there are 10 kilometer demons stationed here to resist human attacks.

Humans can't do anything with these demons. After all, there is no way to kill kilometer demons.

Therefore, these demons are guarding here, and humans have no way to take back SCP-1762.

Even when most of the demons and zombies have returned to the abyss, the demons here have not returned, they are still here.

A group of agents are looking for the thousand-meter demon all over the world. They have the third-generation demon pistol in their hands. They need to find a thousand-meter demon to test the power of the third-generation demon pistol to see if the third-generation demon pistol can kill the thousand-meter demon.

However, they searched for a long time and couldn't find it. Finally, they had to come to the vicinity of SCP-1762.

Originally, they would not come here unless they had to, because there were too many thousand-meter demons here, which was very unfavorable for them to experiment, and it was very likely that they would be wiped out here.

However, there is no other way now, and they have to come.

A helicopter appeared near SCP-1762.

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