As long as he enters the abyss, he can devour more demons unscrupulously to improve his strength.

The Broken God and the Flesh God Yaldabaoth have escaped, and the two supreme gods are now in the abyss.

There are still many powerful demons in the abyss, and it is also very dangerous for him to enter the abyss.

However, as the saying goes, wealth and honor are sought in danger.

Only by entering the abyss can he quickly improve his strength, and only when he is strong can he resist those powerful enemies in the future.

He has a feeling that he should be targeted by some powerful beings.

God can target him, then other gods may also target him.

These gods may be staring at him in secret, like a venomous snake, and may launch a fatal attack on him at any time.

Therefore, he must now improve his strength as soon as possible and grow up early in order to survive.

Now, he has only one thought, that is to survive as much as possible.

His goal before was to become a god, and now he has almost achieved it, although he is only a small god.

However, since he has reached the level of a minor god, the future goal is not far away.

He looked at Ziyun and instantly moved to Ziyun's side. At this moment, Ziyun was being chased by the Undertaker. He held Ziyun and instantly moved away from here. The Undertaker was stunned for a moment and lost their trace.

He took Ziyun away from the Undertaker directly, thousands of miles away. Such a long distance, even the Undertaker had no way to deal with it.

After losing his and Ziyun's figures, the Undertaker could only choose one direction to go forward.

In their eyes, as long as they met someone on the road, they would just send him away.

The ten-thousand-meter demon was swallowed by Mo Yu, and the Undertaker had no target to chase. They wandered aimlessly on Panlong Star.

As long as they met a living person, they would directly send their opponent away with a coffin.

The Undertaker posed a huge threat to all life on Panlong Star, and humans also became solemn.

They locked the Undertaker's position, located the Undertaker through satellite photography, and always paid attention to the Undertaker's every move.

If we don't keep an eye on the Undertaker, then the Undertaker is likely to bring a huge disaster to humans.

Therefore, humans must always pay attention to the Undertaker and not let the Undertaker pose a threat to humans. Once the Undertaker appears near a human city, the people in the entire city must evacuate.

Humans cannot confront the Undertaker head-on, and no one can stop the Undertaker.

Jun Tiance also asked Mo Yu for support, but Mo Yu also clearly told him that he could not do anything to the Undertaker and asked humans to try not to contact the Undertaker.

Therefore, when the Undertaker appears near a human city, some agents will come out to attract the Undertaker.

They risk their lives to lead the Undertaker away and prevent the Undertaker from approaching the human city.

With this method, many agents were lost every time before the Undertaker was barely led away.

The loss of humans was reduced to the minimum, and the agents tried to lead the Undertaker to the side of the demons and zombies.

When the Undertaker approached the zombies and demons, the demons and zombies were extremely nervous.

Once zombies and demons encounter the Undertaker, there is only one way to go. All zombies and demons within 500m of the Undertaker will be sucked into the coffin opened by the Undertaker in an instant.

Even intelligent zombies with high intelligence will have a headache when encountering the Undertaker.

Although they are very intelligent, they can't do anything to the Undertaker.

The Undertaker is not to say that you can resist it with intelligence. The Undertaker has reached the point of invincibility. Even if their IQ is high, there is no way.

After all, they can't move away instantly like Mo Yu.

Humans have been paying close attention to the movements of the Undertaker. Seeing that the Undertaker directly sent away many demons and zombies, the human side is very happy.

In addition, the top leaders of the Foundation and the GOC have also found a way to deal with demons and zombies.

The Undertaker is now invincible. They sent agents to attract the attention of the Undertaker, specifically leading the Undertaker to the territory of demons and zombies, and then let the Undertaker deal with the demons and zombies.

The Undertaker is even scarier than the Grim Reaper. Countless zombies and demons are sent away by the Undertaker. Humans solve the problem that has been bothering them for a long time by attracting the Undertaker to divert the trouble.

The number of demons and zombies is constantly decreasing under the attack of the Undertaker.

The human side is also constantly recovering a lot of territories that were originally robbed.

Moreover, humans use agents to attract the Undertaker, which can ensure that the Undertaker cannot threaten humans.

Seeing the number of demons and zombies on Panlong Star increasingThe fewer, the demons and zombies can no longer threaten humans under the attack of the undertaker.

With the undertaker dealing with the demons and zombies, humans finally have time to take a breath.

During this period, humans are also constantly developing their own strength.

Before, there were many shortcomings in the battles between humans and demons and zombies. The top leaders of the foundation and JOC also reflected on the shortcomings in the battles with demons and zombies, and they need to make up for them as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when the large forces of demons and zombies return to the world, they are likely to continue to be caught off guard as before.

Therefore, taking advantage of this period of time, humans are also constantly developing their own strength, and those who need to make weapons should make weapons.

Especially the mass production of demon pistols.

As for other weapons of mass destruction, they also have to make them, which are specially used to deal with zombies.

"Continue to attack the abyss."

Of course, the top leaders of the Foundation did not give up the idea of ​​entering the abyss. This period of time has entered a peaceful period. The demons and zombies are being hunted by the undertakers. They have enough time to develop their strength. At the same time, they can also explore the abyss to their heart's content.

Batches of agents entered the abyss through space cracks and the passage of SCP-1762.

They must find out the situation of the abyss as soon as possible. Each batch of agents who enter the abyss is required to find a way to come to the human world to report the situation of the abyss once they have gained a foothold in the abyss.

However, from the first batch of agents who entered the abyss to the present, no agent has come out alive, and they still don't know the situation of the abyss.

The only thing humans can do is to continue to send agents into the abyss.

Until one day, an agent can successfully come back alive to tell them about the situation in the abyss.

"No one came back alive, what's going on." The top leaders of the Foundation and GOC were also very distressed. The agents they sent into the abyss were suspected to have been wiped out.

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