In this abyss, there suddenly appeared such a subway station, which could only be the time train. He instantly teleported towards the time train.

Soon, he arrived next to the time train platform. At this moment, the time train had not arrived.

He appeared on the platform and looked around calmly. This platform was very old, and he could even see a lot of dust on the ground, as if no one had been here for a long time.

He did not see the track. There was only one platform here. The time train would only appear between 11 and 1 pm.

Coincidentally, today happened to be Saturday, so the time train would appear here on the platform between 11 and 1 pm tonight.

Mo Yu stood on the platform, looking at the sky and earth in the distance.

He found that except for the platform, other places were suffering from terrible disasters.

This platform has always existed here and has not been destroyed.

"God came here to destroy the time train in the abyss. I don't know if that time train was destroyed by him." Mo Yu said curiously.

Before, God came to the abyss to destroy the time train in the abyss. The time train in the abyss had been destroyed by God once.

However, it was repaired by the devil.

Now, I don't know what the situation is.

Mo Yu looked at the disasters around him. Only the time train was safe, so he decided to wait here.

He, Ziyun, and Passerby A were standing on the platform. Passerby A seemed a little nervous at the moment, because in his perception, the homeless old man had also entered the abyss.

And he was coming towards him quickly.

He also told Mo Yu his thoughts. Mo Yu looked into the distance and saw an old figure coming.

Although there were countless disasters around him, and even a big hand fell from the sky, these disasters had no effect on him at all. On the contrary, he himself was a disaster.

He strode in the disaster and quickly came towards the time train.

Mo Yu also frowned. Now he and Passerby A have been avoiding the disasters around here on the platform.

If the homeless old man comes, he will inevitably bring disaster.

Moreover, he is not sure to fight against the homeless old man.

Because, at this moment, the homeless old man is at the same level as the god of death, and the god of death is the supreme god, and he can't do it.

However, he is also glad that the homeless old man only has the same power as the god of death, and cannot control this power as perfectly as the god of death.

His power is not controlled by himself, and it is emitting power at any time. This is the curse power of the god of death.

The homeless old man chased Passerby A, and Mo Yu also understood the reason. He regarded Passerby A as the third god of death, or had a direct relationship with the third god of death.

Otherwise, he would not be able to chase Passerby A like this. Mo Yu also asked Passerby A about the third god of death.

However, Passerby A knew nothing about the god of death. He was confused and knew nothing.

Mo Yu tested Passerby A's words and found that he was telling the truth. He really didn't know anything about the god of death, and he didn't know why the homeless old man was chasing him.

At this moment, the homeless old man was striding towards the platform of the time train. If they didn't get out of the way, the homeless old man would come over.

However, there was no safe place in all directions at this moment.

If they left the platform, they might be hit by those big hands at any time.

Anyone who was hit might be killed.

However, if they didn't send Passerby A away, the homeless old man would come over and they would also suffer a terrible disaster.

"Mo Yu, please send me away quickly." Passerby A was anxious, although he believed in Mo Yu.

However, at this moment, the distance between the homeless old man and him was getting closer and closer. He could already see that the homeless old man was showing him an angry look.

He also hated the homeless old man. He wanted Mo Yu to send him away quickly.

Mo Yu was originally going to wait and see what happened, but when he saw the homeless old man coming over, his pupils shrank.

Because when the homeless old man was on his way over, his impact on the surrounding environment was even more terrible.

Originally, those big hands had caused a disaster, but after the homeless old man came over, it was just adding fuel to the fire.

Everything around was directly destroyed, and the homeless old man walked out of the destruction. Bringing disaster to the world.

Just like the end of the world, all the demons, zombies, and even hidden agents around the homeless old man were wiped out.

They couldn't even escape, and were swallowed up by the magma gushing out from the ground.

Mo Yu was also shocked. There were actually the same underground in the abyss.The same thing as in the human world is magma.

However, the magma in the abyss is even more terrifying.

Even those thousand-meter demons will melt into gray smoke in an instant when surrounded by these magmas. As for other demon zombies, it is even worse. They can't stop it at all.

Mo Yu looked up at the sky. Several hands were still fighting. They used the abyss as a battlefield.

It is unknown when this war started, and it is unknown when there will be a result. They seem to keep fighting like this.

Mo Yu is very sure that the mechanical arm should be the Broken God.

As for the other arms, he is not sure.

He doesn't know much about these supreme gods. He doesn't know if there are God's hands among these hands.

God didn't return to the human world. Will he be fighting with several other supreme gods here?

God created the world, but the abyss should not belong to God. Therefore, God cannot be omniscient and omnipotent in the abyss like in the human world, and can move to any place instantly.

So, at this moment when he came to the abyss, God didn't come to find him.

It should be that God has no control over this abyss, and the abyss should belong to another supreme god.

"Does the abyss have a master?"

This is a curious thought in Mo Yu's heart. Since the human world is God's world, then whose world does the abyss belong to?

Could it be one of these hands who created the abyss?

At this moment, he is fighting several other supreme gods in the abyss, perhaps he is a partner with some of them.

Maybe he is driving away all the supreme gods and preparing to let them all leave his world.

Mo Yu is not sure, that level is not something he can understand, and he can only survive as much as possible now.

Before the homeless old man came over, he took Passerby A and teleported away directly, and Ziyun continued to stay on the platform.

After Mo Yu left with Passerby A, the homeless old man did not continue to come to the platform.

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