Logically, under the current circumstances, God should return to the human world.

However, there is no trace of God in the human world, so God may still be in the abyss.

Among the several supreme gods fighting in the sky, one of them is likely to be God.

Mo Yu didn't know what happened in the abyss that caused these supreme gods to fight each other here.

Mo Yu saw a mechanical arm in the sky fighting with another hand. These two people have fought the most times. Mo Yu guessed that the mechanical arm is the God of Brokenness and the other is the God of Flesh and Blood.

Although the two supreme gods have escaped, they are still fighting each other, as if they are old enemies.

However, these two supreme gods are fighting in the abyss, and humans should be grateful.

However, the supreme gods may also fight in the human world.

If the supreme gods enter the human world and use the human world as a battlefield, then humans will really face the real end of the world. The battle between the supreme gods can completely destroy all mankind.

No matter how much humans resist, they cannot prevent the fate of being destroyed.

Of course, although these supreme gods are now fighting in the abyss, they may rush out of the abyss to the human world at any time.

After all, the passage between the human world and the abyss is like nothing to the supreme gods.

Some supreme gods can travel between the two worlds.

Of course, now that the passage between the human world and the abyss has been opened, the supreme gods can also enter the human world through these passages, which is a very simple thing.

Mo Yu is on the platform at this moment. He used his teleportation ability to lead the homeless old man away and gained a short period of peace.

In his heart, he was also glad that the homeless old man did not have the ability to teleport. Although the homeless old man was very fast, as long as he could not teleport, he could not keep up with his pace.

Passerby A is following Mo Yu at this moment. He looks around. As long as the homeless old man approaches, he will urge Mo Yu to take him away as soon as possible.

Passerby A seems to be very disgusted with the homeless old man and does not like to stay with him.

This is an instinct. There is a voice in his body that keeps reminding him not to meet the homeless old man.

"Mo Yu, there is a voice in my body, telling me to stay away from homeless old people." Passerby A thought for a long time, and finally told Mo Yu about this.

Mo Yu was also very surprised to hear Passerby A say this.

He looked at Passerby A, and he asked the system in his heart.

"System, what's the matter with the voice in Passerby A's body?" Mo Yu's heart was full of countless question marks.

The system also thought for a long time before slowly saying.

"The voice in Passerby A's body should be the voice of the third god of death."

"Why does the third god of death appear in Passerby A's body?" Mo Yu asked doubtfully, he always suspected that the third god of death was related to Passerby A.

It's just that Passerby A has always behaved like the god of death, and does not have the terrible power of the god of death.

Now, Passerby A told him that there is a voice in his body, and the system is sure that this voice is the third god of death, so is the third god of death in Passerby A's body?

Or is Passerby A the incarnation of the third god of death, or another identity?

A lot of question marks appeared, and Mo Yu frowned.

"Why don't we let the homeless old man get close to Passerby A and see what will happen when the two of them come into contact." Mo Yu suddenly said.

"Host, you also know that the reason why the homeless old man is looking for the third god of death is to catch the third god of death with the extinction bag and force him to remove the curse on him. If you, the homeless old man, get close to Passerby A, I will definitely use the extinction bag to catch Passerby A." The system said calmly.

After hearing what the system said, Mo Yu nodded. The homeless old man regarded Passerby A as the third god of death, but whether Passerby A is the third god of death or not, this is unknown.

If Passerby A is the third god of death, then the homeless old man caught Passerby A with the extinction bag, which just fulfilled his wish.

However, if Passerby A is not the third god of death, then the homeless old man caught the wrong person by catching Passerby A with the extinction bag.

The conspiracy of the third god of death succeeded, and Passerby A is likely just a bait to attract the homeless old man.

Mo Yu frowned. The matter of the homeless old man had nothing to do with him. If Passerby A followed him now, he would be considered as one of his people.

Regardless of whether Passerby A was the third Grim Reaper, he could not let Passerby A be caught by the homeless old man.

"Mo Yu, the homeless old man is here again." At this moment, Passerby A suddenly shouted to Mo Yu.

Mo Yu frowned and looked into the distance, but did not see the figure of the homeless old man.However, Passerby A seemed very anxious and did not lie.

Mo Yu's brows tightened. He did not see the homeless old man.

"Where is he?" Mo Yu asked Passerby A.

"Just in front, his speed seems to have become much faster." Passerby A said with disgust.

After hearing Passerby A say this, Mo Yu's eyes also looked forward.

Then, he motioned Passerby A to stay here, and he teleported to the front.

He teleported tens of thousands of meters in an instant, and sure enough, he saw the homeless old man in front of him chasing Passerby A at a terrifying speed, and the speed of the homeless old man seemed to have suddenly increased a lot.

"What a fast speed." Seeing the speed of the homeless old man, Mo Yu was also shocked. At this moment, the speed of the homeless old man was very fast, and it was infinitely close to teleportation.

He also teleported back without hesitation, returned to Passerby A's side, and took him directly to teleport away from the platform and to another place.

However, the homeless old man chased him at a terrifying speed. The homeless old man suddenly exploded, and his speed was so fast that even if Mo Yu used the teleportation ability, he could not avoid the homeless old man instantly.

He would be caught up by him very quickly. Chasing and escaping is also very dangerous in this world of disaster.

If he was accidentally attacked by a certain supreme god, even Mo Yu might be beaten to death.

Suddenly, Mo Yu felt a terrible death figure appeared in front of him. This was a thin figure with his back to him, just in front of him, as if waiting for him here specifically.

After he teleported over, the figure in front also turned around and revealed a thin face.

This figure exuded a terrible breath of death, which made Mo Yu feel dangerous.

Just like facing the god of death, he stared at this figure solemnly, wondering what the other party's intention was to wait for him here?

"Who are you?" Mo Yu looked at the figure solemnly.

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