You know, the Deer God can destroy the world or even the universe with just one thought.

Such a terrifying existence is actually being hunted down.

According to God, after the Deer God's world was destroyed by that desperate existence, the Deer God has been hunted down.

He wandered in the depths of the universe, fled in the depths of the universe, looking for worlds with life.

Then he rested in these worlds until that desperate existence chased him and destroyed this world, and then the Deer God would continue to flee.

Now, that terrifying existence is coming to the human world, and the Deer God knows that the human world cannot stop it. So, he ran away in advance?

God is also desperate. This means that once that existence comes, the human world and the abyss will be destroyed.

So, God is so desperate.

"What kind of existence is this? Even the Supreme God is running away." Mo Yu was shocked.

He always thought that the Supreme God was the most powerful existence in the world. They can easily create the world and destroy the world.

However, now there is a being more terrifying than the Supreme God. Even a being like the Deer God who has the thought of destroying the universe is being hunted down. Humans and the abyss are indeed unable to stop it.

God created the human world, and the Lord of the Abyss created the abyss.

At this moment, both worlds are facing the threat of that desperate being.

"How long will it take for him to get here?" Mo Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Not long, we don't have much time. When he arrives, it will be the time when all of us will be destroyed. However, I will not leave the human world, I will do my best to stop him. Even if I fall in the end, I will disappear with my world." God said firmly.

Although his heart is full of despair, he has created the world for so many years and has already merged with the world. If the world is destroyed, he will disappear.

Although that desperate being will kill him, he does not regret making such a decision. He will live with humans.

"Do you mean that the earth will also be destroyed?" Mo Yu frowned.

"Of course, the earth is in my world. If my world is gone, everything will be gone." God nodded.

"Then can you send me back to Earth?" Mo Yu said.

"Yes." God said.

"Then send me back to Earth." Mo Yu said excitedly, he wanted to go back to Earth to have a look.

"I can't go back, I can't get away now." God shook his head.

"Aren't you the Lord of the World? You can send me back with just a thought." Mo Yu said dissatisfiedly.

"Mo Yu, you think too simply. Although I created the world, I am not omnipotent. I am just the master of the world. I can't do everything. Just like ordinary people build high-rise buildings, they also need to take elevators to reach each floor. I created the world, but to go to other planets, I also need an "elevator", and the elevator is the time train." God said.

"Then do you have a map of the time train?" Mo Yu said.

"No, the time train is not my product, but the Lord of Time. The map is in his hands. He is illusory. When I created the world, I also begged him for a long time before he built a time train for me on every planet, and then he disappeared, maybe to other universes." God said regretfully.

"Lord of Time!" Mo Yu frowned, and another unfamiliar word appeared.

However, looking at God's expression, this Lord of Time should also be a supreme god.

This guy is a mysterious existence, he appears in every universe.

Build a time train for every universe, this guy is like an elevator company in reality.

Go to each building to find customers, and then install elevators.

After installing the elevator, go to other buildings to continue looking for new customers. God is just one of the customers of the Lord of Time.

"Fuck, then I can't go home." Mo Yu was speechless.

God has to go to other planets through the time train.

However, the map of the time train is in the hands of the Lord of Time. Without the map, how can he go back?

After all, there are many time trains in this world. The routes of the time train are complicated. If you take the wrong one, you will go to other worlds.

"You are still thinking about returning to Earth. The whole world is about to be destroyed by that existence. You should think about how to survive. You can either leave this universe or stay here and continue to become stronger. Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope." God suddenly said.

"How can I leave the universe? I am a human being and can only live for a hundred years?" Mo Yu rolled his eyes.

He is not the Supreme God. Only the Supreme God can travel through the universe.

WhenWhen everything is about to be destroyed, only the Supreme God can escape in the universe. No one else can escape.

He is just a small god now, how can he enter the universe?

He doesn't have a spaceship, and even if he has a spaceship, he can't live long in the universe. After all, his life span is limited, and he can't be immortal.

"You can discuss it with the God of Death!" God said with a smile.

"Yes, why didn't I think of it." After God said this, Mo Yu instantly became excited.

He felt that he had missed 100 million. When he was with the God of Death just now, he should have asked the God of Death to let him modify his life span.

He is now in a human body. Humans can only live to 100 years old. Once they reach 100 years old, the God of Death will come to take their lives.

This is the law of the universe. Since the God of Death controls the life and death of everyone, if he asks the God of Death to modify his life span so that he can live forever.

Then, he doesn't have to die.

"Don't go too far, otherwise, the homeless old man will be a lesson for you." God said to Mo Yu meaningfully.

The homeless old man made a bet with the god of death because he was too much. He wanted to win everything in the world, even everything from the god of death.

He pushed the limit, so he was cursed.

God reminded Mo Yu, hoping that Mo Yu would not be too greedy when facing that kind of temptation.

"Don't worry, I know my limits. I just need to survive." Without the constraints of life, Mo Yu was confident that he still had some self-control.

"Then you have to work hard. The god of death is illusory, and even I can't find them." God smiled.

Mo Yu frowned tightly. He found that the coordinates of Passerby A in his mind had completely disappeared, and he couldn't find Passerby A.

He couldn't find the trace of the god of death either, but the coordinates of the homeless old man were still there.

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