The old man became vigorous and his speed was much faster.

The Siren of Death felt the change in the old man and she was puzzled.

She felt that SCP-682 was no longer weak and was recovering little by little.

However, the faster SCP-682 was, the greater their hope of escape.

"System, strictly monitor the old man. If the old man becomes too strong, just devour him appropriately so that he can let us reach the shore safely. Don't let him recover too much."

Mo Yu said to the system.

He didn't want the old man to recover to his peak. If so, the system wanted to devour the old man, it would become very slim.

Therefore, the system has been monitoring the old man's body.

As long as the old man's body becomes too strong, the system will come out to devour it, so that the old man's body is in a middle stage of strength equivalent to his full strength period.

This middle stage of strength can make the old man's speed very fast, allowing them to break through the blockade of the task force soldiers.

"SCP-682's speed suddenly increased a lot, what's going on!"

Wu Zun looked at the old man in front of him in confusion.

The old man suddenly became lively, making their pursuit a little difficult.

"That unknown force is still there, but it has slowed down the swallowing of SCP-682. It seems that the unknown force should have controlled SCP-682."

Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

"The Death Siren is still in SCP-682's body. Could it be that the unknown force is connected to the Death Siren, and the two are partners!"

Wu Zun's face changed.

Thinking of this, he sent his guess and the data of the Death Siren back.

He needs the headquarters to study what forces the Death Siren is connected to and what abnormalities it has dealings with.

"With the intervention of unknown forces, we must be careful!"

Wu Zun said in a deep voice.

"Not good, they are almost reaching the shore!"

Wang Ming suddenly said.

SCP-682 is heading towards the shore. At this time, the distance to the shore is less than 1,000 miles.

For SCP-682, it will not take long to reach this distance.

"SCP-1010 is also in SCP-682's body. He has always wanted to escape from us and enter the human world. Could it be that SCP-1010 has reached an agreement with that unknown force?"

Wang Ming guessed.

Now, SCP-682 is heading towards the shore, which is consistent with Mo Yu's goal.

And that unknown force slowly devours SCP-682, and the death siren controls SCP-682, and the goal is also the shore.

Everyone's goal is the same, which is the shore.

Therefore, he suspects that Mo Yu has come together with the unknown force.

"Contact the human armed forces on the shore and let them attack SCP-682. SCP-682 must not be allowed to get close to the human world!"

Wu Zun said in a deep voice.


Therefore, the task force soldiers secretly contacted the human armed forces on the shore.

This sea is controlled by the SCP Foundation, and ordinary humans are forbidden to enter this sea.

Moreover, there are human armed forces guarding the shore. These armed forces, on the one hand, prohibit humans from entering the sea, and on the other hand, prevent creatures in the sea from attacking human cities.

After all, this sea is full of mystery, and there are all kinds of terrifying creatures in it, and some creatures will come to the shore to attack humans.

These armed forces are the umbrellas that protect humans.

At this time, Zhang Ze, the human commander of the shore defense line, received an order from the task force soldiers.

His expression was solemn.

"Everyone be alert, unknown creatures are approaching the shore, attack with all your strength, and kill the target!"

Zhang Ze ordered loudly.

Suddenly, 5,000 human soldiers on the shore locked the direction of the sea.

Moreover, radar detection, thermal energy detection, satellite locking, and various detectors were all used.

All creatures coming from the sea will be locked by them.

Soon, a huge black dot appeared on their exploration instrument.

This black dot is coming towards the shore at a terrifying speed.

After Zhang Ze saw the black spot, he ordered an attack without hesitation.

Suddenly, shells were fired from the shore and flew into the sea, attacking the approaching SCP-682.


A terrible explosion occurred in the sea, and shells hit SCP-682, blasting large holes in his body.

However, these large holes healed quickly.

SCP-682 did not suffer much injury except for the pain, and he still rushed towards the shore at a very fast speed.

"Sir, now"The target cannot be killed!"

Soon, the soldiers on the shore found that they could not kill SCP-682 after hitting him.

"Cannot be killed!"

Zhang Ze's eyes trembled.

As the highest commander of the shore defense line, he certainly came into contact with some abnormal information.

He instantly understood that the one approaching was a terrible anomaly.

"You just need to stop him, we are coming!"

When Zhang Ze contacted Wu Zun, Wu Zun told him so.


Zhang Ze ordered the soldiers to do their best to stop SCP-682.

Suddenly, shells attacked SCP-682 densely.

After being hit by the shells, SCP-682's body was blown into pieces, and then recovered quickly. His body was already extremely weak.

However, it was less than 10,000 meters away from the shore.

A distance of 10,000 meters is very fast for SCP-682.

Mo Yu felt that the shore was right in front of him, and he also ordered the system to devour SCP- 682.

At this point, SCP-682 is no longer of much use, and can devour with all its strength.

SCP-682 is suffering from the attack of artillery shells while being devoured by the system, and is extremely weak.

Even its size is only 5 meters.

Mo Yu and the Death Siren seem a little crowded in SCP-682's brain.

Therefore, they also cut a hole, climbed out of the old man's head, and stood on the old man's back.

"Now, it's your turn to perform!"

Mo Yu said to the Death Siren calmly.

The Death Siren looked at the bombs around them with fear, and these bombs could hit them at any time.

"The distance is too far, no!"

The Death Siren shook her head. Her death song can only be transmitted a thousand meters at most.

Now, there are still three thousand meters away from the shore, and she can't charm the soldiers on the shore.

"The time is just right!"

Mo Yu calculated the time.

"Roar! "

SCP-682 roared one last time.

Then, as the system devoured it, its body shrank rapidly.

Three meters!

Two meters!

One meter!

Finally, it became a ten-centimeter mini SCP-682.

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