Mo Yu had never felt so happy before, just like a passerby who had been thirsty for more than ten days in the desert, suddenly drinking water in big gulps, this feeling was so comfortable.

The power of the God and Demon in the Demon Heart poured into his body crazily, making the amount of God and Demon in his body more and more.

However, he felt that the God and Demon in the Demon Heart was more advanced, one level higher than his physical strength.

Even the quality of the demon power was different.

The quality in the Demon Heart was higher, and the quality of the God and Demon in his body was lower.

Now, he devoured the God and Demon in the Demon Heart, which was changing the quality of the God and Demon in his body.

Let his quality gradually improve, reaching the same level as the God and Demon in the Demon Heart.

This is also a transformation, and it is also an upgrade.

The Demon Lord felt that his heart was failing, and the God and Demon in it was being devoured by Mo Yu, and he wanted to stop it all.

Even, he instantly inserted his hands into his chest, ripped open his chest, and prepared to kill Mo Yu.

However, Mo Yu was too cunning. He actually used the power of penetrating the wall to directly enter the depths of the heart.

He stopped directly at the center of the heart. If the demon lord wanted to kill him, he had to tear open a hole in his heart.

However, at the moment when the demon lord tore open his chest, countless shadows entered his chest through this hole.

The demon lord felt fear and he was careless.

He frantically blocked the shadows that tried to enter his chest, and at the same time, stopped tearing open his chest. He didn't dare to target Mo Yu. If he tore open the hole in his heart, countless shadows would enter his heart, and he would really be finished.

He ran away frantically, avoiding the black clouds around him. One by one, the black clouds wrapped around him and tried to enter his body.

He was very weak at this moment, his heart was failing, and his source of power could no longer provide him with power as before.

His steps were somewhat heavy, and he ran on the edge of the crack.

The demons around him were also defeated, and the shadows devoured everything, and all the demons could not stop them.

At this moment, seeing that he was also running away, the demons' battle line was defeated across the board. Almost all the demons who were holding on were desperate.

If they couldn't even stop the demon lord, what was the point of them continuing to stop him.

"Go and inform the master. We can't stop him."

There were not only him but also other demon lords on the battlefield.

Although he ran away, other demon lords were still holding on.

Their mission here was to stop these shadows, but now they couldn't hold on and had to report the situation here.

Although they knew that these shadows were very scary, when the shadows invaded their defenses and defeated them.

The demons still found it hard to accept it. It was not until this moment that they realized how scary these shadows were.

Not to mention them, even if all the demons in the abyss were transferred over, they couldn't stop them.

These shadows are simply their nemesis, the nemesis of all living things, and the nemesis of all things.

Because they not only devour life, but also all organic and inorganic matter around them.

Everything can be devoured, and it will directly turn into chaos.

In the demon lord's body, Mo Yu is madly devouring the demon heart. He can feel that the power in his body is getting stronger and stronger.

At this speed, it won't be long before he can devour the demon heart completely.

He has a hunch that after devouring this demon heart, he should be able to break through and become a middle god.

His strength will become stronger and stronger, but these shadows make him feel a sense of crisis.

These shadows are too scary. Even the demon lord is hunted by them. What kind of creatures are such a race? Why did they come to the abyss?

Are they also the race hunted by that terrible existence? However, Mo Yu doesn't look like it no matter how he looks at it.

These races are so scary. They devour everything and turn everything into chaos. He even feels that these shadows have a slight connection with that terrible existence.

He also asked the system, however, the system did not know what these shadows were, and the system was also very unfamiliar with these shadows.

They did not belong to this world, but came from an unknown place deep in the universe. Why they came here and why they devoured everything was unknown.

At this moment, at the border of the abyss and the crack front, many demons could not stop them and fled in defeat.

Only a part of the demon lords led the demon army to continue to block the shadows, one by oneBlack clouds floated over the battlefield, and whenever they saw a demon, they would float over.

When the black clouds surrounded the demons, in the blink of an eye, there was nothing left.

All the demons were devoured cleanly, and everything around them turned into chaos.

Originally a crack that stretched for countless kilometers, after being devoured by these shadows, it turned into a long chaotic void.

The crack seemed to disappear.

Wherever the shadows passed, everything turned into chaos.

If they were allowed to devour the entire abyss, then the entire abyss would become a chaotic state, and everything would cease to exist.

"These shadows must be related to that terrible existence." Mo Yu was very sure in his heart.

Because, according to God, wherever that terrifying existence passed, everything was devoured and turned into chaos.

It devoured everything in the world, even the Supreme God would be devoured by it.

At this moment, the phenomenon of these shadows was exactly the same as the terrible existence God said.

They also devoured everything, destroyed everything, and turned everything into chaos.


The body of the fleeing demon lord fell to the ground with a bang, like a mountain collapsing suddenly, rumbling to the ground.

His demon heart was completely devoured by Mo Yu, and he became completely weak. His brain still had consciousness, but his body functions disappeared.

Like a dying person, he could clearly feel that he was going to die.

However, he could not do anything because his body became very weak and was heading towards death.

Just like a normal human being, with heart failure, he could only wait for his death step by step.

The demon heart was his foundation. Without the source of power, he could not support the operation of his 50,000-meter-high body functions.

His huge body needed the terrifying power of the demon of God to support it. Now, without the demon heart, where would he find the power to maintain the operation of his body? He could only die.

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