It is unknown how powerful these eighteen dragons were when they were alive. Now that they have become corpses, their combat power is very terrifying. The combat power of each dragon is infinitely close to the Supreme God, and they can be regarded as invincible under the Supreme God.

The eighteen dragons pulled the sarcophagus to form a powerful formation. The eighteen dragons and the sarcophagus complemented each other and formed a terrifying combat power.

Together with the Lord of God, they actually blocked the attack of the three Gods.

You don’t know until you fight. Once you fight, everyone is shocked. The fighting power of the Lord of the Emperor is too strong. I am afraid that no one among the Supreme Gods can be his opponent in a single fight.

The Lord of the Abyss is the most unconvinced. The Abyss is his world. He controls everything in the Abyss. This home court is blessed.

However, even so, he still can’t beat the Lord of the Emperor. Together with the Insect King and the God, they can barely stop the Lord of the Emperor.

The Supreme God in the dark saw that the Lord of the Emperor was so powerful, and many people were also very surprised.

No one expected that this mysterious Lord of the Emperor who came out of nowhere would be so powerful.

The emperor exudes a strong aura of death, which makes it easy to think of the god of death.

However, the emperor is not the god of death. Although the emperor exudes a monstrous aura of death, he was captured alive. He is just good at controlling the dead...

The zombie army is all dead. They are just controlled by 008. Now they are controlled by the emperor, forming a terrible fighting force.

The previous zombie army was not united because of the emergence of intelligent zombies. Each intelligent zombie controls a group of ordinary zombies.

Therefore, the zombie army is divided into countless teams, commanded by each intelligent zombie.

However, the purpose of these intelligent zombies is to convert more zombies and expand the power of the zombie army.

Although the intelligent zombies fight each other, the number of zombies is still increasing.

However, all this is not as good as being controlled by the emperor.

After the emperor controlled the zombie army, he directly exerted the power of the zombie army to the extreme.

All the intelligent zombies were controlled by the Emperor and obeyed his orders. Now they were of one mind.

Under the Emperor's command, the zombie army formed square formations, just like the human army, and rushed towards the Zerg army and the demon army frantically.

Mo Yu, who was standing on the platform, saw the zombie army fighting like a disciplined army. His pupils shrank. He felt familiar from these zombies...

"What's going on..." He didn't understand what this familiar feeling was.

"System, why do I feel this familiar feeling." He asked the system in his heart, maybe the system knew something.

"Host, the blood of this Emperor is the same as yours, both are earthlings." The system said in a deep voice.

"Earthling?" Mo Yu was shocked and looked at the Emperor in shock. When did such a ruthless person appear on Earth, and he was also a supreme god.

This is too awesome. The strength shown by the Emperor is more terrifying than God.

The world where the Earth is located is God's world. Theoretically, all the people on Earth are God's people...

However, now the system says that the Emperor is an Earthling. Could it be that the Emperor rose from Earth, exceeded God's control, and became the Supreme God?

There are many myths and legends on Earth, but Mo Yu took a look at the Emperor's eighteen dragons and sarcophagus, and he didn't know which mythological figure was like this.

"System, are you sure? How could he be from our place?"

Mo Yu couldn't believe it because it was too shocking.

"Host, you are now strong enough. You are the best host I have ever led. I should tell you some things. I don't want to hide them. The Earth is a very special place. It is not a product of God's world. God has almost no control over it." The system said calmly.

"What?" Mo Yu was shocked. The information the system told him was too explosive.

All along, he thought that the Earth was also made by God and was part of God's world.

However, now everything has been overturned. According to the system, the existence of the Earth is very mysterious, far more than the surface.

"The existence of the Earth is older than God's world. Many powerful supreme gods were born on Earth, but now it has declined..." the system continued.

Mo Yu was shocked. He didn't expect his hometown to be so awesome. The system had never told him this.

"God wanted to bring you from Earth to make you stronger in this world, to lead the world to transcend and resist powerful enemies, because you came from Earth and are the chosen one. However, it will be difficult for you to go back if you are brought here. For some reasons, God doesn't dare to go to Earth casually..." the system said in a deep voice.

Then, the Earth told Mo Yu,He is not the only chosen one from Earth. God has brought many people here.

It’s just that all those brought here by God failed, and the end of failure is death.

The system told Mo Yu that the affairs of Earth involve too many things, and there are terrifying beings watching the Earth. God only dares to secretly take away the chosen one like Mo Yu...

If he is discovered, God will be in trouble...

"Am I really the chosen one?" Mo Yu asked curiously.

"No, it's just a way of saying that you were "stolen" by God casually, because you are an Earthling and have the luck of the Earth..." said the system.

Mo Yu's face darkened. He was very unhappy about what the system said. It turned out that this chosen one was just a trick.

According to the system, God went to Earth to "steal" people, and the stolen people were let loose to see if they could grow up.

Most of the people stolen by God were ordinary people with no talent, so they died not long after they came here.

God's behavior is equivalent to buying a lottery ticket to see if he can win.

After Mo Yu knew the truth, he was speechless. It turned out that all of them were God's test subjects.

"God has stolen many people. You are the one who is closest to success. God has high hopes for you..." the system said in a deep voice.

"So, you are also God's man?" Mo Yu suddenly asked back.

The system knows so many things about God, so does it mean that the system is God's man.

"Yes, now that things have come to this, I will not hide it."

"I'm showing my cards. I am God's man. God created me and let me assist the people on Earth. Unfortunately, I am all a piece of mud. Fortunately, you are more capable..." the system said.

"Fuck, ruthless, no martial ethics!" Mo Yu cursed. He didn't expect that the system was really God's thing.

No wonder God always comes to him. The system knows too many things and only tells him these now. It feels that he is now "capable", so God and the system decided to tell him.

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