However, the Emperor did not answer the Lord of the Abyss at all. His consciousness controlled the zombie army to look for Mo Yu.

At the same time, many runes appeared in his eyes. These runes were different from the runes that controlled the zombies before. These runes looked particularly like eyes.

These eye-like runes floated towards the zombie army below, and then fell on the bodies of the intelligent zombies.

The next second, an upright eye appeared between the eyebrows of these intelligent zombies. After this eye opened, it flashed with a cold and ruthless look. Coincidentally, this look was exactly the same as the Emperor's.

At this moment, the third eye of these intelligent zombies was the Emperor's eye. They monitored everything around them like surveillance cameras. The Emperor saw everything through these eyes.

Everything that happened on the battlefield, the Emperor saw through these eyes...

The Emperor needed to consume some energy to control these eyes to observe the situation on the battlefield, so he gradually became a little weaker in the battle with the three supreme gods.

The three supreme gods suddenly felt that the power of the emperor had weakened a lot, and they were also very surprised.

However, they were even more angry when they discovered the truth. They didn't expect that the emperor's contempt for them had reached this point!

"Damn, this emperor is too arrogant!" The Lord of the Abyss was angry and cursed madly.

However, they couldn't beat the emperor, and they could only watch the emperor despise them.

"Not good, the entire battlefield is the emperor's eyes, once Mo Yu shows up, he will be discovered!" God's face sank.

At this moment, on the battlefield, many intelligent zombies have a third eye, which can help the emperor find Mo Yu.

"System, tell Mo Yu not to show up, the emperor will see him!" God contacted the system immediately.

After the system knew the truth, it immediately told God's words, "Host, be careful of those zombies. The eyes on their foreheads are the eyes of the emperor. The emperor can see you through these eyes."

Mo Yu's heart tightened. He hid in the darkness and was looking for an opportunity to devour zombies...

At this moment, he also saw the third eye on the foreheads of some powerful zombies. He was also wondering why these zombies suddenly had an extra eye.

Now, after hearing what the system said, he felt a little scared.

Fortunately, he had been hiding in the darkness and did not show his figure, otherwise, he might have been discovered just now.

He looked at the zombies with the third eye vigilantly. As long as he saw this kind of zombie, he would stay away from it immediately. At worst, he would not devour these zombies.

He looked for a place where there were no such zombies, and then, he devoured the zombies with all his strength.

The power of chaos devouring is an invincible power. No zombie can resist it at all. Even the most powerful zombie now can't stand it!

At this moment, the highest level of zombie evolution is the middle god. There is no great god-level zombie yet.

However, many zombies at the middle god level are very powerful and are in a state where they may break through at any time.

Moreover, these zombies at the middle god level are very powerful. After they burst out, they can even fight against demons and Zergs at the great god level.

The overall strength of zombies is generally much stronger than that of demons and Zergs.

Basically, zombies can easily defeat demons and Zergs at the same level.

Demons and Zergs are two very powerful races. Unfortunately, they encountered these mutant zombies and could not beat them at all...

The intelligent zombies stared at the battlefield carefully. Once they found something suspicious, they would rush over to check the situation as soon as possible.

After Mo Yu knew that these intelligent zombies were the eyes of the emperor, he naturally would not let these intelligent zombies see him.

He specialized in devouring those zombies that had no intelligent zombies nearby, and many zombies were devoured by him.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure on the battlefield.

"Taotie Rabbit!"

Mo Yu was very surprised. He didn't expect that Taotie Rabbit would appear here.

At this moment, Taotie Rabbit's eyes were red. He was rushing through the zombie army, constantly devouring zombies one by one...

Taotie Rabbit can devour everything, even himself. Everything in the world is within his devouring range.

At this moment, Taotie Rabbit started a massacre of the zombie army, and countless zombies were devoured by him.

Taotie Rabbit devoured zombies so crazily, which naturally attracted the attention of the intelligent zombies.

Suddenly, these intelligent zombies saw Taotie Rabbit, and the emperor naturally saw Taotie Rabbit.


The moment the emperor saw Taotie Rabbit, his pupils shrank, as if he saw somethingLike a terrible thing.

"How could her pet appear here..." The emperor was shocked, and even had a strong fear in his eyes.

Moreover, the emperor was looking around, as if he was alert to something.

The three supreme gods also noticed the emperor's abnormality. Seeing that the emperor was at a loss and looked around with fear, they were also confused.

However, they soon saw the gluttonous rabbit on the battlefield. The Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King were both stunned. The Insect King didn't know what the gluttonous rabbit was.

The Lord of the Abyss seemed to have seen the gluttonous rabbit, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

God knew the gluttonous rabbit, and he asked humans to bring the gluttonous rabbit here.

"I found a way to contact the SCP Foundation and asked them to send people to support us. They brought a lot of anomalies, hoping to resist the zombie army. We can definitely drive the emperor out of the abyss!" God said calmly to the Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King.

When God said this, many powerful anomalies appeared on the battlefield. After these anomalies entered the battlefield, they attacked the zombie army frantically.

At the same time, many human agents appeared on the edge of the battlefield, but these agents did not enter the battlefield directly.

They transported some artillery vehicles and fired at the zombie army from a distance.

There were even various fighters flying in the sky. These fighters glided through the sky and dropped shells.

The shells fell from the sky and landed in the zombie army. Suddenly, countless zombies were blown away by the shells.

Although the zombies were very strong and very fast, many zombies were blown to pieces in the first time when the shells exploded on a large scale.

Humans suddenly came to the abyss to join the battlefield and help demons and Zerg to resist zombies, which also surprised Zerg and demons.

Especially the demons, they were the most shocked, because demons and humans are enemies!

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