"Let the demons know that we humans are not easy to mess with. Let them see the power of HE weapons and scare them. See if they dare to invade our world again!"

"The demons are too arrogant. From ancient times to now, they have been bullying us humans. Humans have been oppressed for too long. This is our battle to establish our prestige. We must make the demons fear us!"

"I firmly support the use of HE weapons to let the demons understand our power!"

In the conference room, almost everyone supports the use of HE weapons. Everyone thinks that the use of HE weapons can scare the demons.

Whether now or in the future, as long as HE weapons come out and cause terrifying power, they will definitely make the demons afraid of humans!

Humans must show the power that scares the demons in front of the demons.

Jun Tiance also supports the use of HE weapons in his heart, but his eyes look at Long Lao of the goc supernatural alliance.

"Long Lao, do you think we should use HE weapons?" Jun Tiance said in a deep voice.

Everyone's eyes are looking at Long Lao. As the leader of the goc supernatural alliance, what Long Lao said is also very important.

"Use!" Long Lao just said one simple word.

After hearing what Long Lao said, there was a cheer in the conference room, and everyone was very excited.

"Today is a day that will be recorded in human history. We must remember this day!"

"This is the battle for human turnaround. We must deter the demons!"

"Not only the demons, but other creatures must also be deterred. Humans must show their strength!"

He weapons are the most terrifying weapons of human beings at present. In Panlong Star, all countries, regions and organizations are strictly prohibited from using he weapons.

Therefore, Panlong Star has not used he weapons for so many years. Because the impact of he weapons on the ecology is too terrible, the radiation is too terrible, and the harm to humans is very great.

Therefore, humans have not used he weapons, no matter how dangerous the situation is, they have not used them easily.

He weapons are more like a status and a deterrent in Panlong Star. Countries use he weapons to deter each other, and they are afraid of each other's he weapons.

At this moment, humans decided to use he weapons in the abyss, and this decision was passed unanimously.

Therefore, the SCP Foundation also decided to transport HE weapons from the human world.

The passage between humans and the abyss has always been open, and humans can enter the abyss at any time.

SCP-1762 is this passage, and some agents secretly transported HE weapons to SCP-1762.

Then, through this entrance, quietly entered the abyss.

When the HE weapons were secretly transported to the abyss and arrived near the central battlefield.

Humans looked at the battlefield in front of them, watching the demons, Zerg, and zombies fighting a shocking war there.

Many humans are impulsive, and they want to use HE weapons now to attack the demons, Zerg, and zombies indiscriminately.

However, reason tells them that they can only attack zombies now, not demons and Zerg.

Because, now the demons and Zerg are the "allies" of humans!

According to the contract, neither the demons nor the Zerg, nor humans, can attack each other...

So, although humans really want to use HE weapons indiscriminately on the battlefield ahead.

But in the end, they held back. They couldn't mess around.

Jun Tiance came to the scene as soon as possible, looking at the HE weapons next to him, his eyes were solemn.

HE weapons use the self-sustaining atomic HE fission or fusion reaction to instantly release huge energy to produce explosions, and are terrible weapons with large-scale damage and destruction effects.

HE weapons can usually cause explosions with destructive power tens to millions of times that of high-energy explosives of the same weight and size. They are the most powerful weapons in the human world and are taboo weapons!

Since the SCP Foundation has decided to use HE weapons to attack zombies, it must not only form a terrifying lethality to zombies, but also form a deterrent to demons.

Therefore, they must use a powerful HE weapon.

The explosive equivalent of HE weapons is different, and the resulting lethality is also different. The explosive equivalent of micro HE weapons is only a few hundred thousand tons.

The explosive equivalent of super HE weapons is as high as hundreds of millions of tons...

At this moment, humans want to deter the demons, so they naturally use HE weapons with too low an equivalent.

However, HE weapons with too large an equivalent are also very rare weapons for humans, and they generally do not use them easily, because this is the trump card!Therefore, the SCP Foundation discussed with other organizations and decided to use HE weapons with an equivalent of 10 million tons against the demons.

When the explosive equivalent of HE weapons is 100,000 tons, the effective killing radius is 3.22 kilometers and the effective killing area is 33 square kilometers

When the explosive equivalent is 1 million tons, the effective killing radius is 6.93 kilometers and the effective killing area is 150 square kilometers

When the explosive equivalent is 10 million tons, the effective killing radius is 14.93 kilometers and the effective killing area is 700 square kilometers

As for the more terrifying explosion equivalent of 100 million tons, the effective killing radius is 32.18 kilometers and the effective killing area is 3257 square kilometers...

This time, the SCP Foundation decided to use HE weapons with an explosive equivalent of 10 million tons. They believe that this will definitely deter the demons!

The killing range of HE weapons with an explosive equivalent of 10 million tons is also very wide. Jun Tiance looked at the zombie army on the battlefield in front of him.

At this moment, the zombie army has mixed with the demons and the Zerg. Once they use HE weapons, they cannot guarantee that they will only kill zombies, and they may also cause great damage to the demons and the Zerg.

Therefore, before Jun Tiance made a decision, he still tried to ask God for instructions. After God knew that Jun Tiance decided to use HE weapons, his heart sank.

"Are you sure you want to use HE weapons?" God hesitated for a moment, always feeling that this was not a good idea.

"God, this is a battle for us to show the power of mankind to the demons. We must make the demons afraid of us humans, and we must use HE weapons!" Jun Tiance said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'll remind the Lord of the Abyss and the Zerg King!" God agreed, but before using HE weapons, he had to notify the demons and the Zerg first, so that they would keep a distance from the zombie army, so that there would be no accidental injuries.

At this moment, the three supreme gods of God were still fighting the Emperor.

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