Now, the Zerg came, and most of the zombies' attention was attracted by the Zerg.

They could also survive and look for opportunities to save the Taotie Rabbit.

At the same time, many Zerg also went to save the Taotie Rabbit.

However, there were too many zombies, and densely packed zombies crowded here.

These zombies seemed to have received some news, and under the control of the intelligent zombies. They quickly rushed here and blocked all the agents and Zerg.

In the sky, the emperor's attention was on the Taotie Rabbit. He beat the Taotie Rabbit back to its original form, so that the Taotie Rabbit could not devour the zombies on a large scale.

Of course, it was impossible to watch the Taotie Rabbit return to the hands of humans and become violent.

Therefore, he used a trace of mental power to control many intelligent zombies, asking them to send more zombies to surround the gluttonous rabbit and prevent it from returning to human hands.

As a powerful supreme god, he could naturally see that the reason why the gluttonous rabbit became violent was because it was injected with drugs.

And there was no one else who could do this except humans.

Therefore, under the intentional control of the emperor, the gluttonous rabbit was surrounded by zombies.

Whether it was the Zerg or the agents, they could not get close to the gluttonous rabbit. Wang Ming looked at the gluttonous rabbit surrounded in front with an ugly face.

He didn't expect that he called the Zerg over, but he still couldn't save the gluttonous rabbit. His face became very ugly.

Moreover, the number of zombies coming here was increasing, and his brows were frowned. They came here as just a small team of agents, and the number of people was not large.

Even if he called some Zergs over, they couldn't hold out as the zombies around them grew bigger and bigger.

The more zombies came, the more dangerous they were. Both the Zergs and their agents could be directly transformed into zombies.

"Human, there are too many zombies. We can't hold out!" At this moment, the Zergs shouted to Wang Ming. The Zergs couldn't hold out. They had been here for a long time, but they still couldn't break through the zombies' encirclement.

Saving the Taotie Rabbit became a distant prospect, and even their number was reduced.

Not only did the Zergs lose a lot, but there were not many agents left.

Wang Ming looked at the remaining agents and Zergs. They couldn't save the Taotie Rabbit and had to ask for other support.

"Captain, we need manpower!"

Some agents came to Wang Ming.

Wang Ming also requested support from the 05 Council as soon as possible. When the 05 Council knew that there was a problem with the Taotie Rabbit, they also sent a group of agents over.

However, now on the battlefield, every agent has a mission.

Even if they are really sent, not many agents can come, and the help they can provide is minimal.

"You can find a way to delay time, or seek help from demons and Zerg. We don't have any extra manpower now." The order conveyed from above made Wang Ming's face very ugly.

Wang Ming can only rely on himself now, and the 05 Council can't send many people.

Therefore, he looked at the Zerg next to him and asked for the support of the Zerg.

However, these Zergs all shook their heads at him, "We don't have enough manpower, you can go to the demons for help."

Wang Ming sighed in his heart. He didn't want to find the demons. After all, the relationship between humans and demons is really bad.

However, now he has to find the demons.

Therefore, he asked someone to command the battle here on his behalf, and he quietly left here, he was going to find the help of the demons.

The battlefield was full of zombies, humans, demons, and Zerg were also scattered in various places on the battlefield. The connection between each other was very subtle.

It was not so easy for Wang Ming to find the demons.

However, he carefully searched on the battlefield and finally found some demons.

There was a group of demons in front of him, and this group of demons was looking for zombies nearby.

He frowned, he didn't know if these demons would kill him when he suddenly appeared.

However, if he didn't seek the help of the demons, then their mission might be difficult to complete.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, he also walked out boldly.

When his figure appeared under the eyes of the demons, all the demons looked at him unkindly, and even many demons showed murderous intent to him.

His heart was also tight, fearing that these demons would kill him on the spot, so he also heldHe tightened the demon pistol in his hand.

If the demon attacked him, he would use the demon pistol to fight back.

However, fortunately, although these demons were full of hostility towards him, they did not attack him immediately.

A ten-thousand-meter-tall demon came in front of him and looked down at him, "Human, why are you here? Aren't you afraid that we will kill you?"

Wang Ming looked up at the ten-thousand-meter-tall demon. This was a demon leader, a powerful little god demon, and an existence that was out of his reach.

"We need your help..." Wang Ming took a deep breath and told the demon leader about the situation they encountered.

"Is there anything that you humans can't do? Don't you have hot weapons? You can use hot weapons to eliminate zombies. Why do you need our help?" The demon leader said coldly, and he had no good feelings towards humans in his heart.

"According to the treaty on the battlefield, when humans need help, the demons must provide help. Now, we need the demons to help us rescue the gluttonous rabbits. The gluttonous rabbits can cause terrible damage to the zombies, which is beneficial to both you and me." Wang Ming said calmly.

He already knew that these demons would not hurt him, otherwise it would be impossible to communicate with him here.

Since the demons would not hurt him, then he did not have to be afraid.

He organized his words clearly and expressed his meaning to the demons. The demons around him frowned after hearing his words.

"Human, according to what you said, the number of zombies over there is very terrifying, and their strength is also very strong. If we go over there, I am afraid we can't help much." The demon leader said in a deep voice.

According to Wang Ming, there are really too many zombies over there. If they go over there, they may be in danger.

He was unwilling to help humans in his heart. Now, after knowing the situation over there, he is even more unwilling.

"If the Zerg and the demons help together, we can succeed!"

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