This demon lord swung the machete in his hand frantically, just like chopping bones, and chopped the legs of the great god zombie frantically.

Although the legs of the great god zombie were very hard, they were still cut into gaps by the machete.

The demon lord aimed at these gaps and chopped frantically, cutting into the bones of the great god zombie bit by bit.

The other demon lord was not idle either. When he saw the great god zombie twitching wildly, he gave up the noose in his hand and rushed over.

He originally wanted to attack the head of the great god zombie, but looking at the terrible eyes of the great god zombie, he felt a little palpitation in his heart.

Especially the hands of the great god zombie were waving wildly near his head.

He couldn't be caught by the claws of the great god zombie. Once a wound was scratched, he would be infected.

In the end, he would become a zombie.

So, after weighing it in his heart, he gave up attacking the great god zombie at close range.

Instead, he stood beside the Great God Zombie, with a bow and arrow in his hand.

Then, he bent his bow and put the arrow on it, and the abyss energy condensed into a black arrow, which he locked onto the Great God's damaged forehead.

He shot an arrow fiercely, and the long arrow broke through the air and instantly arrived in front of the Great God Zombie's head.

The Great God Zombie was resisting the power of bewitching at this moment, but he still felt a breath of death.

Therefore, his consciousness was instantly cleared, and he just locked onto the arrow that was shot over.

His right hand instantly caught the arrow, and the arrowhead was only a few centimeters away from his forehead. He was almost forced to shoot through his forehead and die.

When the Demon Lord saw that the Great God Zombie could actually catch his arrow, he felt a little scared in his heart...

Fortunately, he didn't rush over to attack the Great God Zombie at close range just now.

Otherwise, he might be scratched by the Great God Zombie due to carelessness, and the consequences would be disastrous.

He took a deep breath, continued to stand in the distance, and used arrows to attack the Great God Zombie.

He didn't believe that the Great God Zombie could catch his arrow every time, as long as he could succeed once.

Then, he could shoot the Great God Zombie with arrows.

The other Demon Lord was not to be outdone, and the two Demon Lords attacked frantically.

However, the Great God Zombie was indeed very powerful, and even in this situation, it had persisted for a long time.

Mo Yu frantically used the power of bewitching to bewitch the Great God Zombie, making it impossible for the Great God Zombie to remain conscious.

However, the Great God Zombie always woke up at the critical moment and resolved the crisis. Mo Yu also sighed helplessly.

He frowned and continued to use the power of bewitching to buy time for the two Demon Lords to see if the two Demon Lords could kill the Great God Zombie.

The two Demon Lords also tried their best to attack the Great God Zombie, using all their tricks.

The Great God Zombie's consciousness felt that he was being attacked, and he tried his best to resist the bewitching power.

At the same time, he was trying to regain consciousness to resist the attacks of the two demon lords.

However, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, and the bewitching power that suddenly appeared was very strange.

There was no one else around him except the two demon lords.

So, where did this bewitching power come from!

He was sure that there must be a third person around him, but he just couldn't see it.

Now that this bewitching power was attacking him, his combat power could not be exerted, and most of his strength was used to resist the bewitching power.

If he couldn't resist this bewitching power, he would lose consciousness.

At that time, he would become a fish that could be slaughtered at will.

Therefore, he tried his best to resist the bewitching power, and at the same time, he kept himself awake to resist the attacks of the two demon lords.

However, two fists could not beat four hands, and he was attacked by three parties. After a while, he couldn't hold on.

Especially the demon lord who was madly chopping his legs. At this moment, one of his legs had been chopped off.

The other leg was also in danger and could be chopped off at any time.

A broken leg would have a huge impact on him.


Soon, his other leg was also chopped off by the demon lord.

He had no legs and could not stand up now.

The demon lord was very excited. He finally chopped off the legs of the great god zombie.

Now, without legs, the strength of the great god zombie was greatly reduced, and he was no longer afraid of the great god zombie.

At the same time, his eyes looked at the hands of the great god zombie.

He had an impulse in his heart to go over and cut the hands of the great god zombie.Cut it off.

However, looking at the terrible hands of the Great God Zombie waving wildly. He was a little worried that he would be scratched.

Then, his eyes looked at the belly of the Great God Zombie.

At this moment, the legs of the Great God Zombie had been cut off by him.

The belly of the Great God Zombie was unprotected, so why not go over and dissect the belly of the Great God Zombie.

Therefore, he made a decision in an instant.

He rushed over, and the machete in his hand chopped fiercely at the belly of the Great God Zombie.

The belly of the Great God Zombie should be the most vulnerable part of his body. There are not many bones here, and it can't stop the machete of the demon lord at all.

The demon lord cut it down and instantly broke the belly of the Great God Zombie.

All the internal organs inside flowed out...

The Great God Zombie sensed that his stomach was being attacked, and he was conscious and wanted to fight back.

However, another demon lord seized the opportunity to shoot arrows crazily.

Arrows shot at his forehead, and he could only protect his head with both hands.

Therefore, he could not take care of his stomach.

Another demon lord seized the opportunity and chopped the belly of the great god zombie frantically.

Soon, the belly of the great god zombie was chopped empty, revealing the spine of the great god zombie.

The moment he saw the spine, the eyes of the demon lord lit up.

Now, as long as he cut the spine of the great god zombie, the strength of the great god zombie would basically be very little.

Thinking of this, a trace of madness flashed in his eyes.

Then, he rushed over with a machete and chopped the spine of the great god zombie frantically.

The spine of the great god zombie was very hard, and the machete could only cut small gaps on it.

However, the demon lord had already chopped the legs of the great god zombie and had experience.

He aimed at those gaps and chopped frantically.

The gaps he cut became bigger and bigger, and the spine of the Great God Zombie was about to break. He saw the hope of killing the Great God Zombie in his eyes...

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