Mo Yu looked at SCP-166 coldly, and controlled the urge to slap her to death.

"If you don't leave, I will slap you to death!"

"Teacher, don't be mean to me, I didn't do anything bad!"

SCP-166's face fell, and she said aggrievedly.

"I didn't do anything bad..."

Mo Yu suddenly gritted his teeth and looked at SCP-166. Thinking of what SCP-166 had just done to him, a murderous intent came to his mind.

SCP-166 realized Mo Yu's murderous intent towards him, and even the temperature in the room suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees.

SCP-166's body trembled, and his teeth couldn't help but tremble.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I'm really too hungry, and yours... can keep me from eating for a month, the quality of yours... is superb, and this is the first time I've done that, the willpower of the others is very weak, they all handed it over in the illusion, but your willpower is too strong, I had to do it myself..."

SCP-166 said, drooling at Mo Yu, completely forgetting the look in Mo Yu's eyes that was ready to kill her.

"I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again, teacher, don't kill me, I'm still a child, woo woo woo..."

SCP-166 was frightened and cried by Mo Yu, holding her legs in grievance, crying like a pear blossom in the rain.

"System, I want to kill this guy who hurts people, otherwise, more men will suffer!"

Mo Yu asked the system in his heart whether SCP-166 could be killed.

"Host, SCP-166's ability is unique, maybe it can be your right-hand man!"

The system suddenly said.

"System, have you also been charmed by him!"

Mo Yu said to the system suspiciously, and actually proposed to let SCP-166 become his assistant.

"Host, SCP Foundation agents and task force soldiers are mostly composed of men. They will hunt you down continuously. You can't be lucky every time!"

"But if you bring SCP-166 with you, when these male agents come to kill you, you let SCP-166 charm them, and you can easily kill them and escape the pursuit of the SCP Foundation!"

"With SCP-166 by your side, you can escape many pursuits. She has a fatal killing power against all men."

After listening to the system's advice, Mo Yu felt that it made sense.

However, SCP-166 is full of mystery.

Moreover, he still doesn't know whether SCP-166 is a clone or the real SCP-166.

Is there anyone from the SCP Foundation secretly watching her around her? Moreover, SCP-166 itself is a time bomb.

She possesses the deadly power of desire. If he keeps her with him, he doesn't know when SCP-166 will attack him.

If he loses control and what happened today happens, he will be in trouble.

So, although the system's words moved him, he was a little hesitant.

After all, SCP-166 is full of uncertainty.

However, he still looked at SCP-166 and said coldly.

"Don't cry, you can stay with me, but you must promise me that you will never use the power of desire on me again!"

"And, you must wear the blue crystal at all times to control your power of desire, and you must work for me and tell me everything about yourself."

SCP-166 stopped crying, her big eyes looked at Mo Yu clearly, and nodded.

"I can always wear the Heart of the Sea, but you have to provide me with sperm, otherwise, I will starve to death..."

Hearing SCP-166 say this, Mo Yu was furious, stood up angrily, and wanted to slap SCP-166 to death.

"Teacher, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying yours...Teacher can find it for me from other places...Of course, if the teacher is willing to give me his own..., then I am willing to accept it!"

SCP-166 whispered, and then secretly licked his lips.

"Where can I find it for you...Go away, I can't afford it!"

Mo Yu was furious, and it would be better to kill him than to let him find the one of the human man.

"Teacher, when the SCP Foundation took me in, it was provided to me by the local sperm bank. Although I have escaped now, with the teacher's power, I should be able to get food from those banks..."

SCP-166's eyes rolled around.

"Humph, you said you escaped from the SCP Foundation, tell me!"

Mo Yu took a deep breathIn one breath, he forced himself to calm down.

He needed to know how SCP-166 escaped from the SCP Foundation.

He needed to know whether there were people from the SCP Foundation following SCP-166.

"I cooperated with the SCP Foundation very much, so they let me go to an uninhabited island once a month to relax, but I'm tired of this kind of life."

"Last time, I met a sister on that uninhabited island. After knowing my experience, this sister sympathized with me, so she helped me escape and killed all the SCP Foundation agents who accompanied me."

"Finally, she gave me this Heart of the Sea to help me suppress the power of desire in my body, so that I can be an ordinary human girl."

SCP-166 said while recalling.

"Sister? Heart of the Sea!"

Mo Yu stared at the Heart of the Sea on SCP-166's neck, which was the blue crystal.

Who is this sister? She can control the power of desire in SCP-166 by giving away a Star of the Sea. She is a god!

The SCP Foundation couldn't handle the problem, but this sister actually handled it.

"My sister is very beautiful and treats me very well. She also let me take tutoring here, so that I can integrate well into human society. However, my sister hasn't appeared for a long time. I am very lonely here. I have eaten all the semen and liquid that my sister found for me. I have to find food by myself..."

SCP-166 said aggrievedly.

"Then, those seven math teachers were killed by you!"

Mo Yu looked at SCP-166 coldly.

Although he didn't care about the life and death of those math teachers, it was wrong for SCP-166 to kill seven people like this.

"They are not dead, but I locked them up!"

SCP-166 shook his head and said.

"Where are they locked up?"

Mo Yu asked.

"In a basement. When I'm hungry, I go to them. They give me a lot of food every day!"

SCP-166 said innocently.

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