Mo Yu opened fire at full power and quickly flashed past a mountain.

Wherever he flashed, the mountains disappeared out of thin air.

Soon, he basically devoured all the mountains in the 100,000 mountains.

After devouring these mountains, his gold element was almost equal to the water element.

He continued to devour.

After devouring enough mountains and almost devouring all the 100,000 mountains, his gold element and water element were finally equal.

"Okay, you can devour the other three elements." SCP-722 said.

Mo Yu also stopped devouring instantly, and the dimensional space disappeared beside him.

He glanced at the land around him, and he directly devoured a deep pit that was bottomless.

He left here and chose another direction. Soon, he came to a dense primeval forest.

There are many trees in this forest, which are very suitable for devouring and can be used to increase his wood element.

There was a bit of wood element in his dimensional space, but it was still far from the content of gold and water elements.

He glanced at the forest in front of him, where many animals lived.

If he devoured the forest, he would devour these animals as well.

Then, he instantly released his breath.

At the same time, the dimensional space appeared above the forest, and the terrifying devouring power locked the forest below.

Suddenly, the animals in the forest were frightened and trembled.

Then, the instinctive desire for survival of the animals drove these animals to quickly flee out of the forest.

Mo Yu used his powerful breath to drive these animals away.

He was not a person who liked to kill.

Besides, the number of animals in this forest was probably very large, probably exceeding 100 million.

If he killed them all, it would be too horrible.

He was not an executioner who killed everything.

Therefore, these animals quickly fled the forest under his drive.

When he felt that there were no animals in the forest, he released the dimensional space and devoured it with all his strength.

Large tracts of forest disappeared on the spot and were devoured by him into the dimensional space.

Then, the content of wood elements in the dimensional space increased wildly.

SCP-722 witnessed this luxurious feast in the dimensional space.

He felt that the content of wood elements was increasing wildly.

And it was approaching the content of gold and water elements.

His heart was so shocked. He had never seen a person create the world so easily.

The most difficult thing is the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Many people need many years to get a balance, but Mo Yu easily did it. It was so simple in his hands.

The content of wood elements increased wildly, and Mo Yu's heart was getting more and more excited.

As long as the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth are gathered together, then he can get a balance, and he can temporarily build a space suitable for SCP-722 to survive.

At that time, SCP-722 can help him evolve the world!

"SCP-722, if I gather all the five-star elements, can you evolve the world for me?" Mo Yu asked SCP-722.

"Yes, as long as you can let me survive in your world, I can create a world for you and accelerate the formation of your world!" SCP-722 said confidently.

After hearing SCP-722 say this, Mo Yu's eyes lit up.

"Then, I will finish swallowing as soon as possible!"

It just so happens that there are a lot of five elements on Panlong Star, which is enough for him to swallow.

Panlong Star was originally a complete world, which was composed of basic five elements.

Five-star elements can be seen everywhere, and various five elements can be seen on the roadside at any time. It is not too difficult to swallow.

Soon, this forest was swallowed up by him.

The content of wood elements in the dimensional space has also increased a lot, but this forest is not enough, he needs to swallow more forests.

Therefore, he moved quickly on Panlong Star, constantly looking for forests to devour.

Pieces of lush forests were swallowed by him into the dimensional space.

The amount of vegetation on Panlong Star was constantly decreasing.

If someone observes, they will find that those very famous lush primeval forests on Panlong Star are disappearing one by one.

Especially the top ten forests with the largest area are disappearing one by one.

Mo Yu stared at these lush forests specifically.The forest disappeared, and many animals were homeless.

They broke into the human area.

Fortunately, there are not many humans on Panlong Star now.

These animals have no impact after running to human cities.

The SCP Foundation is still the secret controller of Panlong Star.

They also discovered the changes on Panlong Star. Soon, they found that many forests disappeared, and many famous mountains disappeared.

This also attracted the attention of the SCP Foundation agents.

Especially when the first mountain on Panlong Star, Panlong Mountain, disappeared. It attracted the attention of the Foundation.

"Why did Panlong Mountain disappear!"

The 05 Parliament was also shocked after receiving this news.

Panlong Star is really in trouble now.

Even the Foundation cannot send enough forces to investigate the Panlong Mountain incident.

However, they still symbolically sent some agents to the original location of Panlong Mountain to check the situation.

When the agents arrived here, they found that the Panlong Mountain, which was originally towering into the clouds, had disappeared.

Here, only a huge deep pit was left.

The original Panlong Mountain disappeared without a trace, as if it was wiped out from Panlong Star.

Soon, Foundation agents discovered that the second peak, the third peak, and the fourth peak on Panlong Star also disappeared one after another.

It was an inexplicable disappearance, very strange.

The Foundation even called up the satellite monitoring screen, but saw nothing.

When Mo Yu was swallowing these, he was in stealth mode most of the time.

He didn't want to be discovered by the Foundation when he was swallowing these, otherwise it might cause some misunderstandings.

After all, this Pandong Star belongs to God's world.

If the Foundation told God about what he swallowed on Panlong Star, God would be hostile to him.

After all, he couldn't do whatever he wanted in God's world.

His behavior was equivalent to swallowing God's world, which was a very hostile behavior!

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