So, God is now looking at Panglaus in distress.

How can he convince Panglaus?

"God, I don't care so much. The Abyss has nothing to do with us. Panlong Star is our world. You should protect Panlong Star with me!" Panglaus said loudly.

"We should take a long-term view!" God said with a wry smile.

"Panlong Star is our world. It is the most important. Nothing else matters!" Panglaus said stubbornly.

"Alas, why are you so stubborn? Don't be so stubborn. You look after the Crimson King first. I will go to solve the problem of the Abyss and come back to deal with the Crimson King with you. You can let the Foundation agent notify me." God said in a deep voice.

"God, do you have to go to the Abyss!" Panglaus glared.

"What else?" God looked at Panglaus and had a headache.

"Alas, go!" Panglaus sighed, "After all, I took it all on my own!"

God's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Panglaus speechlessly. This sentence should be said by him...

"Alas." God took a deep breath and left Panglaus.

Before leaving, he repeatedly told Panglaus to take good care of the Crimson King.

If the Crimson King escaped and he had not returned to Panlong Star, Panglaus would deal with the Crimson King alone.

At the same time, send an agent to the Abyss to inform him.

He will find a way to come back and deal with the Crimson King with him.

Panglaus nodded reluctantly, secretly cursing God for being a bastard and leaving him alone...

God did not look back at Panglaus's sad eyes like a pregnant woman in the boudoir, but hurriedly returned to the Abyss through SCP-1762.

Of course, God also left a letter to the Foundation.

He asked the Foundation to look for him if they had any problems. He gave the Foundation something that the Foundation could contact him at any time.

After doing all this, God returned to the Abyss.

The situation in the Abyss was very bad.

The Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King did not dare to fight the Emperor.

Both of them looked at SCP-1762 eagerly, hoping that God could come back as soon as possible.

When they saw the figure of God coming out of SCP-1762, the Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King had an impulse to burst into tears.

They had waited for too long and could not stay any longer. They were so eager.

"You are finally here, you old man, you made us wait for a long time!" The Lord of the Abyss looked at God with resentment.

God's scalp was numb.

The Lord of the Abyss had never looked at him with such eyes. He felt that the Lord of the Abyss was like a resentful woman who had been imprisoned for many years, staring at him with resentment.

Although the Insect King was not as exaggerated as the Lord of the Abyss, he also looked at God eagerly.

"Old man, you are finally here. If you were a little later, the Abyss would have been taken away by the Emperor." The Insect King said.

God's consciousness descended into the Abyss and took a closer look, and found that the situation in the Abyss was indeed too bleak.

Two-thirds of the territory of the Abyss has been taken away by the Emperor.

The demons and insects led by the Lord of the Abyss and the Insect King are hiding in the remaining one-third of the territory of the Abyss.

Moreover, their territory is being taken away by the zombie army every moment.

At this rate.

It won't be long before the territory of the Abyss will be completely occupied by the zombie army.

At that time, the Lord of the Abyss will become a commander without troops.

Such an ending is not good for them.

Therefore, God's face was also very bad, but fortunately he came back in time.

"Let's go find the Emperor!" God said in a deep voice.

"We can go to the Emperor, but the situation down there is not very optimistic. Can you humans think of a solution?" The Lord of the Abyss looked at God and said.

"Humans?" God was stunned.

Now, the situation in the Abyss is not good for them.

The demons and Zerg armies are no match for the zombie army.

They are losing ground, basically one-sided.

If they go to fight the Emperor, the zombie army is fully capable of sweeping away the demons and Zerg and completely occupying the Abyss, which is not good either.

Therefore, God also frowned. Human thermal weapons can pose a fatal threat to zombies.

However, facing the high-end combat power of zombies, humans have no choice.

A great zombie is enough to sweep away humans.

"There is no way!" God sighed.

"Then we can't just watch the zombie army occupy the Abyss." The Lord of the Abyss said in a deep voice.

"I'll think of a way." God thought about it, and in his mindHe thought of Mo Yu.

He hadn't seen Mo Yu for a while.

He didn't know how much Mo Yu had grown.

But the only person he could think of now was Mo Yu.

If Mo Yu took action, he might be able to change the situation in the abyss.

Therefore, God wanted to contact Mo Yu as soon as possible.

However, when his consciousness descended into the abyss and wanted to find Mo Yu, he found that Mo Yu was not on the human side and was completely out of his consciousness. He couldn't find Mo Yu.

He frowned slightly, but he had a way to contact Mo Yu.

He contacted Mo Yu's system in an instant.

Mo Yu's system was created by him, and he could communicate with Mo Yu's system.

Naturally, he could find Mo Yu through the system.

In the universe, when Mo Yu was heading towards the non-life planet, he heard the voice of the system in his mind.

"Host, God is looking for you."

"Why is he looking for me?" Mo Yu asked puzzledly.

"God wants to go to the abyss to help them resist the zombie army." The system said.

"Tell him I'm busy now!" Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

He hasn't reached the non-life planet yet, so he doesn't have time to go back to the abyss.

Moreover, it's not safe for him to go to the abyss, as the four supreme gods are waiting for him there.

"God asks you for help." The system said.

"Tell him to wait, I'll go after I'm done with my work." Mo Yu said.

In the abyss, God's face was very ugly. Mo Yu was very busy now and had no time to help in the abyss. He was very confused about what Mo Yu was busy with recently.

"When will he have time?" God asked.

"Host, it will take a long time to have time. I don't know exactly when he will be free." The system said.

"Tell him to come and help after he's done with his work." God said.

"Okay, I'll tell the host." The system said.

God sighed and said helplessly to the Lord of the Abyss, "Let your people hold on for a while, delay a little more time, and we will solve the emperor as soon as possible!"

"Or we can kill some zombies!" The Lord of the Abyss said murderously.

"That's fine, let's kill some zombies first as an opening..." the Insect King said in a deep voice.

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