Now, Passerby A came to him to sign the Death Contract.

Then, in the future, the death of the creatures in his world will be managed by the Death God.

Of course, the Death God cannot directly attack the creatures, but can only make rules.

For example, the life span of humans will be limited to no more than 100 years old, etc.

Mo Yu took a look at the Death Contract, and there was basically no problem.

In the contract, the Death God will not directly intervene in everything in Mo Yu's world, they just make rules for the death of each creature...

As long as there are creatures that die, they will take them away.

"If nothing unexpected happens, I will become the Death God in your world!" Passerby A suddenly said to Mo Yu.

"Really?" Mo Yu's eyes lit up.

He and Passerby A are relatively familiar with each other. If Passerby A becomes the Death God in his world, then he will have one more friend.

"Yes, the Abyss and Panlongxing are expected to be destroyed soon. We Death Gods will look for a new world, and I chose your world." Passerby A said.

"The Abyss and Panlong Star will soon perish..." Mo Yu's heart trembled.

Even Passerby A said so, which means that no matter how hard the Abyss and Panlong Star struggle, they can't stop that terrifying existence.

As long as that terrifying existence comes, then, whether it is the world of the Abyss or Panlong Star, it will be swallowed up by that terrifying existence.

"Their world is fixed, cannot be moved, and will be destroyed. Your world is different. You can carry your own world with you. As long as you don't die, no one can move your world." Passerby A said in a deep voice.

This is also the reason why he chose Mo Yu's world.

"But my world has not yet taken shape, and I don't know when it will succeed. The Lord of the Abyss is eyeing me." Mo Yu smiled bitterly.

"It's okay. Anyway, the Abyss and Panlong Star will be finished. I can help you become the Supreme God as soon as possible!" Passerby A said.

"You mean... you want to help me devour non-life planets?" Mo Yu said excitedly.

"Yes, now, the Lord of the Abyss is looking for you all over the world. I will help you block his search, and you can devour it secretly as soon as possible." Passerby A said.

"Okay!" Mo Yu nodded.

Then, he flew towards a non-life planet next to him.

Since Passerby A said he would help him, then he could devour it well.

Therefore, he came to the side of a non-life planet, and then began to devour it madly.

At this moment, his devouring speed has increased a lot.

This non-life planet is also disappearing bit by bit under his devouring.

Passerby A didn't know how to block this piece of starry sky. Even if the Lord of the Abyss's consciousness explored it, he couldn't find the situation inside. He couldn't see Mo Yu devouring the non-life planet.

Passerby A protects Mo Yu, and Mo Yu can devour non-life planets with all his strength.

At the same time, the Lord of the Abyss is still searching all over the world, but he found nothing.

He could even feel his breath was still weak, which meant that when he was looking for that person, that person was still devouring his planet.

"Damn, where is it?" The Lord of the Abyss felt that something blocked his perception.

Just like a signal, if the signal was blocked by something, he couldn't find it.

God, the Insect King, and the Emperor had been waiting for news from the Lord of the Abyss.

However, the Lord of the Abyss had not sent back any news, and they were a little impatient.

The Emperor frowned, and then he went straight into the depths of the universe, ready to find it himself...

God and the Insect King saw the Emperor enter the universe, and their brows also frowned.

"Let's go find it too!"

It was not a solution for them to wait here. If they relied on the Lord of the Abyss alone, it would be difficult to find that person.

Therefore, several supreme gods entered the universe together, and they were very fast.

They could instantly come to another non-life planet from one non-life planet.

They were searching non-life planets quickly, and along the way, they found that many places were blank.

In the past, these blank areas were occupied by non-life planets, but now they have disappeared, which means that they have been devoured by people.

"Mo Yu, you have to be careful, they are coming!" Passerby A suddenly said solemnly.

He felt that God and other supreme gods were coming.

After Mo Yu heard what Passerby A said, he also became nervous.

However, there was Passerby A beside him who would report the news of several supreme gods to him at any time, so he could continue to devour for a while.

Soon, theThe number of planets reached two thousand.

After the number of stars and planets increased again, his swallowing speed became faster.

Originally, SCP-722 thought it would take him three years, but now, he thought it would not take three years.


In the universe, the breath of the Supreme Gods flashed quickly.

Passerby A also tried his best to help Mo Yu hide his breath, so that Mo Yu could quickly swallow non-life planets.

At the same time, Passerby A grabbed Mo Yu's collar and teleported him from one non-life planet to another.

This greatly shortened the time for Mo Yu to tear through space to travel.

Mo Yu's eyes also lit up. If Passerby A helped him travel, his swallowing time would be shortened by more than half again.

Moreover, after Passerby A felt that other Supreme Gods were approaching, he could take Mo Yu away in advance to avoid the pursuit of the Supreme God.

Therefore, although the four supreme gods were scattered in the universe to search, the passerby took Mo Yu away, and these supreme gods could not find him at all.

After all, this universe is still quite big.

The four supreme gods were speechless. They couldn't find him. They didn't know that the god of death was helping Mo Yu.

If they knew, they would probably explode.

In this situation, Mo Yu swallowed more and more non-life planets.

Gradually, the number of planets in his dimension reached five thousand.

"No, I can't find it!"

The Lord of the Abyss felt that he was too weak, and he couldn't find it if he continued like this.

God and other supreme gods had no choice.

"If this goes on, that terrifying existence may really come, and we don't have time." The Insect King said solemnly.

"What should we do now?" The Lord of the Abyss frowned.

"What can we do? Find a way to escape quickly, otherwise, if the terrifying existence comes, we will all be finished." The Insect King said.

"..." The Lord of the Abyss stared at the Insect King speechlessly, "My world is still here, how can you run away!"

"Let's find a way to unite everyone's strength to resist that terrifying existence. If we can't stop it, we can leave!" God said in a deep voice.

"What about the Emperor?" The Insect King glanced at the Emperor.

"Talk to him!" God said.

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