Mo Yu had no time to think.

He instantly got into the belly of the immortal lion, and then waited for the explosion to come.

The belly of the immortal lion healed quickly.


A shocking explosion sounded.

The SCP base was destroyed instantly.

An endless mushroom cloud rose in the vast desert.

The mushroom cloud covered half of the sky.

The terrifying explosion shock wave shook in all directions.

Along the way, countless sands turned to ashes.

A huge deep pit suddenly appeared in the endless desert.

The SCP base was originally built in the depths of the desert.

At this time, the base started the self-destruction program.

The base was instantly turned to ashes, and everything inside was turned to ashes.

A military helicopter hovered in the desert, and Li Xiu looked at the mushroom cloud rising in the distance.

A trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

He could have changed history.

He could have been famous for all eternity.

But everything failed.

He was even forced to destroy the base.

He would be punished if he returned to the SCP headquarters.

"Sir, what should we do?"

Wang Ming looked at Li Xiu.

This time, they would have a hard time going back.

"I'll write a report!"

Li Xiu said calmly.

He had already thought of a countermeasure.

He took a deep look at the direction of the explosion at the base.

From then on, this base would become history.

The huge pit would be slowly submerged by yellow sand over the years.

When the world was quiet and the mushroom cloud disappeared.

In the desert, only a huge pit remained.

Yellow sand continued to flow into the pit around it.

The pit was also being filled up bit by bit.

In the quiet desert.

A crisp sound suddenly came from the bottom of the pit.


The cough sounded so abrupt in this silent desert.

At the bottom of the pit, a hand stretched out from the yellow sand.

Then, the second hand also stretched out.

The next second, a head with an unclear face popped up.

"I survived!"

Mo Yu stared blankly at the sky above his head.

He survived.

He caught the one in ten thousand chance of survival.

Although, he is no longer in human form.

Even more, most of the flesh and blood on his body have disappeared.

There are countless broken bones.

But, he survived after all.

His skin is recovering and cells are reorganizing.

He looks as if only a skeleton is left.

But, the immortal power is recovering his body.

He is very glad to have obtained the immortal power of the immortal lion.

Otherwise, with such injuries, he would have died long ago.

But, the regeneration ability saved him.

As long as it is not a fatal injury, he will not die.

Give him time, he can slowly recover.

He looked up at the exit of the deep pit below. He was sure that no one would disturb him.

No one could survive this terrible explosion.

He had plenty of time to recover.

Time passed bit by bit.

His body recovered.

He climbed out of the yellow sand and stood at the bottom of the deep pit.

He looked up at the exit of the deep pit above.

The deep pit was several hundred meters deep, and it was a troublesome problem for him to get out.

However, the yellow sand from four weeks kept flowing down and filled the deep pit.

He didn't need to do anything, just wait.

There was more and more yellow sand under his feet, and the deep pit was being filled up bit by bit.

He just needed to move his feet and stand on the yellow sand, and the yellow sand would let him out.

I don't know how long it has been.

The deep pit was finally filled with yellow sand, and he stood on the yellow sand.

"It's time to leave!"

Although he believed that no one would come here, this was one of the SCP bases after all.

Although it was destroyed, there might be SCP personnel coming to check the situation here.

Therefore, he decided not to stay here for long. He chose a direction, ran in that direction, and left here quickly.

Not long after he left, a helicopter arrived at the place where the base was destroyed.

Several people came down from it.

"Check if there is any breath of life!"

One person said in a deep voice.

Then, they took out the instrument and began to measure whether there was life underground.

"Breath of life, no!"

After a long time, the detection was over.

"Let's go in and take a look. There are still many documents that have not been taken away in time!"

After the man said this, several boxes were dropped from the helicopter. When the boxes were opened, there were pieces ofYellow suits.

When they put on the suits, they looked like yellow sand people.

Then, their bodies merged into the yellow sand.

They went underground unimpeded.

Mo Yu ran in the desert.

He swallowed the Immovable Nether Dragon and the Indestructible Lion.

He gained powerful defense and immortal power.

Therefore, his body is very strong now.

Even after running for an hour, he didn't feel tired.

He didn't sweat a drop.

He was shocked.

The SCP Foundation has been fighting against anomalies in secret for countless years.

At the same time, it is also secretly studying anomalies.

The difference between anomalies and humans is that anomalies have various special functions that humans do not have.

Humans study anomalies.

Want to obtain the ability of anomalies.

However, this research progress is very slow.

Although humans are the smartest species in the world.

However, the human body is the weakest.

Any anomaly can easily kill ordinary people.

Humans can only rely on the power of technology to resist anomalies.

However, what humans want most is abnormal abilities.

Mo Yu looked at his body in shock. He had acquired abnormal abilities.

If SCP knew of his existence, they would definitely capture him and use him as a lab rat to dissect him.

He is a miracle.

The result SCP has always wanted.

Li Xiu wanted to capture Mo Yu because he wanted to have this opportunity to become famous.

Although Li Xiu did not capture Mo Yu.

However, Li Xiu had already made up his mind.

Humans can acquire abnormal abilities!

For thousands of years, many doubts have emerged within SCP.

Many people believe that it is impossible for humans to acquire abnormal abilities, and all efforts are in vain.

However, there are still many crazy SCP researchers who believe that this is achievable.

Li Xiu saw it with his own eyes.

And many task force soldiers also saw it.

This will be a news that an earthquake can occur in SCP.

Li Xiu will definitely become a celebrity in SCP.

Mo Yu took a deep breath. He can't easily expose his information in the future.

Even his face cannot be exposed to anyone's sight.

Once Li Xiu knew that he was still alive.

He would definitely find a way to mobilize all the SCP people to capture him.

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