Suddenly, Mo Yu felt someone holding his arm.

His body straightened, and he was ready to take action reflexively, but he found that it was SCP-166 who was holding his arm.

"Teacher, it's so scary, I'm scared..."

SCP-166 whispered in Mo Yu's ear, and Mo Yu felt a hot air rushing to his ear, which made his heart tremble.

"Don't be afraid!"

Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

In essence, SCP-166 is just a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl. She just has a terrible power of desire, and her heart is not bad.

At this time, seeing SCP-049 resurrecting the dead one by one, it is normal to be afraid, just like an ordinary human girl seeing such a scene.

Moreover, these resurrected dead are indeed full of threats to SCP-166.

In front of these dead people, her power of desire cannot be expressed.

These dead people are not affected by her at all, so in front of these dead people, she is a weak girl who is powerless.

If SCP-049 really wanted to kill her, she would be easily torn to pieces by these SCP-049-2.

The Death Siren also looked at these SCP-049-2 with great fear, although her death song could make humans fall into illusions and could not wake up easily.

However, she knew that her death song was ineffective for these SCP-049-2.

These were just dead people and had no consciousness at all.

Therefore, they would not be affected by her death song.

If these dead people attacked her, she would be in great danger.

The Death Siren could not help but stand beside Mo Yu.

Mo Yu was powerful, and in her opinion, she felt safer around Mo Yu.

She also understood a little why Mo Yu was so afraid of SCP-049 and SCP-035.

These two abnormal abilities were really too terrifying and threatening.

They cooperated with SCP-049 and SCP-035, which was really a tiger's skin.

The number of patients visiting Xishan First People's Hospital is the largest in Xishan.

Of course, people die in the hospital every day.

The dead are temporarily placed in the morgue, and then their families are notified to take them back.

There are more than 100 bodies in the morgue.

Under SCP-049's operation, these bodies were resurrected one by one, and finally, 93 were resurrected.

Including the previous 5, there are 98 SCP-049-2 behind SCP-049.

However, SCP-049 is still not satisfied.

He looked at the dozen or so bodies that could not be resurrected, and he thought he had not cured the plague in them.

He felt very upset that he had not cured them.

"You have saved 98 people, you are already very good, you have done a good job, don't be upset!"

SCP-035 patted SCP-049's shoulder to comfort him.

After SCP-049 was comforted by SCP-035, a smile appeared on his face.

When Mo Yu saw the scene of SCP-049 and SCP-035 at this time, they really looked like a pair of close lovers.

He felt very strange.

"It's almost done, let's go!"

Mo Yu frowned and said.

He always felt a little uneasy in his heart.

"Let's go!"

The bodies have been used up, so they don't have to stay in the morgue.

Therefore, they also opened the door of the morgue and walked to the corridor outside.

98 SCP-049-2, all walked behind SCP-049, they were neat and orderly, like a well-trained army.

Mo Yu looked back at the 98 SCP-049-2 behind him, this is a troop full of threats to humans.

"Let's take the elevator out in batches!"

There are too many people, and the elevator can only accommodate 10 people at most.

So, they must be teleported out in batches.

However, when they walked to the elevator, they found that the elevator had stopped running.

No matter how they pressed the button, the elevator door could not be opened.


Death Siren frowned.

"Something is wrong!"

Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

The elevator had enough power and did not look broken at all. Someone was controlling the elevator and not allowing them to leave.


Suddenly, all the lights in the corridor went out, and the surroundings fell into darkness.

"Oh no, they found us!"

Mo Yu's ears were very good, and he heard the buzzing of wasps.

ScpThe Foundation actually found them!

They stayed in the morgue for a long time, which was long enough for the SCP Foundation to find them.

After all, there were cameras in the morgue.

Although they blocked these cameras, they also attracted the attention of the hospital staff.

Perhaps the hospital staff notified the SCP Foundation.

The SCP Foundation was actually connected to the First People's Hospital of Xishan City. It seems that the SCP Foundation is really everywhere.

"Prepare for battle!"

Mo Yu said in a deep voice.

Everyone officially entered a state of alert.

At the same time, Mo Yu looked at the stairs next to him. The elevator could not go, so they could only go out from the stairs.

He ran towards the stairs, and the others followed him from the stairs.

The stairs were through the inside of the hospital.

If they climbed up the stairs, they would go directly into the hospital, but now they could not care so much.

If they continued to stay in the morgue, they would be caught by the SCP Foundation.

The agents of the SCP Foundation would come to the morgue to capture, contain or kill them.

However, when they climbed up the stairs, they were crowded with task force soldiers and agents of the SCP Foundation.

Countless cold weapons were pointed at them.

As soon as Mo Yu showed his head, he was shot by countless bullets.

He retreated instantly.

"They blocked the exit!"

Mo Yu's face was ugly. He didn't expect that they were really caught by the SCP Foundation.

"Let me do it!"

The death siren walked to the stairs and then sang the song of death.

This burst of heavenly singing was transmitted, and the task force soldiers and agents who blocked the exit at the stairs were instantly trapped in a fantasy.

They were stunned on the spot, and Mo Yu and others also took advantage of the death song to control the task force soldiers and agents and rushed up quickly.

At the same time, 98 SCP-049-2 rushed into the task force soldiers and agents, and frantically tore these task force soldiers and agents into pieces.

They were extremely strong, and the bodies of these task force soldiers and agents were as fragile as paper in their hands, and were torn into pieces in an instant.

Blood flowed all over the ground, and the strong smell of blood floated in the air.

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