There was only his voice in the empty cube.

After a minute, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, as if he had moved across the distance of space and time.

He came directly to the fleeing SCP-035.

SCP-096 appeared beside SCP-035 with a sad face, and wanted to kill him with a sad face.

"Close your eyes quickly, don't look at anything!"

SCP-035 roared, he looked at SCP-096 in horror, he tried to resist, but SCP-096 was too fast, and a punch blew his throat.

His head flew directly up and was thrown high in the air.

The white ceramic comedy mask instantly moved to the face of a SCP-049-2 next to him.

SCP-096 looked at the headless body that fell in front of him, and after he could no longer feel the breath of life, he stopped being sad.

He killed the people who saw him, and his emotions slowly calmed down.

Mo Yu and others beside him all closed their eyes at this time, not daring to look at all.

They closed their eyes when they heard SCP-035's roaring warning.

Mo Yu heard the vague sad voice of SCP-096 and the sound of him killing the host of SCP-035 with one punch. Everything happened too fast.

His heart was full of fear, his heart was beating violently, and he didn't dare to open his eyes at all.

Even, he didn't dare to move.

Everyone stood there with their eyes closed.

4 weeks were quiet in an instant, and only the sound of SCP-096's breathing could be heard.

They could feel that SCP-096's emotions were calming down little by little.

After SCP-035 escaped to the face of one of the SCP-049-2, it directly controlled the body of this SCP-049-2 to stand there like a sculpture, with eyes closed, not daring to move.

A few minutes later, SCP-096's emotions finally calmed down.

His figure also disappeared instantly.

He returned to the cube that contained him. Mo Yu and the others opened their eyes cautiously only after they felt that SCP-096 had left.

However, they still did not dare to look around.

"Are you still alive?"

The Siren of Death asked in a trembling voice.

"I'm still alive..."

The voice of SCP-035 surviving the catastrophe came from the side. This was the most frightening thing he had just experienced.

In front of SCP-096, he had no power to resist, and he didn't even have time to escape to the face of another body.

If SCP-096's punch was aimed at his face, he felt that the white ceramic comedy mask of his original body would be smashed into pieces.

Fortunately, SCP-096 punched his host's throat and broke his neck directly, and his original body was not hurt.

Until this moment, he still had lingering fears.

He was just a little bit away from death. If that punch was aimed at the mask, he would be finished.

Fortunately, SCP-096 only killed people who saw him, and did not care about the white ceramic comedy mask that escaped.

He successfully escaped to another body and escaped SCP-096's pursuit.

"The SCP Foundation actually used SCP-096 to hunt us down. It's simply crazy!"

"From now on, we can't look around casually. The SCP Foundation will definitely use SCP-096 to hunt us down."

Mo Yu and his companions were all in fear, but now there is a good thing. All the wasps around them disappeared.

When the photo of SCP-096 appeared, all the wasps retreated.

Because the wasps were monitoring them, if SCP-096 was seen through the wasps, the task force soldiers who were monitoring Mo Yu and others through the wasps behind would be killed instantly by SCP-096.

Therefore, at this time, there was nothing around Mo Yu and others. Except for the photo of SCP-096 on the banner, there was no figure of a task force soldier or wasp around.

They could go forward unimpeded.

"Did SCP-096 kill them!"

Yang Guang asked.

Now they couldn't use the wasp to monitor Mo Yu and others, so they didn't know whether they were dead or not.

However, SCP-096 had just disappeared once, and they knew that SCP-096 was going to kill people, because, at the base, they heard SCP-096's vague sad voice.

Every time SCP-096 made this sad voice, it meant that he would be gone in one or two days.Minutes later, go kill people.

"Remove the photos of SCP-096 first, send Wasp to see how many people died!"

Yang Guang ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

All the photos of SCP-096 on the banner disappeared, and then Wasp appeared next to Mo Yu and the others again.

Through Wasp, I saw that Mo Yu and the others were unscathed, without any loss.

Yang Guang was full of confusion. He didn't expect that SCP-096 didn't kill anyone after going out once!

"What's going on? SCP-096 missed. How could this be possible? He would definitely kill people when he took action."

Yang Guang roared.

Wang Ming and other task force soldiers and agents were also full of confusion. Every time SCP-096 went out to kill, it would definitely kill the target.

However, now Mo Yu and the others are intact, and no one died. This directly exceeded their expectations, which made them incomprehensible.

"Something must have happened that we don't know about. Maybe SCP-096 didn't go to kill them just now, but to kill others."

Wang Ming said in a deep voice.

There is only one explanation. It was not Mo Yu and others who saw SCP-096 just now, but someone they did not know.

However, the photo of SCP-096 was strictly controlled by them.

In addition to Mo Yu and others, who else could see it!

"No matter who saw SCP-096, he is dead now. Now we put the photo of SCP-096 back up and make sure they see SCP-096!"

Yang Guang said coldly, clenching his fists, and vowed not to stop until Mo Yu and others were killed.

"Yes, sir!"

Therefore, the wasp had to be withdrawn again.

Then, continue to put the photo of SCP-096 on the banner, and at the same time, they also dispatched drones.

These drones hung a photo of SCP-096 with a rope.

Then, the task force soldiers controlled the drone and flew towards Mo Yu and others.

They wanted to use the drone to attract the attention of Mo Yu and others, so that they could see the photo of SCP-096 hanging under the drone.

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