Obviously, this baboon is a coward, and he is a cowardly kind. Gaia's questions are basically answered.

"Why do you speak?" Gaia asked.

"I, I..." The baboon hesitated to speak, as if he didn't want to say it or didn't know how to explain it. After a long time, he seemed to have made up his mind, and he asked, "If I say it, you won't take me away." Pull it out and dissect it? Are you from the army?"

"Don't worry, it's not."

"I do not believe."


Gaia frowned, pulled the baboon's tail and looked at him, this is a confirmed look—

"Ah, no, I said it wrong, I didn't mean that! Don't hit me, I said!"

The baboon admitted being cowardly on the spot, and Gaiya felt that cowardly could no longer describe him, only cowardly could be used to describe him.

The baboon took a deep breath, and then showed a stiff smile: "Brother, don't you understand a wave of time travel?"

Hearing this, Gaia was shocked, so this baboon came across from another world? Same as yourself? ! And this guy can speak Chinese, so is it possible that he traveled from the same place as himself? Could it be a fellow! ? But I was lucky so I transmigrated into Lao Maozi, and this guy was unlucky so I transmigrated into a baboon? This amount of information is a bit large.

Gaia looked serious: "Let me ask you, what was your original world like?"

The baboon froze for a moment, although he was telling the truth, he didn't expect the violent yellow-haired man in front of him to really believe it! Also ask yourself what the world looked like before time travel!

Anyway, the baboon has no choice now, he thought for a while and then confessed directly: "Just like the current world, I was a decent Chinese before time travel!"

"Then you transmigrated and became a decent baboon?"


As if being poked at a sore spot, "Heartbroken" flashed across the baboon's face, and then he fell into a long silence as if his head had been hit hard by Galen's great sword.

"Cough, so you are a time traveler?"

"" The baboon didn't speak, but nodded. He didn't know whether the guy in front of him believed what he said, but he was helpless at the moment.

"Okay, I believe it, but I can't say the reason"

After careful consideration, Gaia decided not to reveal that he is also a time traveler. After all, this is nothing but looking for trouble for himself. He just wants to live an ordinary life of drinking vodka, having itchy hands and pawing bears. If he was hungry, he would go to Grandpa 682's feet to cut a piece of meat and roast it, although the success rate was basically zero.

In short, Gaia didn't want to make trouble for himself.

"Do you really believe it!?" The baboon looked in disbelief. Isn't there something wrong with this kid's brain? Believe what you say! Oops, if I knew it, I wouldn’t have told the truth. I should have told him that I was a tmd who lived in seclusion in the mountains and practiced all the year round. When I was young and frivolous, I got drunk and then made a big fuss with Monkey King. In the end, I was crushed by Tathagata on the mountain next to Sun Dasheng. Can collapse five mountains!

Cough, well, if you really say that, you will probably be kicked by a bull if you say so, but it probably means that, the baboon regrets that he told the truth now.

"You are from China? What's your name?"

"Lu" the baboon froze for a moment, then thought for a while and replied, "Lu Feifei!"

Gaia raised his eyebrows, Lu Baboon? This name is also strange enough, no wonder the crossing turned into a baboon, so what should I say now? This guy seems to be an scp, right? So he turned his head and glanced at Yegor, put the baboon who called himself Lu Feifei on the ground, and then pointed at Yegor.

"You need to come with us, we won't hurt you, but I suggest you don't try to escape." Gaia squinted his eyes and said in an almost threatening tone: "Bullets don't have eyes, if you hang up, you may die." It's about to be dragged and dissected."

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Lu Feifei was scared at the time, and immediately made several guarantees that he would never run away, and even promised that if he wanted to run away, he would eat three catties of **** and kill himself.

Gaia no longer wants to complain about why he is so proficient in the operation of a meal, especially in the aspect of ensuring that he eats shit, but judging by his cowardly appearance, Gaia thinks he will not dare to escape, but he can rest assured, although it may be a little bit It’s troublesome, but let’s take this guy back to the Foundation on the way. If you keep him here, if you meet a goc, you’ll probably be killed directly. If you think about it carefully, Gaia can’t bear it. After all, he’s a fellow traveler. , and they were all Chinese friends before crossing, so it would be unethical not to help.

Gaia looked at Yegor: "Yegor, keep an eye on this guy, this baboon can speak Chinese, he is an scp, take him back to the foundation by the way, and you can use him to find Dr. Cao Li Lailai for a few boxes Vodka!"

Yegor nodded, he looked at the guy who was scared by Lu Feifei instantly and didn't dare to move, Yegor's murderous aura was not a joke, he was a real murderer!

Not much to say, time is tight, Gaia and Yegor, who didn’t find anything useful, dragged Lu Mafei back to meet Xilia and the others, and it didn’t take long to go back and forth twice. , Shiriya just just finished contacting Nine-Tailed Fox.

"Are you back?" Xi Liya looked a little anxious, and even rushed directly to Gaia, but when she saw Lu Feifei, she froze for a moment: "What? Why did you bring a baboon back? No, this unimportant!"

Gaia raised an eyebrow: "What are you doing? Chirping, what happened?"

"Adam is gone! He disappeared suddenly. At that time, we were discussing the next plan with the people of Nine-Tailed Fox, but Adam disappeared as soon as we turned around!"

Seeing that Xilia was flustered, Gaiya also frowned, "Your flustered appearance will break my three views, calm down, you and Rhine are wrong, have you reported to Dr. Cao Li Lailai?"

"Why did you suddenly change your name when you called me by the right name just now!?"

"Yegor, shut up."

Gaia gave Yegor a hard look, what time is this, this kid is still complaining!

"Not yet, the communication has just been restored, and it is still very unstable and difficult to contact in a short period of time. At least we need to find a quiet place, preferably without rain or wind."

Gaia squeezed his chin and nodded. Adam was missing, but Gaia and the others had completed their task. At this time, it would be fine to sell Adam for the sake of safety, but what happened? A living man like Adam just disappeared around the Foundation's most elite agents. Gaia frowned suddenly. This is unlikely, unless Adam sneaked away by himself.

Gaiya didn't know why he thought of this place, but he didn't trust Adam a little bit. The three teams of the foundation went to the three positions given by Adam, but they were ambushed collectively and the communication was cut off~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although they all It was a bit of a coincidence to save the day and Gaia also got the mission objective.

After careful consideration, Gaiya thought it best for them not to go back to the original cave. If Adam who suddenly disappeared had no accident and planned to come back, he could also contact Gaia through communication, but just in case, just in case, he became What about Erwuzi?

Dr. Cao Li Lailai said that Adam must not be allowed to get the square light bulb. This shows that Adam is potentially dangerous and is very eager to get the goal of this mission. Gaia is not familiar with Adam, and he does not know what this person is. So at this moment, I can't make up my mind whether to trust him or not.

But for now, let’s find a place to stay!

"But then again, what is this?" At this time, Xilia looked at Baboon Lu beside Gaia, and the latter could only speak baboon besides Chinese, so he couldn't understand what Xilia was saying, so he also looked at him. to Gaia.

Gaiya sighed helplessly. It's not easy to be the captain. You have to explain everything yourself. Suddenly, I feel sorry for Cao Li Lailai! How tired can he be this day?

What a headache!

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