Sea Fishing For All: My Success Rate Is 100%

Chapter 9: Harvest Again And Again! Make A Stone House!

Chapter 9: Harvest again and again! Make a Stone House!

【Collection failed! Cannot be used on chests! 】

Lin Xuan was a little lost.

He thought he could double the output of treasure chests.

"Yes, I'm happy for nothing."

Lin Xuan sat down again and opened the treasure chest under his feet.

[Open the black iron treasure chest and get the common blueprint (fishing rod)*5]

Good guy.

what is it today?

The first two treasure chests actually opened new items.

"Could it be that the things you fish are different every day? Or the luck of catching treasures is different every day?"

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Xuan didn't understand the reason, so he simply ignored it.

He lowered his head and looked at the blueprint in his hand.

[Ordinary Blueprint (Fishing Rod): Gather 20 pieces of wood and 10 pieces of silk thread to make a common fishing rod (reusable)]

Blueprints for fishing rods can be made.

It can also be reused!

After seeing the displayed information, Lin Xuan pulled out the warehouse and took a look.

"Wood is enough, and there are still five parts of silk."

There is a little lack of material, but this is not a problem for Lin Xuan.

He directly took the two parts of pure water he had just produced, and then hung them on the exchange, in exchange for five parts of silk thread.

[Successfully launched! 2 parts of purified water for 5 parts of silk]

Everyone at this time, after fishing hard yesterday.

The resources on his body have obviously begun to enrich.

It didn't even take Lin Xuan to go to the chat channel to peddle, and in just five or six seconds, the purified water on the shelves was sold.

And he also got 5 copies of silk thread.


With the blueprint in hand, submit the required materials to the inventory.

next second.

A fishing rod appeared in his hand.

[Ordinary fishing rod: 50% chance of missing when fishing, 35% chance of catching common treasures, 15% chance of catching black iron treasure chests...]

The fishing rod produced has the same properties as the fishing rod in his hand.

The only difference is that the success rate has not been modified.

It only took Lin Xuan a second to modify the crafted fishing rod so that the probability of calling out the black iron treasure chest is 100%.

As for the other chances, he modified them to 0%.

swish swish~

Two fishing rods are used at the same time.

Seven minutes later, two fishing rods fished out the treasure chest.

Seeing that he can use two fishing rods at the same time, Lin Xuan's eyes suddenly showed excitement.

Then he fished while waiting for new pure water to be produced.

[Open the black iron treasure chest*2, and get ordinary soil*5, plastic*3...]

The two treasure chests were all materials.

Lin Xuan continues to cast the hook...

Forty minutes later...

A third fishing rod appeared in his hand.

But just as he was about to use the third fishing rod, a system prompt came.

[The current island level has reached the upper limit of fishing tools, please increase the island level...]

Reached the limit?

It's a pity that he still wanted to make a hundred fishing rods first.

Looking at the fishing rod in his hand, Lin Xuan thought for a while, but he didn't put it on the exchange for sale.

"People nowadays may not know that you can use two fishing rods to fish. If I sell it, everyone will know it. If the price of materials increases, it will be a loss..."

Lin Xuan pondered for a while, and put the fishing rod into the warehouse.

He felt that the matter of the fishing rod might be an opportunity, a chance for him to improve quickly.

However, he still hasn't figured out how to maximize the benefits of the fishing rod.

Now he felt a sense of anxiety in his heart.

Obviously I know a lot of ways to get rich, but limited by resources, I can't show my talents.

This troubled him a little.

And just when he was thinking about how to get a lot of resources quickly.

A reminder came from the exchange.

[All 48 copies of pure water were sold out, and you got 144 copies of attribute fragments...]

next moment.

Lin Xuan directly took out the attribute fragments and used them one by one.

[Using attribute fragments * 144, obtained 14.4 points of attributes! 】

Get so many attributes at once.

After Lin Xuan was happy, he added all the attributes to the four major attributes.

After the addition, his combat power directly increased from 13.8 stars to 28.2 stars.

The strength increased greatly, which made Lin Xuan full of energy.

The two fishing rods were fishing frantically, and the speed was twice as fast as before.

[Acquired stone *5]

[obtained wood *4]

【Obtained soil*4】

[Acquired weeds*3]

【Obtained salt*4】

【Acquired bread*5】

【Acquired Spice*4】

【Acquired plastic *3】

【Acquired cotton*4】

【Acquired pure water*5】

[Acquired iron *5]


[Acquired excellent blueprint (water purifier)*1]

[Acquired excellent blueprint (Stone House)*1]

Two hours later.

A happy thing happened to Lin Xuan, he fished out a blueprint of the water purifier again.

And there is also a blueprint of the excellent stone house.

"Finally no need to live in thatched cottage..."

Lin Xuan sighed.

After all, the appearance of the thatched hut is too strange, a bit like a cowshed.

He looked down at the materials needed for the two drawings.

[Excellent Blueprint (Water Purifier): Collect 50 parts of iron, 20 parts of silk, and 5 parts of copper to build a water purifier]

[Excellent Blueprint (Stone House): Gather 300 pieces of stone, 50 pieces of wood, 20 pieces of pure water, and 1 wood and grass house to build a stone house]

A lot of materials are needed to make a stone house.

At this time, most of the materials in his warehouse were not enough.

[Warehouse]: Soil*65, Pure Water*14, Bread*14, Weeds*126, Plastic*24, Wood*71, Stone*110, Iron*21, Copper*15, Silk*3, Cotton* 14. Cloth*9, Salt*45, Spice*4, Skill Book Collection*2, Ordinary Fishing Rod Blueprint*4...

Look at the existing materials in the warehouse.

After thinking about it, he decided to make a water purifier first.

After all, this is a money-making machine at this stage!

As long as there is water, no material can be assembled.


Half an hour later, after paying more than a dozen bottles of pure water, he got together the materials for making a water purifier.


Said silently in my heart.

The next moment, the materials disappeared, and the blueprint in his hand turned into gray mist.

After a burst of familiar "jingling".

A brand new water purifier appeared in front of him.

"Okay, now we just have to wait for fresh water to be produced."

At this moment, he had no fresh water on him.

All of them were exchanged by him for materials for making the Stone House.

Even so, he only got together two-thirds of the stone materials, and there was still a third that he didn't get together.

As for the other materials, they are all gathered together.

Lin Xuan is not idle, he is slowly collecting stones while fishing.

After twenty minutes and four bottles of water, he completed all the materials.

Then I waited for more than an hour and collected 20 points of pure water.

Stone at this stage should be the largest reserve.

After all, the time when stone materials are used in large quantities has not yet come.

That's why Lin Xuan just picked up a leak, and at a small price, he got more than two hundred pieces of stone.

He walked up to the thatched house and took out the blueprint of the Stone House.

said in my heart;


next moment.

A cloud of mist as high as six or seven meters instantly surrounded the cottage...



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