"Xiaochuan, let's eat something and then return home?" After cleaning up all the fish, Uncle San also spoke.

If it was the wooden boat we drove before, it might be dangerous to go forward at night.

But now there is no need to worry too much about the boat, just navigate and locate, and then drive automatically.

Of course, someone must be watching in front of the operating table. If there are some reefs ahead, it will still be very dangerous.

"Okay! Just do as Uncle San said." Jiang Chuan also nodded.

The harvest of this trip is already quite good, and it is time to return home.

If we can encounter fish schools again during the return journey, we can also drag two nets.

After dinner, the three of them also turned on the automatic assisted driving mode, reduced the speed of navigation, and began to drive towards the dock of the county town.

At this speed, it is estimated that it will take until around noon tomorrow to return to the county town.

The three of them took turns staying in the cab, and time soon came to the next morning.

The sea surface was white, and the morning breeze was slightly salty, making people feel very comfortable.

After a simple wash, Jiangchuan came to the bow to enjoy the sea breeze and the morning scene.

Here is a picture

Perhaps the harvest of this trip was good, which made Jiangchuan feel particularly comfortable.

"Brother, it seems that the weather forecast is really inaccurate!

The sun is about to come out, how can there be any signs of rain?" A Gang said vaguely while brushing his teeth.

The weather forecast said that there was local rain last night, but it has not rained yet. More importantly, the sun has appeared on the horizon, and the sea is extremely calm and quiet, with almost no big waves.

Rain is simply nonsense...

"It's hard to say. The weather at sea is changeable. Maybe it's sunny now, but it will rain heavily later.

And the weather forecast also said that it would rain in Kikubu. Maybe we were not in Kikubu last night." Jiang Chuan said seriously.

The weather at sea is like the temper of the young wife. Sometimes it changes suddenly.

"Oh! Brother is right." A Gang also nodded with a smile.

Anyway, as long as it is said by brother, it is right. This is the principle he adheres to.

After breakfast, the third uncle started some advance deployment work.

As the old saying goes, it is necessary to take precautions at any time.

If it really rains later, it is particularly important to prepare in advance.

The whole ship was carefully checked inside and out, including the hull structure, power system, communication equipment, engine, etc.

There are also emergency supplies on board, such as waterproof tape, ropes, lifebuoys, life jackets, handheld buoys, etc.

After ensuring that there are no problems with everything, Uncle San heaved a sigh of relief.

Looking at Uncle San's busy appearance, Jiang Chuan also sighed that it is very important to have an experienced old fisherman on board.

It was 7:30 in the morning.

The sun that just appeared was now blocked by dark clouds.

The sky suddenly became dark, and even the sea water became not so blue at this moment, and looked a little dark blue.

The original gentle breeze seemed to become impatient at this moment, blowing the air rustling.

The waves on the sea surface kept hitting the hull...

At this time, Uncle San also hurried to Jiang Chuan and said in a serious voice, "Xiao Chuan, it looks like it will really rain soon.

We have to speed up!"

"Well, you go and drive the boat, Uncle San.

You have much more experience in this area than me and A Gang.

But you don't have to be so nervous. Our boat is made of fiberglass. The hull is very, very strong and has excellent buoyancy.

As long as it is not that kind of strong wind and waves, our boat will not be affected too much..."

Jiang Chuan is still quite confident about this boat, and there is no worry on his face.

Of course, the reason why he is so confident is that he has other trump cards.

If there is really a strong wind and huge waves that overturn their boat, then with his ability, there is no need to worry about life-threatening.

In addition, with Da Zui and Xiao Tie, they can swim to the dock even if they swim.

"Okay, okay, I'll go start the boat.

You and Agang check if all the hatches are closed.

Also check if all the drains can be opened freely." Uncle San nodded immediately and gave another order.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Jiang Chuan alsoHe nodded quickly, and then took Ah Gang to check.

The weather was getting worse and worse, and the drizzle had begun to fall.

The warm breeze was becoming more and more violent at this moment, and the hull could feel the obvious impact.

The three of them were already in the cockpit, watching the situation outside.

Waves were hitting the hull one after another.

The sound of the slapping and the howling of the wind were like the roar of a mad beast, and every sound was pleasing to the ear!

The sea water at this time had completely turned into that dark blue color, and it looked like the sea was angry...

Enjoy another photo

Even if he was in the cabin, Jiang Chuan could feel the horror of the sea at this moment.

"So... so scary!!

This is the first time I have seen such a scene."

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds outside, and there was no trace of blue sky at all. There were also wisps of lightning in the dark clouds.

The sea water at this time was completely black at a glance.

The huge waves were like a few white flowers dotted on a huge black screen.

It looked beautiful, but it was extremely dangerous...

Agang was also extremely scared at this time, with his hands clenched tightly.

Although he had been out to sea before, he was mostly in the coastal waters, where it was impossible to encounter such a situation.

Such an extreme situation also brought back some bad memories for Jiangchuan, and his face became ugly.

Seeing that Agang and Jiangchuan were tense, the third uncle on the side hurriedly spoke to comfort them, "Don't be afraid! It's just a small storm. Although it looks scary, the waves are not high and will not have much impact on our ship."

He said this just to comfort himself. It would be a lie to say that he was not afraid in this environment.

At this moment, a small light spot suddenly appeared on the display screen in the cab.

There were also three small red dots flashing on it.

"Third uncle, what's going on?" Seeing the light spot suddenly appear on the display screen, Jiangchuan also hurriedly asked.

"It's another boat...

I didn't expect there would be another fishing boat in such a place.

But the fishing boat doesn't seem big, and there are only three crew members on it." Uncle San looked at the light spot on the screen carefully, and then said in a heavy tone.

It is estimated that the three people on the boat are as nervous as they are at this moment.

Hearing Uncle San's words, Jiang Chuan hurriedly looked outside.

His super vision allowed him to see a boat on the sea surface a few hundred meters away from them, which was shaking violently under the beating of the waves.

It looked like an old boat of about ten meters, with a low hull and no special cab. It should be a very old fishing boat.

At this time, it was shaky in the huge waves, and it seemed that it might be overturned by the waves at any time.

It was really a small boat in the ocean, looking small and helpless!

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