On the dining table.

"Ah Xiu! You are a guest today, you must eat more, you look so thin."

"Ah Xiu, the meat buns made by auntie are so delicious, eat two more."

While eating breakfast, grandma and third auntie kept passing breakfast to He Jinxiu, which made He Jinxiu feel embarrassed.

On the other hand, He Jindong, who was standing aside, was like a little transparent at the moment, constantly chewing steamed buns, with no sense of existence.

"Grandma, auntie, I'm full! Let's go out for a walk first to digest the food.

You continue to eat, and after eating, let them help you with any work."

After Jiang Chuan said with a smile, he walked out of the house and walked towards the beach.

While walking, he studied the upgraded water spirit beads.

There are three more slots for contracting pets, plus the remaining one before, there are now a total of four slots for contracting pets.

Lele followed Jiang Chuan happily, grinning as if laughing secretly.

If it were an ordinary person, what he could see might be a normal expression of a dog, but after contracting Lele, what Jiangchuan saw was different from what others saw.

"Hey, old man, you've been grinning all the way. Did you eat the magpie eggs?" Jiangchuan said unhappily.

Didn't you just meet a female dog? Why are you so happy?

"Master, what do you think of Sister Huanhuan? Are you saving your energy?

If we have sex, the puppies we give birth to will definitely be ridiculously good-looking..."

Lele's voice rang in Jiangchuan's mind.

Jiangchuan felt a chill when he heard it.

This dog thing, before he even started, he might have already thought of the name of the puppies in his mind.

"Stop it! Don't disgust me by calling me sister all day long.

Don't forget that you are a twelve-year-old dog. According to human age, you are already at the age of dying. Do you have any shame to call a three-and-a-half-year-old dog sister?" Jiangchuan looked at Lele with contempt.

If it weren't for the spiritual liquid, Lele would have been buried long ago...

"Age is not a gap, race is not a problem...

As long as the skills are deep, there will be love between husband and wife..."

"Damn! It sounds like you know a lot!"


The man and the dog walked and talked, and soon they arrived at the cliff where they performed the flying dog in the air last time.

"Come on, Lele, I'll show you another magic trick!"

Jiang Chuan turned his head and showed Lele an innocent smile.

"Master, I know all the rules and I'm familiar with the routines. I'll do it myself this time, so you don't have to do it!"


The next second, Lele jumped directly and fell into the water gorgeously.

"Beautiful~ Lele is getting better and better!" Jiang Chuan couldn't help but want to give Lele a big thumbs up.

Since the contract, I found that this old guy is getting smarter and smarter.

Then Jiang Chuan also did a 365-degree rotation in the air, a beautiful entry into the water.

The man and the dog swam happily in the sea.

With the continuous upgrading of the water spirit beads, Jiangchuan felt more and more comfortable in the ocean. This feeling of freedom and unrestrainedness was even more comfortable than when he added you.

Since Lele was contracted and replenished a lot of spiritual fluid, he felt that he could breathe longer and longer underwater.

It took about half an hour to get out of the sea to breathe.

Soon, one person and one dog swam in the ocean for about an hour.

"Oh, Lele, your doggy paddle is really standard!" While swimming, Jiangchuan began to communicate with Lele with his mind.

"Master, don't talk awkwardly if you don't have a topic. Have you seen species with a more standard doggy paddle than me?

In this regard, I am a professional."

Lele's words instantly made the atmosphere fall into silence again.

After swimming for a distance, Jiangchuan saw two huge figures swimming towards this side.

It was Xiaotie and Dazui.

"Master, it's been a while! Do you want to see my tiger wall today?"

Xiaotie happily swam several laps beside Jiangchuan, and a voice also emerged clearly in Jiangchuan's mind.

It was a very nice loli voice, like the call of a yellow warbler, crisp and elegant.

But this sentence almost made Jiangchuan spit out a mouthful of saliva.

This thing is still dead, asking such a shy question as soon as they meet.

If it was before, it would be fine, after all, you can only see a line of cold text, without any feeling.

Now this kind of text suddenly changed to a loli voice, Jiangchuan really found it difficult to accept for a while.

"Xiaotie... are you a female?" Jiangchuan asked with some surprise in doubt.

"Master, you are not carrying the clearAre you pretending to be confused?

You have ridden me so many times, can you still not tell my gender?

But I want to emphasize that we should speak in a civilized manner. I am a female killer whale baby that weighs less than two tons and is five meters long...”

Xiaotie's loli voice sounded in Jiangchuan's mind again.

Hearing Xiaotie's meaningful words, Jiangchuan said unhappily, "Next time, make your words clear, don't say such things that make people think about things."

"Hehe! Okay, Master, come and ride me quickly, let me take you to show off, take you to fly, and take you to the garbage dump." Xiaotie's smiling voice sounded in his mind again.

"Fuck! I suddenly feel a little awkward riding you." Jiangchuan glanced at Xiaotie and felt that this little thing seemed a little different.

Maybe it was this sudden loli voice that made Jiangchuan a little uncomfortable.

Dazui was very, very well-behaved, constantly rubbing Jiangchuan with his huge body.

Although its body was ridiculously large, Big Mouth controlled its power very well. It only gently touched Jiangchuan, and he did not feel any discomfort.

At this moment, a prompt message appeared in front of Jiangchuan again.

[Found a sea beast that can be contracted. Do you want to contract the whale shark as your sixth pet?

Current remaining slots: 5/9]

Looking at the prompt message in front of him and looking at the well-behaved Big Mouth, Jiangchuan chose to contract without hesitation.

The moment the contract was completed, a line of small blue words appeared on the top of Big Mouth's head.

"Master, thank you for saving my life. My life will be yours from now on!"

Looking at the words on the top of Big Mouth's head, Jiangchuan fell into confusion again.

Because Lele and Xiaotie can now communicate with Jiangchuan without any obstacles.

But Big Mouth seems to be unable to communicate with Jiangchuan by voice, but the words will appear on his head.

"Did it just contract Big Mouth? So it can't speak?"

With doubts in his heart, Jiangchuan released Xiaoqing and Tiechui from the space.

Then he was surprised to find that Xiaoqing and Tiechui were also unable to communicate with Jiangchuan by voice. When communicating, small blue words would still appear above their heads.

"What's going on? You three can't speak?

What's the matter? Did you three get left behind when evolving?"

After thinking for a long time, Jiangchuan still couldn't figure it out, so he simply assumed that Lele and Xiaotie had higher IQs.

So they could communicate with him by voice...

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