
The white dolphin looked at Jiang Chuan and sent out a distress signal, and it also made a sharp low sound.

The IQ of dolphins is actually comparable to that of killer whales, so it is completely understandable that they sent a distress signal to Jiang Chuan at this time.

Moreover, after having the Water Spirit Pearl in his body, Jiang Chuan can more truly feel the white dolphin's fear and yearning for the ocean at this time.

"Oh! Such a cute little thing can't be contracted as a pet, which makes people feel a little regretful."

Looking at the fact that there is no prompt information in front of him, Jiang Chuan also feels a little disappointed at this moment.

After all, the IQ of dolphins is almost as high as that of killer whales, and they are also highly social creatures. If dolphins can be contracted, their own sea beast team will be even larger.

However, since it is impossible to contract, Jiang Chuan can only give up.

Maybe after the Water Spirit Pearl is upgraded, it will be possible to contract.

"Okay, little thing! I'll take you back to the sea.

I hope we'll have a chance to meet again next time.

But be careful next time, don't be so frivolous. If you run aground again, you won't be so lucky."

Jiang Chuan gently rubbed the dolphin's head, and then easily lifted the whole dolphin.

This dolphin is more than two meters long and weighs about five or six hundred kilograms.

And it's even more difficult to lift such a living creature...

But in Jiang Chuan's hands, it really feels as light as nothing, as if he is just dragging a light object in his hands.

"Has the strength become so strong?

It's so easy to lift such a heavy dolphin.

I wonder how strong I am now?"

Jiang Chuan thought about it, and then walked towards the ocean step by step.

At this moment, He Jinxiu, who was just about to come to Jiang Chuan, saw this scene.

A cherry mouth suddenly turned into an O shape in shock.

"Oh my god!! Is this true? Am I dazzled?

Brother Chuan is actually holding a white dolphin..."

Shocked, He Jinxiu rubbed her eyes hard again, trying to make sure if this was an illusion.

But after rubbing her eyes several times, the scene she saw was exactly the same as before.

"Sure enough...Brother Chuan is not an ordinary person.

No wonder I had a special feeling when I first met him.

I feel that being with him makes my body more comfortable, and even my luck seems to be getting better..." He Jinxiu thought so in her heart.

At this moment, Jiang Chuan had sent the white dolphin back to the sea.


The freed white dolphin did not rush to swim away, but turned around, raised its head out of the sea, and called to Jiang Chuan.

A pair of small eyes seemed to be full of joy and gratitude to Jiang Chuan.

"Okay, okay, don't thank me! Go back quickly.

Don't come to such shallow waters next time.

I look forward to our next meeting."

Jiang Chuan smiled and waved to the white dolphin.

The white dolphin seemed to nod reluctantly, and then its body quickly disappeared.

When Jiang Chuan turned around, he saw He Jinxiu with a look of astonishment on her face.

After meeting Jiang Chuan's gaze, He Jinxiu instantly became flustered. She didn't know where to put her hands, and her eyes were dodging.

It was like a primary school student who was caught copying homework...

Jiang Chuan slowly walked towards He Jinxiu.

When he walked in front of He Jinxiu, Jiang Chuan coughed twice and said, "Ahem... I want to say that I was born with supernatural powers, do you believe it?"

"Yeah, I believe it!"

He Jinxiu nodded quickly, as if she felt that such an answer was not very sincere.

He quickly explained, "It is said on the Internet that people's physiques are different. Some people with good physiques can easily slide and tackle tigers.

So I completely believe that you are born with supernatural powers..."

"Yeah, that's it." Jiang Chuan smiled.

Then the two returned to the main group.

Time soon came to more than nine o'clock in the evening, and the night had completely enveloped the entire beach.

The sea breeze at night seemed to be a little noisy.

The abalone and those Buddha's hand snails on the rock wall were almost all picked off at this moment.

There were also some particularly high rock walls, although there were many clinging to them, but at this moment there were no other tools to help, and it was obviously impossible to pick them off.

Everyone had a great harvest.

Uncle San and Aunt San picked the most. There were probably a snakeskin bag of abalone and Buddha's hand snails alone, and there were also many meat eels and white eels in the bucket.

"Okay, Uncle San, it's getting late, let's go back.Everyone's harvest today is pretty good."

Seeing that everyone had such a good harvest, Jiang Chuan was also ready to go back.

"Good, good! These abalone and conchs today should be able to sell for several thousand yuan. "Uncle San smiled happily.

Dong Laosan and Yang Yaoxiang also had bright smiles on their faces.

Today's income may be what they earn in half a month.

At about 11 o'clock in the evening, a group of people came to Xia Chun's purchasing station.

Seeing that everyone returned with a full load, Xia Chun seemed numb at the moment...

Jiang Chuan's luck is really too good. Basically, every time he goes to the sea, his harvest is dozens or hundreds of times that of ordinary people.

Not long after, all the seafood had been cleaned and weighed.

This time, Uncle San and Aunt San still had the most harvest.

12 catties of meat eel, 105 yuan per catty, a total of 1,260 yuan.

8 catties of white eel, 520 yuan per catty, a total of 4,160 yuan.

There are also abalone and Buddha's hand snail, a total of Sold for 31,800 yuan.

So the total income of Uncle San and Aunt San on this trip was 37,220 yuan.

Then came He Jinxiu and He Jindong, the two siblings, who were also very fast. The total income was 36,840 yuan.

Then came Dong Laosan and Li Ying, both of whom also had very good incomes.

The total income was 35,000 yuan.

Aunt Pang and Xu Changzi earned 31,000 yuan, Yang Yaoxiang and Cai Liaohong earned a total of 28,900 yuan, and finally it was Grandma and Agang, who earned a total of 26,780 yuan.

After paying the money, everyone hurried back to the village.

When the car was halfway there, He Jinxiu suddenly said to Jiang Chuan, "Brother Chuan, look at that piece of wasteland, I always feel that this location is particularly good...

For some reason, I always feel that these locations will have very good development value in the future. "

He Jinxiu said, looking at the vacant land of more than ten acres in front of her.

She didn't know why she suddenly had such an idea, but this strange idea suddenly appeared.

Since she had such an idea, she naturally had to tell Jiang Chuan as soon as possible.

"Really? ?

How about we go over and take a look?"

Jiang Chuan was a little confused, but since He Jinxiu said so, Jiang Chuan was also ready to go over and take a look.

But he didn't hold too much hope.

After all, he had walked this road countless times, and never felt that there was anything different about the wasteland.

If you want to say the only special thing, it may be that it is very close to the sea, and the environment and air quality are particularly good.

If you want to build a sea view house, it would be quite good.

It's just that this place is a bit remote, and there are not many people around. If the villa is built here, it will probably be lonely at night.

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