Ye Ting deliberately omitted Ye Tang's Weibo, and it was on the hot search within a few hours.

#叶霆 Ye Tang#

Director and the program team also saw Ye Ting's Weibo at the beginning, but they had the intention of letting it go at first, and they could just take the opportunity to stir up the heat.

But with the hot search on Weibo, the director thought about it for a while, and decided to let the guests shake hands and make peace, otherwise the show has not started filming yet, and the information about the discord among the guests has been shown on the bright side, which is really not good-looking.

But when it comes to shaking hands and saying this, both the director and the show have a hard time.

Ye Ting is the son of the Ye family, yes, but Ye Tang is Mr. Bo's fiancée, both of them are big guys, how can they reconcile between them so that both parties are satisfied?

Director Zhu thought about it, and the scale in his heart was still slightly biased towards Ye Tang, after all, it was the incoming Mrs. Bo, and they still had to give some face.

So, Director Zhu asked the assistant for Ye Ting's phone number.

"Ye Shao, if you post a Weibo, just say that you accidentally omitted Ye Tang's name, what do you think? Then I will ask Miss Ye to also post a Weibo, and the two shake hands and make peace. "

This approach can be said to have the best of both worlds.

But Ye Ting didn't expect that what he was waiting for was not Ye Tang's sum, but the director's peace, and his face was also very ugly.

"You let Ye Tang tell me by himself. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to post this Weibo.

After speaking, Ye Ting hung up the phone directly.

When Director Zhu saw that he was hung up on the phone, he was so angry that he scolded his mother.

These eldest young masters and eldest ladies have a bigger temper than the other, and he really can't afford to serve them.

In the end, he could only go to Ye Tang again: "Miss Ye, is there any misunderstanding between you and Ye Shao, or, you go and communicate with Ye Shao first, let's get over this matter, and the show will be filmed smoothly, what do you say?"

Ye Tang naturally saw the public opinion on the Internet, and Ye Ting's approach made her feel that Ye Ting was really a child who had not grown up, and he still played this kind of child's temper.

He played this trick in the hope that she would send her to the door to seek reconciliation.

I really don't know where he got his confidence.

"Director Zhu. Ye Tang said, "I was innocent from beginning to end in this matter." As a guest on the show, I was isolated by Ye Ting for no reason, which also triggered various speculations from netizens about me, and the victim was me.

Director Zhu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, you are indeed a victim in this matter." But now that things are so big, our show will not be easy to shoot next, and it won't end well, do you say?"

He also felt that this Ye Liushao was really going too far, and he deliberately made such a thing before the show started filming, just because he was at odds with Ye Tang's sister.

Ye Tang thought for a while and said, "Director Zhu, what do you mean, is this asking me to settle this matter?"

Director Zhu: "That's pretty much what it means."

Ye Tang: "Director, I have to remind you first, if you want me to settle the matter." There are some things that you can't help but do. I say this, do you understand what I mean?"

Director Zhu was stunned for a moment, thinking that Ye Tang had agreed to reconcile with Ye Ting, and the whole person relaxed a lot.

"Miss Ye, as long as you promise to settle this matter in person, I don't have any problems with the rest.

Ye Tang's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"Good. "

Ye Ting, he must not regret it.

"Then don't bother Miss Ye. After hanging up the phone, Director Zhu called Ye Ting as soon as possible: "Ye Liushao, I just called Miss Ye Tang, she has agreed to reconcile with you, and she will call you later." Ye

Ting didn't expect Director Zhu's movements to be so fast, and within a few minutes, Ye Tang softened.

His mood is also very good.

Thinking that Ye Tang and others would look for him in a low voice, Ye Ting's mood was much happier than before.


Director Zhu couldn't help but persuade this Ye Liushao: "Ye Shao, Miss Ye will call after a while, and you should also talk to Miss Ye." Our show is about to start filming, even if you don't think about Miss Ye Tang, you have to think about Miss Ye Jiang.

Director Zhu mentioned Ye Jiang's name, which finally made Ye Ting sober up a little.

He couldn't forget Ye Jiang's career in order to be angry with Ye Tang.

Ye Jiang was on this variety show, which was originally considered to eliminate the negative impact on the Internet before.

"Okay, I know. Ye Ting said coldly, "As long as she has a good attitude, Young Master Ben will naturally post a Weibo and give her a step down, so that she will not be too embarrassed, you can rest assured."


Director Zhu thought that he had managed the two big guys, and finally breathed a sigh of relief and hung up the phone.

Ye Ting thought that Ye Tang would really call him to ask for peace, but he didn't expect that what he was waiting for was not a phone call, but Ye Tang's statement on Weibo.

Ye Tang V: Regarding what happened on Weibo today, I have the following points to explain to you.

First, the termination of the contract between me and Starlight Entertainment Company was terminated through legitimate means, and the contract deceived me into signing an illegal treaty through fraud, oppression, etc., and I have already filed a lawsuit to seek justice, legality, reasonableness and reasonableness for myself. There are no stories of white-eyed wolves, ingratitude, etc., which netizens speculated, and they are already going through the procedure and will be made public at that time.

Second, my life in the Ye family in the past few years, as netizens said, did not get along with the Ye family, and there were many conflicts. I don't think I have a bad relationship with the Ye family, in the eyes of others, I am an existence that looks hilarious and laughs. In other words, it has become the capital and bargaining chips for some people to show off.

Ye Ting never thought that Ye Tang would directly bring the Ye family's affairs directly to the table and say that the fig leaf of the Ye family was completely torn off.

Ye Tang's frank and unrestrained remarks made the people who eat melons look up to it.

doesn't mention Ye Ting, but he mentions Ye Ting.

What's the matter with this Ye Liushao, just because he and Ye Tang are not in a good place at home, he plays such a bad trick? A big man, his heart is so small!

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