Under the watchful eye, Ye Tang finally arrived at his destination under the pick-up of Maybach.

In this show, most of them are her old acquaintances, or the kind that has a bad relationship.

As soon as Ye Tang got out of the car, he behaved very coldly and noblely, and no one cared about him, and blackened his face with these people.

Is this Ye Tang too dragged? This is a live broadcast! Does she not care about her image at all? Ye

Ting's heart is constantly angry.

On the contrary, it was the three entertainment stars who had not dealt with her, but Ye Tang stepped forward to introduce himself.

"Miss Fu, Miss Guan, Mr. Liu, hello, my name is Ye Tang, and I am also one of the guests of this show, and I am an artist of Bright Media. You can call me Tang Tang.

Although she hadn't dealt with these three people before, she knew in her previous life that these three celebrities were still quite good, not the kind of villains who would shadow you behind your back.

Daisy Fu is sweet and has a good heart. Guan Qian is a powerful actress, and Liu Haoxuan, under the cold appearance, there is a heart of middle two, they are all people worthy of intersecting in the entertainment industry.

Fu Daisy only learned about Ye Tang through gossip before, but she didn't expect that after seeing the real person, she found that the other party was not as bitter and mean as the gossip said, and her mind was vicious, so she immediately shook hands with Ye Tang enthusiastically.

"Hello Tangtang, you can call me Daisy. "

Hello. Ye Tang smiled, "I've seen you dance, you dance very well, sexy and cute."

Daisy listened and was very happy.

"Really, thank you for liking!" Liu

Haoxuan and Guan Qian also said a few words to Ye Tang.

Soon, they all chatted quite well.

Daisy licked her lips, she didn't expect Ye Tang to be such a good person to get along with.

After it is ripe, she still has to ask Ye Tang if the melons on the Internet before are real.

There's no way, she's so curious!"

Ye Tang. Ye Ting held back the anger in his heart and said to her, "There are so many of us here, why don't you even say hello

?" He was really convinced, he was so big and alone here, couldn't

Ye Tang see it? Ye Tang seemed to know Ye Ting's existence, coldly lowered his eyelids, and said: "I saw it, but who stipulated that I must greet you?" As we all know, our relationship is very poor, not ordinarily bad.

"Can't you see that? I just don't want to say hello to you.

This yin and yang strange sentence successfully blocked Ye Ting's mouth.

Seeing that Ye Ting was angry like this, Ye Jiang hurriedly said: "Sister, the sixth brother didn't mean that, the sixth brother wanted to say, since everyone is in the same show, of course, it is mainly harmony, you misunderstood the sixth brother."

Seeing Ye Jiang come out and pretend to be a good person, Ye Tang rolled his eyes directly: "Ye Jiang, have you forgotten, how did we get into the hot search before? We can't get along in private, we can be harmonious in front of the camera? I said that your Ye family loves to play this kind of falsehood?"

"Besides, if you want to be harmonious, take care of your brother's mouth." You are his sister, don't you know how stinky his mouth is? You wait until he is finished saying anything like harmony, is this deliberately adding fuel to the fire

in front of me?" Ye Jiang didn't expect Ye Tang to dare to say anything in front of the camera, and his face turned green for a while.

As soon as this sentence came out, Daisy couldn't help but want to laugh.

It seems that the melon before is indeed real, and she even saw with her own eyes how Ye Tang taught the Ye family a lesson.

Ye Tang's combat effectiveness is really extraordinary.

[I'm stupid, I never expected that Ye Tang directly snubbed Ye Jiang and a group of other people, and he didn't even bother to say hello, but he chatted with Daisy and them very happily, this is too brave hahaha, it's still live broadcast, it's so embarrassing

] [I have to say, it's still my sister

Tang] [I have a hunch, with Ye Tang here, this episode of the show will definitely be very interesting] [

Hahahaha, I've never seen a star act so wantonly, she doesn't even bother to pretend, she's too real, isn't

she] [Does Ye Tang not know that this is a live broadcast? Or is she going to let herself go completely!] She really dares to say it in front of the camera, which star of internal entertainment dares to do this? Don't you want to mix, but Sister Tang, she really dares] [

I think Ye Tang is quite right, I know that everyone has a bad relationship, and I insist on coming up to pretend to be harmonious, is it cheap or not?]

[Which of the internal entertainment is not an open and secret fight, I don't know how bad the private relationship is, the surface is still pretending to be harmonious and pretending to have a good relationship, it's boring, I hope Ye Tang will quickly rectify the internal entertainment, it should be torn

up] [Ye Ting's mouth is already very stinky, if Ye Jiang wants to be harmonious, she should let her brother shut up]

In the barrage, there are also fans of the other three families who are active.

Some fans of these three families don't have a good impression of Ye Tang.

[Sister Daisy, don't play with people like

Ye Tang] [Ah, ah, and my Liu Haoxuan, these two fools are easy to believe in others] [

The reputation that was finally created after Guan Ying couldn't be ruined by Ye Tang]

What's more, it's passers-by who are in the barrage hahaha, I think Ye Tang is a clear stream in variety shows, which is very strange.

Gu Chen didn't expect Ye Tang to scare Ye Jiang out of the stage with a few words, and he also felt that Ye Tang was too much.

"Ye Tang, you don't need to be so angry, right?" Ye Tang smiled: "Where did you come from? I want you to be the judge? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Gu Chen frowned: "I just don't think you need to be

like this."

Ye Tang: "I said that you one saved one, it was the gourd baby who saved grandpa?Who else wants to help talk, why don't you stand up now, I'll let you say enough first

?" "Or, I'll pull a group for you by the way?"


[Ye Tang is playing the group clearly]

[laughing at me].

Gu Chen saw that Ye Tang was still so oily and salty in front of the camera, and knew that he couldn't scare Ye Tang, so he simply shut his mouth.

Director Zhu saw the opportunity and said, "Okay, since the guests have already met and introduced, let's get on the bus together." The

guests got on the bus together and went to Huaxi Village.

The beautiful trip in the eyes of the program team also officially kicked off.

When they arrived in the village, Village Chief Li came to greet them.

Director Zhu held a small loudspeaker and announced the rules for their travel to Huaxi Village.

First, you need to earn your own living expenses.

As soon as the director finished announcing the rules, all the guests sighed, and they knew that the director didn't have any good intentions and a good trip, which was too bad!

Daisy had an ominous premonition: "Then our next lunch ......"

"That's right." Director Zhu smiled slightly, "You need to do it yourself, come on." "

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