After Ye Jiang was crushed by Ye Tang in Go, he planned to correct his mentality and perform well in variety shows.

She felt that her previous mentality was very bad, she looked down on Ye Tang too much, and always wanted to set up a tall character, but she didn't expect that Ye Tang had captured the hearts of guests and some netizens and passers-by through basic life knowledge.

So at six o'clock in the morning, she got up and made breakfast.

Ye Jiang is the chosen daughter in the end, she learns things very quickly, and after two stir-fried vegetables, the fried vegetables can at least enter the mouth.

Ye Ting breathed a sigh of relief when he ate it in his mouth.

Although it is not as good as the food cooked by the chef at home, it is at least a normal taste.

"How is it, brother, is it delicious?" Ye

Ting gave a thumbs up confidently: "Not bad, very delicious!"

The barrage was full of praise, and bluntly said that he was quite moved to see Ye Jiang's growth.

Ye Jiang saw that the sixth brother was eating well, so he went to call Zheng Yi and Lin Jiali, and he felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

As soon as Zheng Yi heard Ye Jiang say that he had cooked, he didn't want to take care of it, so he continued to pull a face, but it wasn't until a mouthful of food entered his mouth that his face was a little better, at least compared to the dishes he made before, he could still eat.

When she came to this variety show, she felt hungry and lost several pounds.

In another live broadcast room, Ye Tang slept until he woke up naturally, and then got up to cook.

Early in the morning, Daisy was fragrant by the breakfast made by Ye Tang.

Although they hadn't entered the kitchen yet, there was already a smell wafting in.

"Tang Tang,

what delicious did you make

?" Ye Tang smiled: "Meat sauce cake, and crab roe soup dumplings, do you want to try one first?"

Sure enough, there is a lot of thin skin and meat filling, full of crab roe, and it is really enjoyable to eat it in your mouth.

Guan Qian's eyes have lit up: "This is even more delicious than the top chef's cooking

!" "What? I want to eat!!" Daisy

hadn't washed up yet, and she couldn't wait, but now when she heard Guan Ying say this, she couldn't wait to eat it immediately.

In the end, the three guests sat in the courtyard to eat crab roe soup dumplings, Ye Tang made a lot, and even distributed them to the staff present, so a bunch of people were immersed in the deliciousness of crab roe buns.

Coincidentally, they met Ye Ting, who was also having breakfast in the yard.

Ye Ting didn't eat well yesterday, and now he finally ate a normal meal, and almost half of the dishes fell into his stomach.

As soon as he looked up, he seemed to smell a scent.

Ye Ting couldn't help it, and asked, "What are you eating?"

The gluttonous worms in his stomach all ran out.

Liu Haoxuan saw that Zheng Yi asked, so he replied with a smile: "Of course it's the crab roe bun made by Tangtang." Well, you don't have it, right? You haven't eaten so much crab roe in one bite, have you

?" Ye Ting: "...... this

guy can't even open any pot!

The meat in his mouth suddenly became fragrant, and it didn't taste good in his heart.

Before, these were things he could only enjoy.

If he hadn't turned against Ye Jiang and Ye Tang before, perhaps, he wouldn't be as miserable as he is now.

This thought suddenly jumped out of Ye Ting's mind, startling himself.

Could it be that he regrets it now?

The staff who were assigned crab roe buns were really glad that they had not offended Ye Tang, nor had they hacked her, or made any small moves in front of the camera, favoring Ye Jiang.

Otherwise, they don't have this crab roe bun to eat.

In other words, this crab roe bun is really even better than what is sold in the store.

Similarly, there is no fragrant meat in the mouth, as well as Zheng Yi.

Now she just wants to eat crab roe buns, and she doesn't want to eat the table of dishes made by Ye Jiang at all.

In this way, Ye Jiang almost hated Liu Haoxuan to death, did she do it on purpose?

This table of dishes was made by her who got up early in the morning and worked hard.

She worked hard for so long, but instead of getting a good sentence, she directly lost to Ye Tang's crab roe bun.

[Hahahaha, the contrast between these two live broadcast rooms is really stark, just now I saw that Ye Jiang knew how to cook, and I was still a little relieved, but when I looked at Sister Tang's live broadcast room, I knew that I was relieved too early, and Ye Ting was also afraid that it was too early

] [After closing the movie, they were taught by Brother Hao Xuan and Daisy, and it was too obvious to show off in front of them] [

Isn't it? ] Ye Jiang just began to learn to cook a little, and we Ye Tang directly made crab roe buns in the morning, this gap, I don't want to say anything more

] [I thought I was a scumbag, but in front of Ye Tang, it might not even be a scumbag, it was called a weak learner

] [Woo woo, I really want to wear Daisy, do they have it? You can eat Sister Tang's feeding every day, this is so happy]

[I have thought about the next hot search, so the whole entertainment industry is waiting for Sister Tang to feed].

After eating breakfast, Ye Ting finally squatted in a corner without a camera.

Ye Tang still turned a blind eye to him, but Ye Ting couldn't help it, and whispered: "Ye Tang, do you have to treat me like this?" Do you know how uncomfortable it is for you to ignore me all these days, and you don't even give me food to cook?" He admitted that he couldn't stand Ye Tang's

snub to him.

So, he finally lowered his expensive head.

And, for the first time, he was soft in front of Ye Tang.

Probably even Ye Ting himself didn't understand why this happened.

However, he did it anyway.

At this moment, he is like a puppy drenched in the rain, looking a little more pitiful.

Ye Tang looked at him and sneered: "Are you uncomfortable?

"However, I don't understand what you want to do when you put on this aggrieved look in front of me, weren't you arrogant before? Also, don't you keep saying that there is only one sister like Ye Jiang? In this case, why are you looking for your Jiang Jiang?"

The last sentence was playful.

Ye Tang's words made Ye Ting's heart even more uncomfortable: "Can I apologize to you now?" I admit that I really didn't treat you well before, and moreover, I said some excessive things and did some excessive things.

He also felt spineless now, so he stretched his face over and let Ye Tang beat him.

At this time, Ye Tang was really a little surprised.

Ye Limo and Ye Mubai apologized to her, although she didn't expect it at first, but it was not unexpected later.

But this Ye Ting, it seems that he shouted the most fiercely from beginning to end, and his mouth was not polite at all, even more so to her own sister.

But now, Ye Ting, who was still clamoring that he would never recognize her, said that he would apologize to her at this moment.

Now think about it, what did she do in variety shows? suppressed Ye Ting in various ways and scolded him so badly. As a result, he now ran over again and apologized? Which nerve did it off, or was it a masochist

? Why didn't you see him like this when she was kind to him before?

Ye Tang's heart floated a little wave, but soon, she adjusted her emotions and became calm again.

"Apologize, do you think it makes sense?" Ye

Ting was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't understand.

Of course he didn't understand that to this day, everything was Ye Tang himself who came step by step.

In this world, only grandpa, Grandma Bo, Bo Chiyan, and afterglow gave her warmth at the beginning.

How could he understand that she walked one footprint after another, reminding her of all the hardships she had suffered in the past.

Ye Ting's heart was even more uncomfortable: "There are some things that I apologize to you." "

No, I can't. Ye Tang said, "I still like you to be unruly, standing on Ye Jiang's side, looking down on me, please continue to keep it up, don't get involved with me, thank you." Otherwise, I'll just think you're being cheap.

After speaking, Ye Tang turned around and left directly.

Seeing Ye Tang leave mercilessly, Ye Ting was so angry that his brain hurt.

He is so humble today, he has grown so big, when has he ever been so humble, and he is still to this sister.

Even Ye Jiang, he has never been so humble.

Yes, he Ye Ting seems to be really guilty of being cheap now!

Unfortunately, Ye Tang doesn't seem to appreciate it at all.

He was a little angry and said, "If you don't appreciate it, forget it!" He

has found out now that Ye Tang simply doesn't eat hard and soft, and he is really angry with him.

After breakfast and a short rest, everyone set off to sell fish.

The guests all heard that the fish pond was contracted by the village, and this time the fish was sold for the villagers.

By the way, get a taste of their town's bazaar culture.

After completing this mission, they will leave for a while.

This issue of the variety show will also come to an end temporarily.

When Ye Ting was selling fish in the market, he realized that Ye Qiming said last night that there was a way, what was the way.

For three days at the top of Ye Jiang's Weibo, when people were questioning Ye Jiang's ability, someone released a message.

The fish pond that Ye Tang fished in before was actually privately contracted.

In this way, Ye Tang caught other people's fish, and caught so many fish, why did she

? Because the show was on the air, Ye Tang's performance on the variety show immediately rushed to the topic list, questioning why Ye Tang caught a lot of other people's fish in one breath in the privately contracted fish pond?

Although Ye Jiang also got a fish, but compared to Ye Tang, it made Ye Jiang more sensible and sensible.

For a while, Ye Tang's fishing behavior in variety shows once again aroused heated discussions among netizens.

There have been many guests on shows like this who have behaved badly in the filming location before.

For example, the capture of prohibited fish.

Ye Tang's behavior of privately catching fish in private fish ponds is not big or small, because it has risen to a moral issue.

This kind of moral problem will be infinitely magnified on the Internet.

When Ye Huai'an saw the hot search, his face darkened.

"Who the hell did this?"

It's impossible for ordinary viewers to dig into things like this.

Then, only the people in the entertainment industry remain.

"What do you say?" Ye Mubai was yin and yang on the side, "Apart from our Ye family, who else would care about whether the fish pond is privately contracted? In order to set off Ye Jiang, some people can really do anything."

Ye Huai'an's face turned blue and white for a while, he could now understand why Ye Mubai hated Ye Jiang so much, because everything seemed to have something to do with Ye Jiang.

Ye Huai'an: "I'll go find Ye Mingqi now." "

Forget it, what's the use of you looking for him?" The corners of Ye Mubai's mouth hooked a touch of sarcasm, "He is in our brothers, but he hates Tang Tang the most, including the fourth child." Moreover, both of them are the most cold-blooded of us all. If you are counting on him, you might as well go and worship the Bodhisattva now.

Ye Huai'an listened, a little speechless.

"What should I do then?" He

actually didn't understand why the third and fourth hated Ye Tang so much.

Could it be that something happened to them before?"


Mubai already has a little understanding of Ye Tang's strength.

That understanding is still based on the understanding of Brilliant Media.

Whether Ye Tang has other vests, he doesn't know for the time being.

"Ye Mingqi is too confident now, just like you and me before, I still feel that it is before. Let Tang Tang hit his self-confidence, I feel good. "

In short, Ye Mubai doesn't plan to meddle in this matter.

Moreover, now that only he and Ye Limo can see the whole family most clearly, it is impossible for Ye Tang to continue to indulge him as before.

Ye Mingqi wanted to humiliate himself and let him take it.

Ye Ting listened and was speechless again.

But then again, the bell must be tied to the bell, and Ye Huaian still went to find Ye Mingqi.

Ye Huai'an didn't want to see the third and fourth children fall into the same fate as them.

Ye Huai'an directly ordered Ye Mingqi: "Third child, you go and remove the hot search now, don't make trouble at this juncture." Do you think that in this way, you can save the reputation of Starlight Entertainment and Jiang Jiang? Impossible.

"Second brother?"

Ye Mingqi had already returned to the Ye family, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and was very surprised to see Ye Huai'an coming.

"Haven't you always loved Jiang Jiang very much? Why, you actually speak for Ye Tang?"

He also thought that the second brother was different from the eldest brother and the fifth brother.

Ye Huai'an's eyes flashed with a hint of pain.

He said: "My relationship with Jiang Jiang has nothing to do with my relationship with Tang Tang. I think I'm sorry for Tang Tang, but Jiang Jiang, I also treat her as a sister. Even

if the eldest brother and the fifth brother think he is stubborn, he still thinks so now.


Mingqi was a little surprised to hear him shout so intimately.

"Second brother, you are really greedy. "


Ye Huai'an was stunned for a moment and didn't speak.

"Second brother, you want me to withdraw the hot search, but I am not the one who has the final say. If you have the ability, you can ask grandma, father, and mother to see if they agree. "

Ye Mingqi, you don't use them to press me.

"I'm not using them to press you, I'm stating the facts. Ye Mingqi said, "Okay, don't worry, I won't do anything to Ye Tang." This time, I just punished her slightly. Haven't you noticed that she has been too arrogant lately? Moreover, the Ye family has been disturbed by her, and Jiang Jiang has also been disturbed by her, I just hope that she can stop for a while.

"My tolerance for Ye Tang has exceeded the previous limit, and this is still because I see her good face for me in the Ye family before.

Ye Huai'an was so angry by Ye Mingqi's words, but since he said so, it also means that he didn't plan to do anything with Ye Tang.

It's just that the attention of online public opinion still needs to be shifted.

If the public's attention shifts to the fish pond, no one will pay attention to the previous game of Go.

"I hope you really get your wish.

Ye Huai'an's words were ironic, and he left after speaking.

Ye Mingqi didn't hear the sarcasm in it, and still went his own way.

But soon, he regretted it.

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