The matter of online public opinion has not passed, Ye Jiang is still a little irritable, where is he in the mood to participate in the wedding, not to mention Ye Tang's wedding, for Ye Tang, it is a festive thing, and she is still disgraced because of the previous incident, which is very ugly.

This contrast made Ye Jiang very unhappy.

Ye Tang has always been her foil, where is her turn to serve as a green leaf

for Ye Tang? The rest of the Ye family is also counted, Ye Limo, Ye Mubai, and Ye Huai'an have all prepared valuable engagement gifts for Ye Tang.

The maid was still chewing on the root of his tongue on the side of Ye Jiang: "I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup this eighth lady poured into several young masters, the eldest young master gave Miss Eight a sports car, and the second young master gave a rare pink diamond, as for the fifth young master, he gave away the winery under his name and the villa in the central area, which is really a big deal! Tomorrow is Miss Eight's wedding banquet, as long as it is a congratulatory gift, the Bo family will generally not refuse to accept it, this is the rule." "

Hey, compared to people, it's just different. Obviously, Miss Ba's background is not very good, but she was favored by her wife to become an adopted daughter with a prominent background, and now she still has the opportunity to meet the leader of the Bo family through channels, how can this life not be as bad as the old lady said. "

The old lady hates Ye Tang very much, just because she has a bad life, looks down on her, and loves Ye Jiang who is like a fish in water in all fields.

But in the eyes of the servants, how can Ye Tang be able to play a bad hand like this, how can he be called cheap?

Not to mention, he can still marry a rich generation now.

The maid didn't know these words, and just poked at Ye Jiang's pain point.

She had a birthday last year, and Gu Chen gave her a sports car.

The good things sent by her brothers in the past were all hers, everything was, and she would naturally be proud of it, especially when she saw Ye Tang sad because of this, these favors were all the capital she used to show off.

But now it's all the other way around, and she even has to give up the house she lives in.

That house is the largest, the best decorated, and the best lighting, even if Ye Tang has never returned to the Ye family again, Ye Limo still has a strong attitude and asks her to let the room out and let the maid clean it every day, as if she is missing someone.

Now that room is inhabited by a cat named Xiaole.

It's just a beast, just because it was a cat that Ye Tang raised before, they were actually like a baby!

The cat and Ye Tang are simply the same character, and they usually don't seem to have much presence, but once she reached out to do something, the dead cat scratched her arm and ran back to the room to hide, and the maid no longer let her get close to the cat.

The eldest brother and the fifth brother not only didn't feel sorry for her, but also blamed her for why she wanted to provoke Xiaole.

What a joke, it's just a brute.

She really didn't know what the eldest brother and the fifth brother were thinking, Ye Tang had already left the Ye family, and would never come back! She wanted to tear the mask on her face countless times and say this to them hysterically, so that they all woke up.

However, the last reason involved her.

She didn't understand why Ye Tang was gone, but this family began to have Ye Tang's shadow everywhere.

Originally, the eldest brother, the second brother, and the fifth brother loved her the most, and she was the most precious person, but now, Ye Tang was the person on the tip of their hearts, and the fifth brother also helped Ye Tang block her, and everyone in the family was scolded by him and didn't dare to say anything.

Even if Ye Tang will never see them again, it will be impossible to forgive them again.

How ridiculous is that?

Even now, the maid is talking about Ye Tang all the time.

It seems that only Ye Tang is here, and she will never be able to become the real daughter of the Ye family, and she will always be overwhelmed.

Ye Jiang remembered the dream that night, and dreamed that Ye Tang appeared in front of her and climbed up like a ghost, his eyes were red.

Ye Tang in the dream said that she would take everything back that belonged to her.


Jiang's beautiful and delicate face showed an expression of disgust for the first time, which was different from the kindness she had shown in the past: "Enough He Chun, why are you so talkative? Do you need to come to me and say?"

The maid's original intention was to instigate Ye Jiang to deal with Ye Tang, Ye Tang has lived in the Ye family for several years, and they have always stepped on the low and praised the high, feeling that although Ye Tang was adopted by the Ye family, she is just the daughter of the old lady who is a waste picker, what is the difference between them and being a servant?

Now that Ye Tang is doing well, they are naturally uncomfortable.

It's a pity that she didn't expect that she slapped the horse's hooves on the horse's hooves, and panic appeared on her face.

Ye Jiang suppressed the anger in his heart: "Get out! Get out of here now."

"Okay. The

servant hurried out.

When Ye Jiangsheng was angry, Zheng Yi called her.

"Jiang Jiang, are you at home

?" "Here, what's wrong?"

Ye Jiang became a familiar perfect goddess in front of the public in a second, her voice was faint, and she couldn't hear her emotions.

Although she and Zheng Yi also had a little conflict on the variety show, after getting off the variety show, Zheng Yi also apologized to her.

In that ghost place, there is no food or drink, and it is normal for Zheng Yi to make some troubles with the eldest lady's temper.

And Zheng Yi has almost always held her in life, and is willing to be her little follower and use it for her.

In this way, Ye Jiang didn't bother to bother with her about the variety show.

Zheng Yi: "Will you go to Bo's wedding banquet with Gu Shao tomorrow?"

Ye Jiang: "Go." Although Ye Tang has severed relations with our Ye family, no matter what, Ye Tang also went out from our Ye family, and her engagement banquet was so grand. If I don't go, wouldn't it provide the media with some unwarranted gossip topics? Maybe, others will think that I am a childish person, but I don't perform as good as anyone else on variety shows, and I don't even go to other people's wedding banquets, which makes people laugh even more. "

Just now, Gu Chen had already sent her a message.

Of course she has to go, as a goddess who has been chased by countless famous sons in Yuncheng all the year round, if she doesn't appear at Ye Tang's engagement banquet, wouldn't it be just as Ye Tang wants?

When Zheng Yi heard it, she felt that it was this reason.

"Okay, Jiang Jiang, let's go together, I didn't find anyone to go with me, I originally called Lin Jiali, but didn't she have several conflicts with Ye Tang? His parents were afraid that she would cause trouble at Bo's engagement banquet, so they had to look at her, and they wanted to go out with her and go back together, so they couldn't go with me. Speaking

of which, she and Ye Tang also have conflicts, both in order to give Ye Jiang a head.

As a good girlfriend in the celebrity circle together, Zheng Yi, who was used as a gunman by Ye Jiang, has not noticed anything wrong for the time being.

Ye Jiang: "Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow." "

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