As far as he knew, Ye Jiang's brothers, except for a few who still regarded her as a precious sister in the palm of their hands, the remaining ones already had a sense of separation with Ye Jiang, especially Ye Wushao, last time he smashed the bracelet that Ye Huai'an was originally going to give to Ye Jiang, Qin Ruidong also heard about it.

At that time, Gu Chen came back from the Ye family, and mentioned it to him by the way, he took it to heart at the time, and when he inquired later, he learned that the relationship between the Ye family's brothers and sisters seemed to have indeed collapsed.

Although, the specific reason for the collapse of their brother and sister, he does not know.

However, it must be inseparable from what Ye Jiang himself did.

Even her brother began to dislike her, so would she still be a good one?

A high-level green tea like Ye Jiang, no matter how clever her methods are, she will be seen through by others. Even he, an outsider, didn't dare to be sure of Ye Jiang's green tea attributes at first, but it wasn't until Gu Chen and Ye Tang broke up, and Ye Jiang quickly got together with Gu Chen, and he finally came to his senses.

The outside world is rumoring that Ye Tang is unbearable, but he now knows that the real unbearable person should be Ye Jiang.

As soon as Gu Chen and Ye Tang broke up, Ye Jiang was immediately with Gu Chen on the back foot, that was her former future brother-in-law, she could actually be so unscrupulous, and she was in love with her ex-brother-in-law, doesn't that mean that she is actually waiting for the upper position on the side all the time?

Although they are also a pair of scumbags and, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, but Gu Chen is his good brother in the end, of course he will not criticize his own people, he will only protect his shortcomings and protect his brother.

Qin Ruidong investigated this, but he didn't want to be upset for Ye Tang, he was mainly worried that his brother was confused by such a hypocritical and vicious woman, and he didn't know how much heel he would plant on her in the future, and he would be coaxed by her.

But now, he seems to have said these words, and Gu Chen can't listen to them.

It seems that Gu Chen has completely fallen into Ye Jiang's sweet trap.

Qin Ruidong sighed, and just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Gu Chen's sharp voice: "Qin Ruidong, don't say these words again in the future, Jiang Jiang is not the kind of person you think." She was kind, soft, and always thinking about my emotions. You know that when I learned the news of Ye Tang and my breakoff at the Ye family, she was the only one who encouraged me, comforted me, and upheld my dignity as a man.

"You won't understand this feeling in your life!" When

he was notified by the Ye family that he was broken up, the blow to his male dignity was the greatest.

It wasn't until Ye Jiang comforted him that he was not so uncomfortable, and calmly considered the relationship between him and Ye Tang.

Qin Ruidong didn't want to mention it again, but as soon as Gu Chen said this, the anger in his heart instantly rose.

"I think you're a ghost now, so you can't be separated, right? Okay, your Jiang Jiang is the kindest and weakest, no matter what evil things she does, as long as she sheds a few tears in front of you, you will be soft-hearted and believe, right?, you'd rather believe in a green tea with a lot of lies than believe me, a brother who has been with you for many years, Gu Chen, you really have a kind, I can only see you clearly today!"

Gu Chen pursed his lips, his face even more ugly.

I have to say that Qin Ruidong's last words really hit him.

Every time later, he would choose to believe her in Ye Jiang's weak tears.

Until, when he knew all the truth.

In the end, Qin Ruidong was so angry that he left his house directly.

And Gu Chen didn't keep him.


The engagement banquet of Ye Tang of the Ye family

is imminent, but the Ye family shows a different atmosphere from the past, and it seems a little lifeless.

Ye Mingqi sat on the sofa and glanced at his watch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

However, the Ye family still did not receive any invitations, invitations to the Bo family's wedding banquet.

Ye Mingqi's face was extremely difficult to see.

Even if Ye Tang sent the invitation a little later, they still had to do makeup, prepare cars, prepare gifts, and prepare all aspects, and the time was a little too late.

But until now, he hadn't seen the invitation sent by Ye Tang.

What the hell is she doing?

Ye Mubai went downstairs while sorting out the cufflinks, and saw Ye Mingqi sitting in the living room, looking at the time from time to time, and an expression that seemed to be a smile appeared on his face.

"Third brother, aren't you waiting for Tang Tang to send you an invitation to the engagement banquet?"

Ye Mingqi's face was a little strange when he saw the fifth child.

In the past few days at home, he has almost heard the deeds of the fifth child "like a crazy demon".

Now when the family sees him and mentions him, they all have a deflated expression on their faces, and they dare not speak up.

Ye Mingqi: "Old Five, why did you come down?"

Of course he wouldn't admit it, he was indeed waiting for Ye Tang to send an engagement invitation.

In his opinion, the previous statement of severing the relationship between the family was a consensus reached by him, the fourth child, and his father, in order to avoid Ye Tang from making trouble to disclose his identity in public.

Trouble, Ye Tang's marriage is such a big thing, they must be involved.

Ye Mubai said lightly: "Oh, of course it's to prepare for the Bo family's engagement banquet tomorrow, my eldest brother and I, and the second brother, have all made a new set of suits and are ready to wear them tomorrow."

Ye Mingqi twisted his eyebrows and said puzzledly

: "What, Ye Tang sent you an invitation?" Ye Mubai couldn't help but sneer: "Third brother, what are you thinking? You don't really think that Tang Tang will send you an invitation to the engagement banquet, right? It seems that grandma didn't tell you what happened at home at all."

Ye Mubai said again: "There is no difference between you and us now in Tang Tang's eyes, it's too late for her to hate you now." How could I expect to see you and me at my engagement banquet? As for me and the other two brothers, they all rubbed other people's invitations, and as male companions or partners, they communicated and discussed in advance before they could enter. Ye

Mubai didn't want to take Ye Mingqi at all, the third child was still immersed in the position held by Ye Tang, his sister was so happy today, he really didn't want his sister to add to the blockage.

"Hate me?" Ye

Mingqi repeated these three words, only feeling a little harsh and a little funny.

In the past, only when he and the fourth child hated Ye Tang, they hated it so much that they didn't want to stay in the Ye family at all, and only when they faced Ye Jiang would they show a smile on their faces.

But now, Ye Mubai told him that Ye Tang hated

him, which was incredible, and made him feel even more uncomfortable.

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