As soon as Bo Chiyan's words came out, Ye Huai'an, who was sitting in the seat, suddenly changed his expression and looked a little weird.

Bo Chiyan said......

There was a girl who once saved his grandmother.

Ye Huai'an suddenly remembered one thing, when he decided to operate on Mrs. Bo, he didn't expect that just after the meeting,

a girl broke in and bluntly said that she could operate on Mrs. Bo.

At the time, he didn't believe it, until later, when he found out that the girl was Beimian, a genius doctor on the national rankings.

Could it be that Ye Tang is Beimian?

No, it can't be.

Ye Huai'an felt that this matter was really a bit ridiculous, how could Ye Tang be that genius female doctor, Ye Jiang also knew medical skills, her medical skills were only below him, he already felt that Ye Jiang was very powerful, if Ye Tang could surpass him and Ye Jiang, it would be incredible.

In Ye Huai'an's eyes, this sister is too obscure that she will be favored and ignored by her parents and grandmother.

So, how could Beimian

be Ye Tang?

Ye Huai'an didn't mention this matter to Ye Limo and Ye Huai'an, otherwise the two brothers would definitely be very excited to affirm that that Beimian doctor was definitely Ye Tang himself.

On the stage, Bo Chiyan had already taken out a diamond ring.

The diamond ring, which almost blinded the eyes of the people in the audience, looked at least ten carats.

As long as it is a woman, there is no resistance to these diamond necklaces and the things that symbolize beauty.

Some nobles recognized it, wasn't this diamond ring the last time it was auctioned at the auction house?

This diamond ring is worth more than 100 million yuan.

Subsequently, Bo Chiyan solemnly put it on Ye Tang's hand.

Seeing Bo Chiyan doing his best for Ye Tang, Ye Jiang was actually a little sour. Although her boyfriend is the heir to a top wealthy family, how much attention has been spent on her? I can't even disclose the identities of the two, but what about Bo Chiyan? As the leader of the Bo family, he gave Ye Tang all the sense of security and ceremony, the identity of his girlfriend, the engagement ceremony, etc., everything was in an orderly manner, and everything was there.

Such a man is worthy of entrusting him for life, right?

Ye Tang looked at the diamond ring on his hand,

and his eyes were a little sour.

The blue fat man sat on the stage, flicked his tail, and was also happy for Ye Tang.

"Meow meow meow~"

The host is the first one, and it has witnessed the happiness with its own eyes.

The three brothers of the Ye family also felt comforted when they saw Bo Chiyan doing his best for Ye Tang, and they looked at the face of their sister not far away, feeling sad and a little relieved.

After wearing the ring, Bo Chiyan took Ye Tang to the dance floor.

Next, they're going to do a dance.

The first time they met in their last life, the first time they got married, was because of dancing.

He walked alone on the dance floor, his back straight, looking cold, but lonely.

So, she went up and invited him to dance.

In the banquet hall, a background music sounded again.

You're the light, you're the night

You're the color of my blood

You're the cure, you're the pain

So love me like you do, la-la-love me like you do

Ye Tang took his arm and danced again, and when the four eyes met, there was an indescribable tacit understanding.

A pair of beautiful people, dancing on the dance floor, in the eyes of outsiders, is really pleasing to the eye.

Mrs. He and others saw the picture of wearing a diamond ring and dancing, where can they not understand, it seems that what Mrs. Bo said before is true, Mr. Bo and Ye Tang seem to be really in love, it turns out that there are really people chewing the root of their tongue behind their backs, saying that Ye Tang is scheming and tricks, this is not because they are jealous of others, so they are arranging these rumors behind their backs.

Fortunately, they didn't believe it, and if the rumors got out, Madame Bo might not know who she was going to go to?

After the dance, Grandma Bo and Madame Bo came out again, and the bodyguards were all holding things in their hands, which were covered with cloth.

Grandma Bo looked at Ye Tang and said with a smile: "Tang Tang, these things are all gifts from me and your mother-in-law, and they are regarded as dowry gifts."

Ye Tang looked at so many things and was very moved.

"Grandma, Mommy.

When Mrs. Bo looked at Ye Tang, her eyes were full of soft light: "Child, why don't you come over and have a look?"

Ye Tang walked over and personally uncovered the cloths.

The first thing I saw was a jade necklace, which exuded a green luster and was very beautiful.

Ye Jiang was taken aback when he saw the necklace.

She didn't expect that the dowry gift given by the Bo family to Ye Tang would be so valuable.

knew that she shouldn't have let her family sever ties with Ye Tang.

Otherwise, it would not be Ye Tang's turn to receive this dowry, and there would be a bride price or something.

I have to say that Ye Jiang really thinks about it quite beautifully.

Thinking that Ye Tang was so valued in the Bo family, she felt very uncomfortable.

Perhaps, she is obsessed with the pleasure that comes from contrast.

However, the contrast she wanted was not the contrast between Ye Tang and her.

Grandma Bo continued: "There are two jade bracelets, a set of jewelry, earrings, and necklaces, which were gifts from my mother's family when I got married, and now, I will give them to you. "

This set of jewelry, to say the least, is worth tens of millions.

The rest of the dowry gifts are all more precious than the other, and they are staggering.

Ye Tang carefully put it away, planning to lock up all these things, the bride price and the dowry, she suddenly became a little rich woman again, but she had to take good care of this huge amount of money.

All in all, these dowries have been sour from the inside to the outside.

The engagement banquet went on so happily.

After a while, there was a sudden commotion at the door of the banquet hall.

It turned out that someone was coming, and the identity of the person who came seemed to be a bit sensational, and many people surrounded him and walked in together.

Gu Chen's eyes lit up when he saw someone coming, and he hurriedly pulled Ye Jiang: "Quick, the uncle from the Beijing circle is here, come with me to greet him." Gu

Chen is obviously anti-guest-oriented, and regards his presence as the core figure, he thinks that he is the only one who can talk to this big man in the Beijing circle, and at the same time has a lot of status.

Ye Jiang saw the person coming, and heard Gu Chen say uncle, and remembered what he had told her before.

With the kinship between the Gu family and this person in the Beijing circle, Gu Chen really wanted to call the other party an uncle.

"Good. "

I heard that this uncle is old-fashioned and serious, and he is not very easy to get along with.

But as long as you get his appreciation, it is equivalent to getting his approval, and you will step into the Beijing circle with one foot.

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