Ye Jiang typed a line of words on his mobile phone and gave Yuan Lao a look.

"Oh, it's you, I remember you.

Although Yuan Lao's face was still as serious and old-fashioned as before, there was no trace of a smile. But compared to others, it has been calculated, and he appreciates people who are capable and talented, and he also cherishes talents.

This little girl can get into his eyes.

When the others saw that Ye Jiang actually dared to stop Yuan Lao, they were also impressed by her courage.

In particular, Ye Jiangcai was humiliated by Mrs. Bo in public, and he should be ashamed to leave in a hurry, any ordinary girl would be like this.

But she didn't.

Could it be that she wants to turn the tables?

At this moment, Mrs. He admired Ye Jiang's ability to bend and stretch.

In a sense, the Ye family seems to have taught this daughter more successfully.

Yuan Lao spoke again: "Little girl, I have read the paper you wrote, although there are still flaws and shortcomings, but the overall level is much better than that of many young people. By the way, you graduated from a prestigious foreign university?"

There are only a handful of papers and people that can leave an impression on Yuan Lao.

It seems that this Ye Jiang is really a bit capable.

Ye Jiang smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Yuan Lao said a little more: "It is quite good to be able to use the knowledge you have learned to serve the motherland, instead of continuing to stay abroad and forget your ancestors with a high salary."

Ye Jiang: "Thank you Yuan Lao for your praise, as young people, we naturally have to shoulder the great responsibility of building the motherland."

As soon as Mrs. Bo saw her face, she subconsciously felt uncomfortable in her heart, thinking that Ye Jiang was doing it on purpose.

Yuan Lao came to attend the wedding, and before this person sat down, she stopped the person, but she seemed to have some skills.

Ye Jiang looked at Xiao Qing, the corners of his mouth hooked slightly, there seemed to be a silent provocation, but it made people feel as if it was an illusion, but the uncomfortable taste in his heart was also aggravating.

At this moment, Xiao Qing seemed to be able to empathize with Ye Tang's life in the Ye family.

If you really don't have any skills, you really can't just get with her.

Xiao Qing can play well in business, and he plays the cello well, but for those academic studies, it can be said that he knows nothing.

"Old Yuan, this is ......" Ye Jiang originally wanted to say that it was my boyfriend, but when he thought of their current identity, he was still a little embarrassed, so he changed his words, "This is the eldest young master of the Gu family, Gu Chen."

Gu Chen finally found a chance to speak, and hurriedly began to close: "Uncle, I am Ah Chen of the Gu family." He

knew that Jiang Jiang's shot would definitely be successful.

Yuan Lao snorted and said lightly: "Your mother called me." "

He and the Gu family are actually not related, it's just because he and Mrs. Gu are from their own family, and they call him an uncle according to their seniority.

Because of Ye Jiang's intervention, Gu Chen finally said a few more words to Yuan Lao, and finally redeemed the dignity he had at the beginning.

Mrs. Bo now also deeply understands that Ye Jiang didn't just rely on a seemingly innocent and weak face to make everyone around her play around.

For a while, Xiao Qing's face became ugly.

This leaf ginger must have been deliberate.

Just because she reprimanded Ye Jiang in the banquet hall just now because of her clothes and rumors, Ye Jiang deliberately embarrassed herself and used Yuan Lao to pinch her.

But on the contrary, she seems to have succeeded.

Xiao Qing also knew that Yuan Lao had always admired talented people, so he was really exploited by Ye Jiang.

Everything that happened at this moment was seen by Ye Tang, including Ye Jiang's tricks.

Are these things that Ye Jiang is proud of?

The corners of Ye Tang's mouth also curved slightly, and there was a little more unfathomable in his eyes, which made Ye Jiang sigh again.

"Elder Yuan, please be seated. Ye

Jiang, who relied on a SCI paper to get back to the home field, naturally helped Yuan Lao and them to sit on the sofa, and Mrs. Bo also sat next to him, because Ye Jiang said a few words to Yuan Lao from time to time, Xiao Qing didn't interject much, but sat on the side to accompany him, but the white eyes of Ye Jiang in his heart had already turned to the sky.

Yuan Lao asked Xiao Qing: "By the way, where is your daughter-in-law?"

"The little girl is changing clothes."

Xiao Qing also made an excuse casually, worried that her daughter-in-law would come out and be frightened by Yuan Lao's stinky face, and now there is a-stirring stick Ye Jiang here, don't make her feel bad.

At this moment, Ye Jiang completely had the upper hand, and the smile on his face became bigger and bigger, "Old Yuan, I heard that your wife is a cello composer?"

Yuan Lao nodded, but he didn't expect this female student to be interested in cello: "Yes, Xiaoqing's cello was taught by my wife." Why, you will too?"

Xiao Qing also said on the side: "Old Yuan still remembers, my wife was strict at that time.

Ye Jiang smiled again: "I heard that the president of the Cello Association seems to be empty." Yuan Lao, the student Mao Sui recommended himself, although he was not talented, but he thought that it was enough to be the president of the cello association. I don't know, does Yuan Lao have any suggestions?"

she inquired, this Yuan Lao loves talents, and it is precisely because she is talented that she dares to say these things in front of Yuan Lao.

Her cello has always been a must-have in Cloud City, and even in the mouth of others, it is the kind that can be regarded as a national treasure.

However, after all, she was famous and indistinguishable, which made her feel very unwilling.

If she can become the president of the Cello Association, then she will really be recognized and recognized by the state, and this title will be beautiful enough.

Therefore, Ye Jiang will be ambitious in front of Yuan Lao.

Everyone knows that Yuan Lao is a person who is virtuous and not relatives, if he can recommend himself to his wife, then she will be stable in this position.

Yuan Lao looked at her: "Who taught this cello music?"

Ye Jiang: "Learned from Master Jianghai."

"Oh, Jiang Hai, I haven't seen him in a while. However, the president of the cello association ...... "

Just when Ye Jiang's fox tail was about to rise to the sky, a beautiful female voice sounded on the side.

"Yuan Lao.

As soon as Yuan Lao looked up, he saw Ye Tang.

"Yo, isn't this Tang Tang?" The

originally serious face instantly became a lot more kind.

As soon as he heard this sentence, Ye Jiang was stunned again.

Yuan Lao actually knew Ye Tang, which Ye Jiang could not know.

Xiao Qing was also surprised, but more of a surprise: "Old Yuan, do you know Tang Tang?"

"Naturally." Yuan Lao looked at Ye Tang's dress, and instantly understood something, "Xiaoqing, could it be that Tangtang is your daughter-in-law?"

Xiao Qing: "Yes, Tangtang is my daughter-in-law."

Boss Yuan laughed: "You girl, I really didn't expect it, it is really a blessing for your Bo family to marry Tangtang."

Yuan Lao didn't know the relationship between Ye Tang and Ye Jiang, and even put on a smiling face, turned to Ye Jiang and said, "Female student, didn't you ask me about the president of the Cello Association? Coincidentally, she didn't come, Ye Tang is the president of the Cello Music Association." "

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