After dealing with the two heroine girlfriends who "vowed to be enemies of the world", Ye Tang and Bo Chiyan returned to Bo's house together.

Outside, the sky was overcast, as if it was going to rain.

But, after the rain, the sky is clear.

Ye Tang looked at the dark clouds outside, leaving a shallow smile on the corner of his mouth.

The current Ye family must be very depressed, so she can rest assured.

This rainy weather is very suitable for cooking hot pot at home.

The corridor outside Ye Tang's room is connected to a beautiful garden that can not be seen at a glance, which is full of ornamentation.

The area of the Bo family's villa is very large, to borrow their words, it is worthy of being a capitalist, and everywhere is full of the smell of money.

It is said that the gardens here were specially designed by the master of the Bo family.

It just so happened that Mrs. Bo was also at home.

So, Ye Tang asked everyone to eat hot pot together.

When Mrs. Bo heard that her daughter-in-law wanted to cook hot pot, she readily agreed.

In the past, when they were in Kyoto, they wouldn't sit down together to eat hot pot.

Because eating hot pot together also represents the meaning of family closeness, and you can share a pot to eat. Being able to sit down and have a meal together, maintain a superficial relationship, and continue to maintain an unfamiliar distance is already very face-saving.

But in that home in Kyoto, there is that person, and they don't have anything to get close to.

Since coming to Cloud City, she found that there is a lot of fresh breath in this home, and the person who adds this fresh breath is naturally Ye Tang.

It's no wonder that the mother-in-law and son are now willing to stay in Cloud City and are reluctant to return to Kyoto.

Even the old man, after attending the engagement banquet, was not in a hurry to return to Kyoto, but fell in love with playing against his granddaughter-in-law, and had to play a few games with Ye Tang every day.

The old man is also stubborn, obviously he can't play chess, but Ye Tang is not allowed to release water to him, she didn't see it before, the old man still has such a cute side.

Her granddaughter-in-law is so loved by the old man, it seems that she is going to disappoint some people.

The family stayed in Cloud City, and it was natural that the people in Kyoto were in a hurry.

Mrs. Bo's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a wicked smile in her eyes.

Look, she is now married to such a powerful daughter-in-law, she has to make the mouths of the mother and son in Kyoto crooked.

has such an excellent daughter-in-law as Ye Tang, her face is really glorious.

Mrs. Bo sat on a stool, covered with a woolen blanket, and smelled the hot pot cooked by her granddaughter-in-law, and she was also a little greedy.

Bo Chiyan helped Ye Tang serve food on the side, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

The servants stood on the side, and seeing that Mr. and Mrs. Bo had no intention of asking them for help at all, they did not bother them with any interest, but stood by the side, waiting for the lord to use them at any time.

But then again, they've never seen a gentleman condescend to do such a thing.

Old Madam Bo couldn't help but ask, "Tang Tang, what kind of dish are you putting here?" "

As a young lady from a former aristocratic family, Old Madam Bo has never even eaten hot pot with others, which is not allowed by upbringing.

Now that the times are better, no one accompanies her to eat hot pot.

I didn't expect it to smell like it's quite fragrant.

Ye Tang smiled and replied: "Grandma, this is lettuce, as well as sausages, fat cow, doesn't it smell very fragrant? Cook it for a while, you can eat it, I promise, it's delicious."

Old Madam Bo smiled: "When I smell this fragrance, I want to eat it." The

old man said beside him, "If you like it, I will eat with you in the future." The

old man also felt a little guilty in his heart, he didn't have enough time to be with his wife all these years.

"That's all right, old man, even if you go back to Kyoto in the future, you will eat with me.

Grandma's tone of voice still had a hint of coquettishness.

The old man smiled rarely, and agreed: "Okay, I'll accompany you."

Ye Tang looked at the two old men looking at each other, with affection, and inevitably felt a little touched in his heart, in the Vanity Fair, where six relatives can not recognize for the sake of interests, the celebrity circle where the mistress of the junior sprinkles dog blood everywhere, they can be a couple for a lifetime, and Prime Minister Bai is with him to this day, and he can still maintain his original intention and work together, which should be the love that many ordinary people will envy.

Bo Chiyan saw her envy, raised his hand and touched her head, Ye Tang met his eyes, as if he saw a warm response from inside.

In the future, they will do the same, and they will grow old.

Ye Tang's heart warmed and he smiled back at her.

The dish was almost cooked, and they began to sit down to eat.

While the family was happily eating hot pot, they suddenly heard a servant come in to report it.

"Ma'am. The servant looked at Ye Tang, "There is a lady at the door, saying that she is your biological mother and has something to see you." We wouldn't let her in, saying you weren't at home, but the lady was so persistent that she wouldn't listen to anything we said, and she kept standing at the door and wouldn't leave. So, we're going to come in and report to you and see what to do. The

maid was also helpless, and the woman refused to leave, and disturbed them to work.

After deducting her salary, she will pay for it?

"Biological mother?"

Ye Tang then knew that it was the Ye family who came, or Gao Xue.

Unexpectedly, she came to the door.

Presumably, it must be for the Ye family's business?

Ye Tang's eyes were dark, and he didn't make a sound.

The blue fat man, who was originally eating cat strips on the side, immediately stood up and came to Ye Tang's side with a meow when he heard that it was Gao Xue coming.

Ye Tang looked at the worried eyes of the system, touched its cat head, and signaled it not to worry.

Blue Plate is not worried that Ye Tang will suffer, but is worried about other things.

The blue fat man wanted to talk to Ye Tang, but there were too many people here, so he didn't speak, waiting for an opportunity to talk to Ye Tang again.

"What biological mother?" she still has the face to say. Xiao Qing looked displeased, and took the lead to speak, "How is this woman embarrassed to come to the door? I have lived for such a long time, and I have never seen a wonderful mother who does not love her own daughter and her adopted daughter."

"Don't talk to us about anything, you have a deep relationship with your adopted daughter, you can't be a parent who can't be a bowl of water, you don't deserve to be a parent!"

Seeing her mother-in-law defend herself like this, Ye Tang was very moved.

Old Madam Bo also said: "Ye Jiang's little hoof, I have also seen it, and it looks like a lot of eyes." The group of people in the Ye family are eccentric, and they must have been deceived by her. They felt that Ye Jiang would definitely be extraordinary in the future, and it was indeed a bit ridiculous to be able to take the Ye family to soar. I see, that girl is not right, and she may be hit one day. "

Emotionally, no one can accept his family and be partial to another person.

That person is still an adopted daughter who is not related to her family.

In the past, Ye Tang was stuck in the quagmire and couldn't get out.

But now Ye Tang has come out.

Ye Tang said: "Mom, grandpa, grandma, Chi Yan, I'll go see her first and see if she has anything else to say."

Xiao Qing originally wanted to tell her not to go, but when she saw Ye Tang's firm eyes, she didn't say anything, just held her hand and said to her, "Don't worry, Tang Tang, there will be Chi Yan and me in the future." "


Bo Chiyan looked at the girl in front of him, so strong, but also fragile.

Her fragile side, he will take care of it with all his might.

She is strong and invincible.

"Go ahead.

Bo Chiyan suddenly leaned down and imprinted a kiss on her forehead.

Ye Tang felt the temperature on his forehead, felt that this kiss was a little unexpected, and his eyebrows were happy, and even the eyes that looked at him were shining.

This is the first time that Bo Chiyan has given her a kiss in front of the public, regardless of the eyes of others.

When the servant saw it, his jaw was about to fall.

It seems that Mr. Bo really likes this wife.

After all, who doesn't know that Mr. Bo has always been a person who is terribly restrained.

When Mrs. Bo and the others saw this scene, they couldn't help but smile and exchanged glances with the people present.

This wood has finally opened up, and it is really an iron tree that has bloomed.

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