The back moved, as if attracted by Liang Jing's words, and then she looked over to this side.

Ye Tang's face appeared in front of Ye Mingqi and Ye Jiang so clearly and clearly.

The corners of her mouth even had the arc of a smile.

Ye Jiang felt that he was dreaming, the kind that hadn't woken up yet, so he looked at Ye Tang in a daze, and his face became very weird.

She went to great lengths to find the author of the novel she was looking for, Fusheng himself, who was actually Ye Tang, how ironic was this?

She muttered in a low voice, and spit out a title in disbelief: "Sister?"

Ye Tang saw the reaction of the two of them, and the smile on the corner of his mouth curled higher.

Seeing that the author he had been begging for all this time turned out to be his sister who they had always looked down on, he felt very uncomfortable, right?

This feeling of being humiliated by his own sister, Ye Mingqi experienced it again.

But Liang Jing didn't know what was going on at all, and when she saw Ye Mingqi and Ye Jiang arriving, she didn't forget to introduce their identities in front of Ye Tang, and said with a smile: "Teacher Ye, they are my friends, let me solemnly introduce to you, Ye Jiang, the daughter of Starlight Entertainment." Jiang Jiang, this is the floating teacher, the author of "Monarchy", and a member of our writers' association...... Jiang Jiang, what's wrong with your face? Why is it so ugly.

President Liang Jing saw that Ye Jiang's face was wrong, and asked with a surprised expression.

"President Liang, I don't think you need to introduce it. Ye Tang smiled slightly, his eyes fell on Ye Mingqi and Ye Jiang, he looked a little unfathomable, and his tone was light, "I just happened to know these two people you said."

After speaking, she deliberately raised her voice: "Ye Jiang, Ye Mingqi, it's such a coincidence that I met you here."

Liang Jing suddenly realized: "Is it such a coincidence? But I think it's also, the circle of Cloud City is not big, and it is not small to say that it is small, you know, so I won't bother to introduce it.

Liang Jing didn't know the relationship between them at all, Ye Jiang was a young man worthy of admiration and talent to her, but Ye Tang was the most admirable person to her.

But what's the matter with this Ye Jiang, she obviously knows Fusheng, how can she still ask her to find someone

? Could it be that they don't know that she is the author Fusheng?

Ye Mingqi and Ye Jiang were so shocked by the scene in front of them that they couldn't say a word.

However, Ye Tang spoke again: "That's right, Ye Mingqi, Ye Jiang, I am Fusheng, and I am also the person you are looking for." This

sentence can really be described as murderous.

Ye Mingqi was the first to react, in order not to show his flaws in front of Liang Jing, he quickly adjusted his mood and pulled Ye Jiang to sit down opposite Ye Tang together.

Liang Jing continued: "Fusheng, they are looking for you for the copyright of the novel "Junquan".

Ye Tang said indifferently: "I know."

At this time, Ye Mingqi finally couldn't sit still and asked a few rhetorical questions.

"You know

?" "So, you're here to humiliate us?" "

You obviously saw the message I sent you on Weibo, but you deliberately didn't reply, and even promised President Liang to agree to meet us and give us a little hope. In the end, he trampled us under his feet again.

Speaking of this, Ye Mingqi gritted his teeth a little.

This sister is really playing with them step by step, calculating them, playing them like monkeys and clowns.

Ye Tang nodded approvingly and replied, "Ye Mingqi, it seems that you are not stupid, so you can suffer less humiliation." You got it right, that's what you said. It seems that you understand very well that it is impossible for me to give you the copyright of the monarchy. She

just wanted to slap Ye Mingqi in the face and repay her for the anger she had suffered here before.

When Ye Mingqi heard this answer, the green tendons on his forehead also burst out.

Sure enough

, she knew that he and Ye Jiang wanted to win the copyright of "Monarchy", but they wanted to deliberately give them a little hope, and then beat their wishes hard and let them fall to the bottom.

This kind of taste is really uncomfortable.

This sister really knows how to humiliate him, and she really knows how to step on his pain points.

Seeing Ye Mingqi like this, Ye Tang's face was still indifferent, and he even took a leisurely sip of coffee.

Well, today's coffee is very good.

When she wrote "Monarchy", she couldn't stay up in the middle of the night to catch up on the manuscript, and she often drank coffee.

Ye Mingqi now feels very uncomfortable being teased by her.

But did he ever think that when he teased her for Ye Jiang, he obviously agreed to her, but he could regret it because of Ye Jiang, just because of Ye Jiang's words.

At that time

, was she uncomfortable? He, never thought about it, right?

Ye Jiang never spoke, she looked at Ye Mingqi's appearance, for fear that he would say something revealing in front of Liang Jing, after all, she was in front of President Liang Jing, but she was a warm and happy family, and her brothers spoiled her alone.

So, she hurriedly pulled Liang Jing and said, "President Liang, thank you so much today, we still have something to talk about with Fusheng, you go back first, and invite you to dinner next time."

Liang Jing is also a good person, so she can't see the weirdness of this atmosphere, and hurriedly said, "Okay, Jiang Jiang, next time we'll have dinner together."

Finally, she said hello to Ye Tang again: "Teacher Ye, I'll go first, and I must keep in touch with each other in the future."

Ye Tang smiled: "Okay, I will."

When Ye Jiang saw this scene, his eyes were a little weird and indescribable.

At the beginning, in order to tie up with Liang Jing, she took a lot of effort and found a middleman.

But what about Ye Tang, she seemed to be able to easily win the appreciation and liking of President Liang Jing.

Isn't it just that I wrote a broken novel? What's so good?

But on the contrary, she and Ye Mingqi just can't ask for the copyright of this broken novel.

Ye Jiang adjusted his mentality and smiled: "I didn't expect that you have been writing novels all these years. No wonder you can be so tough against your family, it turns out that you still have this money-making skill. "

Ye Jiang always speaks without leaking, but he can easily provoke others.

Just like now, the sentence "do it against the family" once again aroused Ye Mingqi's dissatisfaction.

He didn't understand why Ye Tang was working against his family.

Ye Tang replied: "Ye Jiang, there are too many things you can't think of. But then again, I have a close relationship with the Ye family, and I have a close relationship with you, so you don't want to continue to pretend to be stupid with me here, do you? Although the Ye family is blind and blind, they deserve to be stupid, but you don't want to take it out of it so innocently!"

"You can't escape any of them.

Ye Tang's words were not polite at all, and Ye Jiang was speechless.

That's right, they've already torn their faces.

Ye Tang even said that he wanted her to become a bedbug in the dark ditch and look up to her life.

But my dear sister, you have to believe in fate, some things have long been predestined.

Thinking of this, the corners of Ye Jiang's mouth also hooked.

When Ye Mingqi heard Ye Tang's words, his face changed and changed.

Ye Jiang thought for a while, and said earnestly again: "Ye Tang, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that." Although it's always not peaceful when you're at home, I've never spoken ill of you, haven't I? You have conflicts with your family, do you have to blame me?"

Indeed, in this farce of true and false daughters, Ye Jiang's role is not sharp.

Ye Tang came all the way, Ye Jiang didn't even take the initiative to calculate her, and even the tea talk was only occasional, and he didn't go too far.

From this point of view, it seems that the Ye family is indeed more wrong.

But it doesn't mean that she Ye Jiang is innocent.

Dogs that can bite people don't bark, Ye Tang won't let down his vigilance against her just because Ye Jiang has been acting well-behaved.

What's more, when reading the original book, Ye Tang felt that she was hiding deeply.

If it weren't for a crazy critic Bo Chiyan to help her take revenge, maybe Ye Jiang would really be able to live a prosperous life as a wealthy young grandmother as she wished, instead of dying.

She believes that sooner or later, Ye Jiang will reveal his true colors.

Ye Tang: "Is this what you mean, you know it in your own heart." Don't be delusional, although you seem to have always behaved very kindly, and have never been aggressive towards me, I have never felt that you really want to live peacefully with my sister.

"Especially during this period of time, you must be very unhappy when you have been crushed by me many times, right?Ye Jiang, don't you really hate me at all?"

Ye Tang's last sentence stepped on Ye Jiang's sore spot, and the gentle mask on Ye Jiang's

face almost couldn't hold back.

She hates, how can she

not hate? But now, not the time for her to hate.

Ye Mingqi didn't want to continue to entangle with Ye Tang about these things about Chen Sesame and rotten grains, and was bent on thinking about the copyright issue of the monarch's power, so he couldn't help but ask: "Ye Tang, you obviously know that your family wants to shoot this novel, why do you still want to shoot it for Bright Media? Don't you know that you want to go home, and don't know what it means to keep fat and water from flowing into the fields of outsiders? Besides, Bright Media is our company's sworn enemy! You do this, which makes us feel cold.

Ye Tang: "Cold? That's right." "

Why? Because Bright Media is her company, she shoots herself for her own things, and shoots for the Ye family, so isn't it completely going to pave the way for Ye Jiang, and she can't catch a single hair?

Maybe, even the author's authorship right that originally belonged to her will be directly given to Ye Jiang.

Ye Tang's eyes narrowed slightly: "Ye Mingqi, you don't slap the table with me here, what qualifications do you have to tell me to go to the Ye family? and what qualifications do you have for me to give you the copyright of the monarch's power to the Ye family." I am considered your own sister in terms of blood, but have you ever been to me before? What qualifications do you have now, calling me to the Ye family? You are not worthy!"

"When I used to be kind to you, you took it for granted, but now, even if I lose my things and feed them to the dogs, I will not give them to you." You deserve this fate.

Ye Mingqi subconsciously opened his mouth and said, "Why do you have to fight with Jiang Jiang?"

He was suddenly stunned for a moment, remembering that if it was before, his third brother's request, Ye Tang would definitely meet him.

But now, even if he begged to come to her, she wouldn't give him a look.

This consciousness suddenly made Ye Mingqi feel uncomfortable.

It turns out that this feeling of loss is also a kind of Ling Chi.

He's really cheap, he didn't feel it when he had it before, but now it's uncomfortable.

Ye Tang also replied to him: "The same reason, then why do you have to fight with Bright Media?" "I ......" Ye Tang replied to him with

his words, and directly made Ye Mingqi speechless.

He is Qi Yetang towards Bright Media, but he himself also chooses to move towards his adopted sister between his adoptive sister and his own sister.

So, what qualifications does he

have to let her stand in the Ye family? Now, it's time to let the Ye family feel what it's like to have relatives who are related in blood to outsiders.

Ye Tang continued to sneer: "It's the right thing to say in yourself, why, if you change it to someone else, you can't say a word?" The reason why I agreed to come to see you and Ye Jiang today is not only to see how ugly you look at you, but also to see how thick your two skins can be, and then slap you in the face."

Ye Tang shook his head again: "I didn't expect that your skin is thicker than I imagined!

"I sometimes think you are really shameless, while standing on the opposite side of your own sister, while saying to me what family, blood and family, do you Ye family have any schizophrenia? Or are you all double-standard dogs?"

Ye Mingqi was about to be angry with this poisonous sister, the fifth child learned from his own sister

? Also, did she really dare to slap him in the face on the Internet?

Ye Mingqi held back his temper and entered the topic again: "So Ye Tang, this matter is not negotiable, right? You are determined to let Bright Media shoot your novel.

Ye Tang: "It's because of my brain that I let you shoot my novel, do you look like my brain is pumping now?" "

Besides, now you are begging me for something, right? Why, if you ask for someone, you have to show an attitude of begging for someone, if you beg me, maybe I will think about it."

Ye Mingqi gritted his teeth: "Ye Tang, is it that Jiang Jiang and I beg you now, and you won't give us the copyright to the Ye family, right?" Ye Tang

nodded: "Of course, it's just that you will suffer one more humiliation."

"Good, good, good.

Ye Mingqi was angry, and pulled Ye Jiang and walked back.

He was afraid that if he continued to stay here, he would definitely be angry with this sister.

Ye Tang looked at their departing backs and felt comfortable.

Ye Jiang saw the third brother pulling her and left, because she was too hard because of anger, and her wrist hurt so much.

In the past, the third brother would not be like this, he, like other brothers, cared most about her feelings as a precious sister.

"Third brother.

Ye Jiang pulled his hand out of his hand dissatisfied, and said unhappily, "Did you hurt me?" The

third child saw the scar on Ye Jiang's wrist, and also knew that he was so angry with Ye Tang that he lost his mind, and just wanted to say something, but heard Ye Jiang say: "Third brother, why did you pull me away and don't continue to talk to Ye Tang about copyright?"

Ye Laosan's eyes widened when he heard his baby sister complain about himself.

"Ye Jiang, are you complaining about me now?".

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