Bo Chiyan looked at the girl's crimson cheeks, and his eyes were a little deeper and warmer.

For most of the past six months, they have been together, and when they are not married, they basically live together.

At first, they were only together because of their grandmother, and he even said, don't fall in love with her.

But after getting along for so long, he also got to know Ye Tang more and more, and became more and more Xi that she was by his side, and in such a quiet day, he suddenly gave birth to a sense of fate.

The sense of fatalism is wonderful, as if they are destined to be together, this sense of fatalism is fascinating, and it is also irresistible.

It will be a long time before he will know how this sense of fatalism came about.

It has always been his luck to meet her, she is like a ray of sunshine, illuminating his dark and boring life.

Bo Chiyan touched her cup again, and his voice was low: "Tang Tang, I wish you a successful big project." I also wish Bright Media in advance to become the top leading company in the industry and carry it forward in your hands.

Ye Tang was a little surprised when she heard this, attached it to the man's ear, and asked, "Chi Yan, how do you know?"

There are some things that she hasn't said to Bo Chi Yan yet.

Bo Chiyan still maintained his gentle and elegant appearance, and replied in a low voice with a smile: "If I don't even know what my fiancée is doing, then wouldn't my fiancé be too much of a failure?"

His fiancée is not an ordinary person in the first place, and she has secrets that others don't know. The last time he went to Bright Media, he keenly smelled something.

Ye Tang is the behind-the-scenes boss of Bright Media.

Ye Tang smiled, his eyes were very bright: "Those who know me are better than my fiancé."

She tiptoed to his ear, with a girl's agility and pretty.

Bo Chiyan was afraid that she would fall, so he reached out and grabbed her thin waist, and there was a little more ambiguity between the two.

Ye Tang felt the temperature from the big palm, and stuck to his body, both of them were enjoying the feeling of testing each other's intimacy.

Old Madam Bo and Madame Bo looked at each other and smiled, both comforting in their hearts.

The little couple is very affectionate.

Even Old Man Bo's face rarely showed a faint smile, happy to see them so harmonious.

Ye Tang has brought new breath and vitality to this home, giving this home a warm feeling.

Bo Chiyan looked at the girl with a flowery face in front of him, and continued: "No matter what you want to do in the future, I will support you and be your strongest backing." If anyone dares to thwart you, I will make his death ugly. The

last sentence was tinged with a hint of anger.

Bo Chiyan almost said bluntly, even if Mrs. was in trouble, he was there, so no one dared to touch her.

Ye Tang looked at the man's side face, his mind moved, he tiptoed, kissed the corner of his mouth, and said a love word: "Mr. Bo, as long as you are by my side, I can be invincible." "

In the living room, the mellow aroma of wine mixed with the aroma of steak on the plate makes the atmosphere of the home more warm and sweet.

Bo Chiyan's mind moved, and he wanted to kiss her at this time.

However, in the end, he restrained himself and did not kiss down.

The last time he kissed her, he remembers.

He was also afraid that he would become more and more addicted to her, so addicted that he would be desperate and paranoid.

His rose, who didn't want to turn into that possessive and perverted madman, crushed her ferociously in her scared mood.

He thought, let her shine brightly.

Because, this is what she wants, the life she wants.

His kindness to her is fulfillment.

If Ye Tang knew that Bo Chiyan thought so, he would definitely feel very warm, and even moved to tears.

Regardless of past life and present life, he always puts her thoughts and emotions first and always thinks about her.

Before going to bed at night, Ye Tang saw a hot search on Weibo, "Dragon Head Lock" will be made into a film and television, and the company that will be made into a film and television is Starlight Entertainment.

This hot search started with a small tail on the list, and then rose to the fifteenth place, and the popularity is still not small.

Wang Lu typed her through the screen.

"This Ye Jiang is really shameless, how embarrassed is she to say those things to you during the day, what she said she has never targeted you. Hmph, I see that this cliff is holding a bad stomach in the back, I'm so angry, she actually bought that toffee's work! Isn't it obvious that she wants to do it against you? She must have known from Liang Jing about your grievances with that toffee, so she deliberately bought the copyright of that toffee's novel! I want to find someone to kill you together, how is this green tea embarrassed to pretend to be innocent in front of you?"

Wang Lu as "Monarchy" The fans who chased the watch during the serialization period also joined the large group of floating fans, and pinched the fans and friends of the toffee, so I know too well the grievances between Ye Tang and the author called toffee.

That toffee is purely caused by red eyes, jealousy of the good grades of the floating book, so it is secretly bad.

However, that's how she tricked her, constantly forming gangs on the Internet, in a vain attempt to discredit the floating life.

Wang Lu was going to forget the little slut of toffee, but she didn't expect that this time the film and television of the novel made her see the little slut of toffee, and she actually hooked up with Ye Jiang's big slut.

The little slut and the big slut play together, and it's really like a gathering.

Since this little slut came to the door to find abuse, then this time they must avenge the new and old hatred together!

Ye Tang couldn't help but laugh when he saw Wang Lu's angry tirade.

It is a good sister who will empathize with her and condemn those wicked people.

Ye Tang typed back: "If people want to pretend to be innocent, let her pretend." Anyway, we know for ourselves, she's definitely not a good thing. As for the author called Milk Candy, I never took her seriously before. She was jealous of my grades and soured her to death. The biggest revenge for her is that her grades are better than her.

"However, if she wants to find fault with Ye Jiang, don't blame me for not giving her face.

Wang Lu: "That's right, no matter how much that toffee jumps, in the end, your grades are better than her, and all aspects of the data beat her." Junquan has also become the top of the list of classic romance novels for ten years, and if you look at her again, you can't even touch the end

of the list, this ending is really refreshing to me!" Wang Lu: "That's it, Ye Jiang actually dares to buy that toffee's copyright novel, doesn't this laugh at the dead?" Ye Tang: "

Maybe I don't know much about online texts, and that faucet lock is not as bad as you said, although it is far worse than me, but it is also a classic hit of that period."

Wang Lu: "Hahaha, this is more popular than people, Milk Candy wants to compare with you, but it can't be compared with you, it's funny." She got involved with the big slut Ye Jiang this time, and she definitely thought that she could beat you and export the evil spirit of being robbed in the first place, but how do I think her abacus must be in vain. Perhaps, the two of them will send their heads together in a group!".

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