Ye Tang saw a young woman sitting next to Liang Jing, and probably knew who it was. Dressed in fancy clothes, necklaces and hanging ornaments on both hands and neck, for fear that others will not know that she has made some money, in addition to being cheesy, it also looks pompous, a typical small citizen mentality.

Don't think she doesn't know, this toffee is obsessed with her in many groups, saying that she is a loser in real life, or an old and ugly middle-aged woman with a baby at home, and her life is miserable, and she is not as good as her at all.

She came to the live broadcast just to see what kind of miserable life she was living, and by the way, to show off and increase her sense of superiority.

Last night, her book fans showed her screenshots, which were full of various remarks from toffee.

Ye Tang saw it, but he was not angry.

Anyway, if she comes to the live broadcast today, Milk Candy will be slapped in the face on the spot, and let her jump all night first.

Ye Jiang is really naïve enough, she wouldn't think that pulling such an author would be able to get her, right?

On the contrary, not only could she not be able to respond to her, but she could also take the opportunity to create a wave of hot spots.

Ye Jiang will definitely be angry if she knows, right?

Since Ye Jiang specially sent her a candidate to create popularity, then she accepted it unceremoniously, anyway, she also wanted to promote the monarchy in advance and pave the way for the start of the TV series.

However, she only said hello to Liang Jing: "President Liang." "

For the other woman, she basically ignored it.

She didn't even pay attention to Ye Ting and them in front of the variety show camera, let alone such a troublesome woman.

Floating Candy

was dumbfounded when she saw the top beauty in front of her, because her lustful floating life in front of her friends was completely different from reality, which was really unexpected.

Although Fusheng is dressed in a relatively low-key manner, focusing on an unpretentious and unpretentious one, her bag is already a top luxury brand, or a specially customized model, the kind that ordinary rich people can't buy at all, let alone other rich small objects.

If it weren't for the fact that she often looks at luxury goods on the Internet, I'm afraid she wouldn't understand these things at all.

It can be seen from all kinds of signs that Fusheng is either rich or expensive, and she is still so beautiful, which is not comparable to her as a small author at all, and the clown is herself.

In Milk Candy's heart, inferiority complex suddenly appeared, and he was a little flustered.

The cow she blew out before can't be recovered now.

Ye Tang sat on Liang Jing's right, and naturally greeted the live broadcast room: "Hi, hello everyone, I am the author of Fusheng, and I am also the creator of the monarchy." The

online barrage in the live broadcast room exploded all of a sudden, and they all greeted Ye Tang and praised her for her good looks.

The appearance of Fusheng himself was really a surprise to netizens, who would have thought that Fusheng was so beautiful.

Milk candy, which was still very popular just now, has suffered from the cold scene at the moment, and has been ignored by netizens who came in to watch the live broadcast, and even Liang Jing seems to have ignored her existence, and the floating life seems to glow, and everyone's attention is on her.

This feeling of being ignored makes Milk Candy very frustrated.

Thinking about her as a god in the online literature industry, who sees her as not full of envy and admiration, she is the focus wherever she goes, not as a foil like now.

"? This is really a floating life? This appearance is too against the sky

, isn't it? It's so beautiful and beautiful!" "But isn't it, even if it is placed in the entertainment industry, it doesn't lose to female stars at all, okay? I can't imagine that there are such beautiful women in our online literature circle! I really shocked me! You guys wear toffee, I want my soul to wear a big beauty."

"Yes, in fact, the appearance of toffee is already very good in our opinion, but now when we compare it, it is not enough.

"Milk candy is quite ordinary, at most she is a little beauty, it's not bad in the online literature circle, which is a crowd with a lot of ordinary appearances, but how can she compare with her face like a little beauty? It's really a big joke!"

"So who just spread rumors that Fusheng is ugly and old? Fusheng looks like he's twenty years old at most! This is the real young and promising, and sure enough, the genius has already been famous all over the world when he was a teenager."

"Those rumor-mongers are most likely toffee-based friends, didn't she use that set to smear Fusheng before? I didn't expect that she was actually a top beauty, I really laughed to death, okay?"

"I have a question, floating is so beautiful, why do you want to come to the mixed online literary circle, what is the development of the online literary circle, it is not as fast as the mixed entertainment industry."

"Upstairs, don't say it, from the moment Fusheng came in, I felt that she was very familiar, but I don't know where I saw her, it seems to be in the entertainment industry. "

Ye Tang?Is this the name

?""! Is it the same Ye Tang who was on the variety show with Ye Jiang before?I haven't watched that variety show yet, it's said to be very good, I was waiting to watch it on TV

!" "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!How can it be Ye Tang, I'm crazy hahaha

!" "Don't go crazy upstairs, it's Ye Tang! Although I can't believe it, the monarchy was written by her!"

My God, Ye Tang was only nineteen years old when he put on a floating vest and wrote about the monarchy. Your life and my life seem to be different!"

"Hurry up and pull Ye Tang's fans to come and see, your sister is actually carrying your hidden vest, I have thought about the hot search, shocked, the god of online literature is actually a female star in the entertainment industry, how about this?"

The Tang fans who came in were also dumbfounded, and there was only one word to describe their mood.


the barrage frantically pouring in, Ye Tang still smiled faintly and maintained his due demeanor.

Liang Jing said: "Today, our Fusheng University is a guest in the live broadcast room, if you have any questions, you can ask them." "

As soon as I heard that I could ask questions, I was also asked in the barrage.

The most asked question is naturally the grudge between her and toffee.

The barrage thought that Ye Tang would not answer such an embarrassing topic, after all, it was so ugly at the beginning, and the toffee was in the live broadcast room, but Ye Tang really answered, which seemed very generous.

She said: "I don't take any responsibility for the grievances between me and Milk Candy in the online literature circle, it is completely a war unilaterally provoked by Milk Candy, I believe everyone can see what happened, so I won't go on in detail here." I didn't continue writing novels not because of toffee, but because I had other more important things to do, and I didn't have the time to dwell on them. "

I didn't expect Ye Tang to be so rigid, he dared to say this in front of the parties, and he was even more excited.

Hearing this, Milk Candy's face was almost distorted.

She only dared to attack the Internet, if she really wanted to tear it in reality, she really didn't dare, not to mention that she was not stupid, she could see that Ye Tang's identity was not ordinary, and she would not touch the stone with an egg.

Liang Jing also smiled and said: "I also thought that Fusheng was affected by this incident, so I didn't continue to write, but it turned out that it wasn't."

Ye Tang's remarks won the favor of netizens.

"Fusheng is really generous, and it doesn't add oil and vinegar to things, this is the pattern. On the contrary, toffee is really a bit difficult to explain, so she dares to post on Weibo to incite those brainless passers-by and fans, right? Oh, I don't know if these people are disguised by her friends.

"Harm, as a passer-by who has eaten all the melons, the toffee was really unreasonable, you insist that people follow the trend and plagiarize you, and you can't come up with evidence, a small mouth is all kinds of rumors in that horn, it's really disgusting, who doesn't say a word of floating atmosphere after reading it." "

When the two authors are compared, they are really superior. "

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