Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 108 Five-clawed Golden Dragon

"I'm sorry, I'm not qualified to be your mount." When the huge bear in front of him, covered with dark golden hair, turned away, this was already the seventh one Long Dangdang had encountered that he could like. Warcraft. At the very least, they are all at level nine or above.

However, since the evil-eyed tyrant took half a step to dominate, these monsters have only given him one answer: I am not worthy!

Although before coming this time, his cousin also told him that with an innate spiritual power of over 90 and a Son of Light physique, it would probably be difficult to choose a mount, because most mounts would think that they could not match his talent. Therefore, it's not like he can just make do if he wants to. If the mount doesn't choose him, there's nothing he can do.

Long Dangdang was also helpless. The only consolation was Xiao Xieyan, who had signed a master-slave contract with him. Finally, there is a guarantee, so it’s not too miserable.

Most of the day has passed. Although the previous Warcraft did not sign a contract with him, it also told him the direction to go deep into the Holy Mountain of Knights. The deeper you go, the higher the level of Warcraft you may encounter, so Long Dangdang can only Keep going deep.

Along the way, he tried to search for Long Kongkong's whereabouts, but he never found his brother.

Hurry up and go inward, hoping that the monsters in the depths will be more confident.

The monsters in the Holy Mountain of Knights should have a contract with the Knights Temple. They are relatively friendly and have not encountered any danger along the way. It is true that the monsters encountered in this area are far stronger than him. If they are really dangerous, it will be troublesome.

After passing through a forest and then through a hilly area, the scenery ahead suddenly became clear. Long Dangdang was surprised to see a huge mountain peak appearing in his field of vision.

The mountain peaks towered into the clouds, and only the part under the clouds could be seen. There is no grass growing on the huge mountain peaks, which stand tall and majestic.

Is this the real holy mountain of knights? Long Dangdang thought to himself, and then he had a goal. Now that you are here, you must go and have a look.

While thinking about it, Long Dangdang speeded up and headed towards the high mountain.

As the saying goes, looking at the mountain is like running to death. A mountain that seems not far away can only be felt when you walk towards it. Until nightfall, Long Dangdang had not reached the foot of the mountain.

He found a higher place to sit down and rest. He was going to meditate and adjust his condition before moving on. The time to search for the monster was limited, and he was not going to sleep.

At the same time, on the other side of the mountain, Long Kongkong also saw this mountain.

"Yu Tong! Do you think there will be giant dragons living on this mountain? I think it is possible. Maybe my dream of a dragon knight will come true here."

"Yeah." Yutong simply responded. It's obvious that he doesn't think highly of him.

"Bang!" As he was walking forward, Long Kongkong suddenly seemed to have bumped into something. His whole body was shaken and he sat on the ground.

"Ouch -" He screamed in pain, raised his hand and wiped it, his nose was bleeding.

"What the hell?" Long Kongkong looked in surprise. At this moment, he could see that there seemed to be a looming light film accompanying his impact at the location where the collision had just occurred.

He stood up holding his nose and raised his hand to touch the light film. At this moment, a deep voice sounded in his ears, "The divine beast area, those who are destined can enter." This voice seemed to come from the resonance of the air, coming from all directions. The sound made his head buzz.

"What do you mean by a destined person?" Long Kongkong said to himself in confusion.

"It probably means good talent." Yutong's voice sounded, and the next moment, he had already separated from his body, and he looked at the transparent diaphragm in front of him with some surprise.

"You mean, I can't get in?" Long Kongkong punched the light film in front of him. It was extremely strong. This was obviously not something he could get in with his own cultivation.

Yu Tong remained silent and did not attack him.

Not allowed in? Long Kongkong's eyes suddenly widened, why wouldn't he be allowed in? This Holy Mountain of Knights is too unfriendly!

"Hey, you can't do this to me! I am a man who was sent directly to the boss area. I will be a dragon knight in the future, how can you not let me in?" As he said this, Long Kongkong raised his hands and beat them hard. Hitting the shield in front of him, the grievances he had suffered during the day exploded instantly. Are people with poor talent being discriminated against like this?

In fact, if someone else had the same talent as him at the beginning, there would be no possibility of entering the Holy Mountain of Knights. But now, he has no intention to think about this at all, he just feels that he has been deeply insulted.

Yu Tong was floating beside him, the light on her body was faintly visible, but she didn't make any movement. But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

When Long Kongkong struck the light screen with both hands, the nosebleed stained by his other hand also naturally came into contact with the light screen. A strange buzzing sound then appeared from the light screen. The moment the buzzing sound appeared, Long Kongkong felt as if everything around him began to tremble. It was a kind of trembling in the air, accompanied by His body also trembled and fell backward. Then he saw a layer of light purple and deep purple appearing on the surface of the light curtain.

With the appearance of this purple color, the originally transparent light curtain began to be clearly visible, but the tremors became more and more intense as the purple color spread.

"Boom -" A violent roar suddenly exploded, like thunder on the ground. The original night seemed to become brighter because of this explosion. The towering mountain peak in the distance seemed to be at this moment It became brighter, but the power of the explosion did not spread to the surroundings, but rose and burst into the sky. The originally thick clouds in the sky were affected by the impact of this layer, and the clouds opened and mist dispersed. Under the light emanating from the mountain itself, the entire mountain peak appeared in Long Kongkong's field of vision.

When the mountain really appeared, he could see it more clearly. The mountain peak was much taller than he imagined. The part that originally appeared under the clouds and mist only accounted for about one-third of the height. When the clouds and mist dispersed, it The whole picture can be seen.

"D-Did I cause trouble?" Long Kongkong subconsciously turned his head to look at Yu Tong.

Yutong seemed a little silent. After a few seconds, he said: "It should be fine."

"Ang——" At this moment, the passionate roar of the dragon suddenly sounded, and then Long Kongkong clearly saw that there were huge figures emitting light appearing in the direction of the mountain peak. Even though the mountain peak was so tall, he could still clearly see these beings when they appeared.

A dozen lights and shadows appeared at the same time, and quickly flew in their direction. As the dozen or so figures gradually enlarged, Long Kongkong felt huge pressure coming towards his face. And he could clearly see what these flying creatures looked like.

The antlers are like a deer, the head is like a camel, the eyes are like a rabbit, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a fish, the claws are like an eagle, the palms are like a tiger, and the ears are like an ox.

This is……


A big question mark instantly appeared in Long Kongkong's mind, but the next moment, it was extremely shocking.

These giant dragons were at least a hundred meters in length, and the largest one was even three hundred meters long. As they flew over, clouds and mist swirled around them, and their incomparable aura was definitely something he would never see in his life. The most shocking scene I have ever experienced.

The leader was a giant dragon that was more than three hundred meters long. Its whole body was covered with golden scales. Each scale seemed to be larger than the dragon's body. The dragon's scales were crystal clear and exuded a rich golden halo. As it flew towards At that time, it seemed as if the entire sky was lit up. The most peculiar thing is that there are five claws under its belly, and there are erected scales on the top of its head, forming a crown-like existence.

The giant dragons following it were all huge in stature, but the scales on their bodies were slightly different in color, but they all had powerful auras.

The huge five-clawed golden dragon flew to a place a hundred meters away from Long Kongkong before slowly stopping. A look of uncertainty flashed in its huge dragon eyes. When it saw Long Kongkong clearly in front of it, its eyes fluctuated obviously. For a moment.

"Who are you?" A low and majestic voice sounded, but the sound shook Long Kongkong, who stumbled back two steps and almost fell to the ground.

Surrounded by a group of dragons, Long Kongkong was afraid in his heart, but his true nature as a social ox was still revealed, "I am Long Kongkong. I am from the Knights Temple, and I came here to find a mount. My ideal is to want Become a Dragon Knight.”

The pupils of the five-clawed golden dragon shrank obviously, and it murmured: "Long Kongkong? You are an existence that should not belong to this world." As he spoke, its right front paw was raised, and in the center of the claw , a group of dazzling golden light lit up like a small sun.

At this moment, Long Kongkong felt as if his entire body had solidified. The feeling was a bit like the oppressive feeling when his cousin used the Praise of Light curse, and it was even more powerful. And this time the feeling of oppression was only directed at him.

"Stop." At this moment, a clear voice sounded. Immediately afterwards, golden light flashed, and a light and shadow blocked Long Kongkong's body.

Yutong opened his arms to block Long Kongkong behind him, and also blocked the terrifying pressure brought by the five-clawed golden dragon.

"Existence is reasonable, and his existence naturally has its own reason and meaning. His Majesty the Dragon Emperor should not be embarrassed."

The right claw of the five-clawed golden dragon stopped in the air, and its eyes narrowed slightly, "Some familiar aura, the spiritual furnace of wisdom? Do you know what kind of existence you are guarding?"

Yutong said in a deep voice: "Dragon King, please allow me to communicate with the sea of ​​consciousness." As she said that, a golden light shot out from her forehead and flew straight towards the Dragon King.

The Dragon King's right claw did not retract, but a golden light also shot out from the dragon's eyes, connecting with the golden light shot out by Yutong.

The two golden lights complement each other, as if they have merged into one.

At this time, Long Kongkong felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He clearly felt the death threat from the five-clawed golden dragon. And if such an existence really wanted to kill him, then what would happen to him? There shouldn't be any difference if you crush an ant to death.

Yutong, help! He muttered silently in his heart.

The communication between Yu Tong and the Dragon Emperor lasted for several minutes before the golden light in the Dragon Emperor's claws gradually extinguished.

"I hope this isn't playing with fire and burning yourself." The Dragon King's voice was a little more strange.

Yu Tong said solemnly: "Of course not. Everything has its own destiny, and everything has its own restraint. Although destiny is ever-changing, the direction of destiny has its own direction after all."

"I understand, there are pros and cons. This is a rare opportunity. However, for the future of our clan, I can't help him, so you can leave. I'm afraid you won't gain much from the Knights' trip to the Holy Mountain." As the Dragon King spoke, he finally put away the light in the dragon's claws, allowing the terrifying death threat to dissipate.

Yutong was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I understand your difficulties and I will comply with your wishes."

The five-clawed golden dragon nodded to her, then looked past Yutong and came to Long Kongkong again. Its attitude softened obviously, "I'm very sorry, Long Kongkong, there is no suitable mount for you in the Holy Mountain of Knights." . Because we are not qualified to be your mount. I’m afraid you won’t be able to become a dragon knight.”

"Ah? Can't you?" Long Kongkong said with a sad face.

The Dragon Emperor's right hand dragon claw gently tapped in his direction, and a golden light shot out. Before Long Kongkong could react, the golden light was already imprinted on his eyebrows.

"Although I can't make you a dragon knight. But I give you this Dragon King's pardon. No dragon clan will harm you. It can be regarded as a gift from our clan to you. The reason why I can't become your mount partner is because In the Holy Mountain of Knights, no one is qualified to sign an equal contract with you."

Long Kongkong looked helpless, what could he do? That was a death threat just now! Although he didn't know why the five-clawed golden dragon changed his mind, he finally felt a little better now. In any case, he changed from "I don't deserve it" to "You don't deserve it". The Dragon King said so, so it should be correct.

The Dragon Emperor turned to Yutong and said: "When everything is determined, please inform our clan. My clan has promised to the other thing you mentioned. We will fully support it. I apologize for my rudeness today. I Send you out now."

As he spoke, the Dragon King pointed his right paw towards the ground in front of them again, and a circle of golden light bloomed, covering Long Kongkong and Yutong. The golden light gathered and condensed into magic in the form of golden light patterns under their feet. Formation, the next moment, golden light shrouded them, leading them to disappear silently.

Forming a formation with one finger, this kind of powerful strength, if it were in the outside world, it would definitely be the most powerful one.

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