Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 11 A weekend of despair?

"You said you fell into deep trance last night and didn't wake up until noon today?" Long Dangdang asked.

"Yes! I didn't expect that meditation would be so much more comfortable than sleeping. I'm so happy. I got up at noon today and saw a beautiful teacher when I went out. It was a good start. I now feel that going to school is also a wonderful thing."

Long Dangdang said thoughtfully: "It should be caused by your Yuan Vortex Spirit Furnace. By the way, the Knight Temple did send a spiritual furnace, but it requires a total spiritual power of more than 100 points to absorb it, so I will Take it and call it the Holy Spiritual Furnace." He briefly told Long Kongkong the power of the Holy Spiritual Furnace.

"This is good! Isn't it just to attract hatred? If we encounter any opponents when we go out from now on, then you can just pull it off!" Long Kongkong said excitedly.

Long Dang said calmly: "I estimate that the Knights Temple will probably give you another spiritual furnace. As the strongest temple, they can't be worse than the Magic Temple. Anyway, you said it's the weekend and you asked me to take you to Tenglong City. The knight branch is here, let’s go take a look when the time comes.”

Long Kongkong looked at Long Dangdang warily, "You want to get me another spiritual furnace again? Don't waste it, it's useless. Even if there is a spiritual furnace, I can't become a good student like you."

Long Dangdang said angrily: "Looking at your potential, why don't you want the free things? The poisons are sour and sweet. Take them first. By the way, have you decided whether you are ready to practice? What skills are they? I had a day of class today, and I think the basic skills of the knights are really practical! They are worthy of being the First Temple. I will tell you now, please listen carefully."

Long Kongkong said: "What are you listening to? You just need to know how to do it."

Long Dangdang kicked him on the butt, "I can't follow you all the time. What if my secret is exposed?"

"How dare you kick me!" Long Kongkong bared his teeth and claws and pounced on me.

Long Dangdang looked at him with a half-smile, and the milky white light flashed instantly, the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace. However, instead of leaving Long Kong empty, they used the Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace to enclose him in a shield with a diameter of three meters.

"Come on! Be happy!"

"Ah -" Long Kongkong's scream quickly echoed within the Holy Spirit Shield.

"Isn't it amazing that you have strong spiritual power?"

"Yes! It's amazing! Long Kongkong, I'm not a teacher. You can't fool me. If you don't learn from me today, I will beat you. This is not a home. No one can save you even if you call Po Tian. of."

When Long Kongkong was thrown back to the Knight Academy dormitory by Long Dangdang, he felt as if his whole body was falling apart in pain.

It can be basically chopped a thousand times, plus stimulates the spiritual power to be injected into the knight's sword a hundred times. Plus one hour of actual combat with brothers. The so-called actual combat is basically unilateral suppression. The gap in innate spiritual power, even after absorbing a lot of Long Dangdang's spiritual power in the Holy Spiritual Furnace, the gap between the two is still huge. The blessing of spiritual power alone made Long Kongkong unable to resist.

"Long Dangdang, just wait for me!" Long Kongkong collapsed directly on the bed, muttered a few words and fell asleep.

The faint golden light appeared quietly again just after he fell into sleep, and the energy of heaven and earth in the air naturally condensed towards his body.

Long Kongkong, who was sleeping, gradually relaxed his brows as the pale golden light flickered on his body, and his whole body seemed to be completely relaxed.

The next week's study will focus on basic knowledge, with knights starting to add body training, and magicians adding insights into elements. After a week, Long Dangdang benefited a lot, because he learned magic and knight abilities at the same time, and his life was very fulfilling.

Long Kongkong was lazy, but he had to work hard to memorize some things, otherwise he wouldn't be able to teach his brother, so he generally remembered them.

In the knight course, as the squad leader, he had to work a little harder. After all, he said he would take the students to fly.

He didn't feel anything about the elemental perception of the magician course. After all, with his innate talent, it would be strange if he could feel it so quickly.

Finally, the weekend is here.

After school in the evening, the lazy dragon disappeared and was replaced by a cheerful one.

"I'm finally able to go home! I'm so happy. Brother, where should we go tomorrow?" Long Kongkong asked excitedly.

Long Dangdang said with a half-smile: "Let's talk tomorrow. Here are my magic notes for today. Remember them when you get back. Don't be embarrassed if you can't answer the teacher's questions. Also, if you dare to tease me again, Aisha, I will strangle you to death."

Long Kongkong took the magic note and shouted with an innocent look on his face: "Why did I tease her? Don't frame me falsely."

"Falsely accusing you? What happened to the breakfast she put on my table this morning? I had already eaten it, but it was because of you that I had another meal." Long Dangdang was furious.

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes, "I just said it casually yesterday, saying that sometimes in the morning I ran to class without having time to eat breakfast. It proves that girls are kind. Do you know how kind they are? If you don't eat, you will get it?"

"I..." Long Dangdang wanted not to eat, but he was still a little shy in front of outsiders. Looking at Ai Xia's big shining eyes, he really couldn't say anything, and then he ate two. Twice the breakfast. So much so that when he realized the elements in the morning, all he felt was a full stomach.

Long Kongkong said with a smile: "The girls in your class are really good, they are all very kind."

Long Dangdang also smiled and said calmly: "From next week, you can stay in your knight academy to attend classes."

"What?" Long Kongkong's eyes widened.

Long Dangdang said: "We will start trying to release elements next week. Tell me, what do you use to release? Do you have it?"

Snapped! Long Kongkong only felt that his heart was broken and his happiness was gone...

"Study honestly at the Knight Academy. At least the knights won't reveal their secrets so easily." After saying that, Long Dangdang shook his head and turned away.

"Ahhh! The water of Tenglong Lake, my tears... Brother, then help me! If you help me, how can I have elemental awareness?"

"Okay! When you can use magic, you can go to class. Even one element will do."

It was still quite a distance from Temple College to their home. Their family lived in the city center. Fortunately, Tenglong City was not too big. When the sky was already dark, the two brothers finally walked into the house.

"Dad, Mom, we're back!" Long Kongkong shouted as soon as he entered the door.

Soon, the fragrant wind hit his face, and Ling Xuefei rushed out and hugged Long Kongkong, "My dear son, you haven't suffered any grievances at school, right?"

"That's not the case. Things are booming! I'm the squad leader now. Am I awesome?"

"My son is the best."

Long Dangdang grabbed Long Kongkong away and threw himself into his mother's arms, "I'm the most tired one! I have to cover up both sides."

"Yeah, I'm the best in my family." Ling Xue smiled and touched her son's head.

"Get out of the way!" Long Kongkong hurriedly squeezed over.

"Go aside!"

"Okay, okay, let's hug each other." Ling Xue smiled and opened her arms to hug her two sons. She suddenly felt as if she had embraced the whole world. Speaking of which, her two ten-year-old sons are already only half a head shorter than her.

"Hey, you two little guys are back?" At this moment, Long Leilei's voice came from outside the door.

Wearing a priest's robe, he walked in with a smile. However, the two sons obviously had no intention of getting close to her and leaned against their mother.

"Dad, why do I feel sanctimonious every time I see you wearing a priest's robe?" Long Kongkong said with a smile.

Long Leilei said calmly: "That's because your skin is itchy again."

Dinner with sons is definitely sumptuous. Seeing the two sons devouring it, Ling Xuexiao's eyebrows turned into crescents.

Long Leilei observed his two sons while eating. After not seeing each other for a week, both of them seemed to have changed somewhat, mainly in temperament. Long Dangdang's changes were unexpected. He began to learn magic orthodoxly, and his mental power began to improve. Temperament changes are normal. What surprised him was that Long Kongkong had changed a lot. Although the laziness in his expression was still there, there was also a hint of excitement.

"Tell me, what have you gained this week?" Long Leilei asked with a smile.

Long Kongkong said carelessly: "It's nothing. I just collected three spiritual furnaces and received some subsidies from the Magic Temple and the Knight Temple. No, we each have a storage ring. This thing is really convenient. Delightful."

"What the hell?" Long Leilei and Ling Xue said almost in unison.

"Subsidy! The Magic Temple gave necklaces, staffs, scrolls, etc. The Knight Temple gave inner armor, knight swords, and shields." Long Kongkong said.

"No, I'm talking about you in the previous sentence." Long Leilei stood up with his hands on the dining table excitedly.

"Oh, spiritual furnace! I gave you three, two from the Magic Temple and one from the Knight Temple. But the Knight Temple asked us to go there on the weekend. I don't know if we can replenish one." Long Kongkong said with a smile.

"Shut up, Dangdang, tell me. Is what Kong Kong said true?" Ling Xue also knew that her younger son was unreliable, so she turned to her eldest son, who was relatively better.

"Well, it's true." Long Dangdang replied.

"Mom, what do you mean? Don't you believe your Kongkong?" Long Kongkong immediately came forward and hugged his mother's neck.

"Stop making trouble, let's get down to business." Ling Xue slapped him in the face and her face became serious.

Although it is usually the father who gets beaten, the two brothers are more afraid of their mother. After all, the mother is the head of the family.

Long Leilei asked eagerly: "What kind of spiritual furnaces are they?"

Long Dang said: "The Holy Lotus Spiritual Furnace and the Yuanvortex Spiritual Furnace were given by the Magic Temple, and the Holy Yinling Spiritual Furnace was given by the Knights Temple."

Long Leilei's body started to tremble a little, "Okay, okay, okay..."

He looked at Ling Xue. When Ling Xue looked at him, her eyes were obviously more gentle.

"Hahahahahaha, what I didn't get back then, my sons got back double the amount. Okay, that's great! Hahahahaha." Long Leilei laughed suddenly, "It's worth it, even if I'm dismissed this time, it's worth it." Anyway, after absorbing this spiritual furnace thing, you can’t spit it out. Haha.”

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, "That's wrong! As the signature of the Knights Temple, the Holy Spiritual Furnace needs at least one hundred points of spiritual power to absorb it, right? Can Kongkong absorb it?"

"I sucked it. I went there for him. It needs to be tested." Long Dangdang said.

"You have three spiritual furnaces by yourself? Can this be absorbed?" Long Leilei said in surprise.

"There are two of us. My brother has absorbed the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace."

"Original Vortex Spirit Furnace? I never seem to have heard of this?" Long Lei Lei said: "Please tell me in detail."

At that moment, Long Dangdang explained the gifts sent from the two major temples and the explanation of the spiritual furnace.

After listening to his story, Long Leilei couldn't help but sigh, "These guys from the Temple really do what they want! They are so generous when they meet a genius. It's worth it. It's worth it."

Having said this, he turned to Long Kongkong, "Kongkong! Now that you have the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, you have hope. Although I don't know how much spiritual power can be increased in the future, you can conduct a test every month in the future to see Has your innate spiritual power increased? If so, then maybe you can become a genius like your brother."

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes, who wants to be a genius anymore? I just want to lie flat.

Long Dangdang said: "Dad, what we are learning in the academy now are relatively basic things. It is not easy to reveal the secrets yet, but I'm afraid it won't be long. When the Knight Academy starts having exercises such as battles, it will be difficult to hide it. Come on, after all, I can't always be there to replace Kong Kong. At the Magic Academy, we have to start formally learning some basic magic. If Kong Kong doesn't understand the elements, he can't replace me here. So, I have an idea."

"Shut up!" Long Kongkong suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Long Dangdang. He is very familiar with his brother. Whenever he says "I have an idea", it means he is going to trick people.

Long Leilei grabbed Long Kongkong and said, "Dangdang, you said so."

Long Dangdang said seriously: "Dad, you and your mother have taken great pains to let Dangdang enter the Temple Academy to study, just in the hope that he can learn some useful things in the academy and become a useful person in the future, right? In that case, We must not be able to expose our impersonation easily. Although Kongkong's internal spiritual power is improving slowly, because I absorbed the Holy Spiritual Furnace before, I can temporarily use the excuse that the spiritual furnace absorbed a large amount of spiritual power, so the internal spiritual power It has declined. Therefore, as long as he works hard in terms of external spiritual power, he should not fall behind his classmates. We can come back every weekend, and I think we can strengthen his improvement in this aspect."

Long Leilei looked at Long Dangdang with a pleased expression, "Dangdang, you have indeed grown up and become like an eldest brother. What you said makes sense."

Long Kongkong said angrily: "It makes no sense. Dad, you don't even know what he did to me in the academy? He tortured me every night and forced me to practice. If I didn't practice, he would beat me. I'm so pitiful!"

Long Leilei's eyes became brighter, "Well done, Dangdang you did the right thing."

Turning to his youngest son, Long Leilei had a smile on his face, "Kong Kong! Your desperate weekend is about to begin."

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