When Yue Li walked out of the competition venue, her eyes always fell on Long Dangdang. After unleashing the roar of the Three Kings with all his strength, Zou Liang was already completely exhausted. But she still looked like she was at ease, making judgment calls.

Without the Three Kings Shield, Zou Liang might not even be qualified to stand in front of Yue Li. It has to be said that the power of this brilliant piece of top-notch equipment is so powerful that it integrates offense and defense. Even if it is used by seventh- and eighth-level shield warriors, it is enough to apply it. Zou Liang's current strength is not even able to truly unleash its full power.

Yue Li walked off the stage and came to Long Dangdang. Just as she was about to sit down, she saw that Long Dangdang had already stood up and walked out.

"How is it?" Yue Li followed Long Dangdang and asked a little proudly.

"Very good." Long Dangdang replied as he walked away. Yue Li's game was over. He was going to check out the game in Kongkong to help his younger brother.

"Awesome! My Sun-Moon Tonghui Spirit Furnace is not very proficient in its use after the upgrade. It will become stronger in the future." Yue Li said with a smile.

"I didn't expect the brilliant-level equipment to be so powerful. No wonder the teacher said that equipment is an important part of strength." Long Dangdang said thoughtfully as he walked away.

The expression on Yue Li's face suddenly stiffened, "Hey, shouldn't I be the stronger one after defeating the Three Kings Shield?"

Long Dangdang turned to look at her and smiled. He was already good-looking. This smile immediately made Yue Li stunned. "Stronger, stronger." Long Dangdang said.

Is it so perfunctory? Yue Li was so angry that she couldn't help but put her hands on her hips.

Long Dangdang waved to her as a farewell and walked quickly towards the venue of the previous preliminary round of the Magic Temple.

Yue Li stomped his foot angrily, this guy! Didn't he say that he was only fifteen years old? Why is the old god here? Like an old man. He's going to his brother's game? Go and see for yourself!

While thinking about it, she immediately quickened her pace and chased in the direction of Long Dangdang.

There was a flash of fear in Long Kongkong's eyes when he came on the stage. Yesterday, he left the competition venue directly after admitting defeat. Today is still Zisang Liuying’s first game, and his is his second. Therefore, it is natural to stay and watch the game, waiting for his appearance.

In the game that just ended, Zisan Liuying faced a knight and showed extremely terrifying attack power. From the beginning to the end, the knight failed to get within twenty meters in front of her. The guardian knight who was bombarded by the violent storm of magic could only struggle to defend himself, and was eventually forcibly blasted out of the field.

Zisan Liuying has never used even a third-level magic or above, but the explosive power and density of her magic, as well as the low-level combination magic that appears from time to time, can be described as a magic storm. Long Kongkong looked absolutely pale.

terrible! This elemental saint is really terrifying!

Fortunately! I am self-aware and did not try it yesterday. Otherwise, I would have been beaten to the point of being unable to find the north.

In today's second game, the opponent he faced was a summoner. She was a cute girl with short hair. Long Kongkong had a vague impression that she should be a student in the summoner class of Spirit Furnace Academy, but she was not a first-year student. , should be higher than your own grade.

This person is about 1.6 meters tall, petite and exquisite, wearing the uniform of Linglu Academy, with neat short hair, red lips and white teeth, skin like snow, and a pair of big eyes with beautiful dark green pupils. He looks younger than himself.

"Little sister, how are you? Are you summoning Class 2 or Class 3?" Long Kongkong asked with a smile.

"Asshole! Open your eyes and see, I am a boy, a pure man. Do boys understand?" If there is anything that Tao Linlin hates the most in this world, then recognizing him as a girl is definitely the most annoying thing. Always number one! After listening to Long Kongkong's words, he immediately roared angrily with his somewhat weak voice.

"What? A boy?" Long Kongkong's eyes suddenly widened and he looked him up and down, "Are you really a boy? Then why are you so short?"

"Who are you calling short? I haven't grown up yet!" Tao Linlin jumped more than one meter high like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"How old are you and you haven't developed yet? Are you at eighteen? Can boys still develop after they are eighteen?" Long Kongkong asked doubtfully.

Tao Linlin was indeed criticized for his weakness. He happens to be eighteen years old this year...

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet." The referee interrupted the two people who were "communicating", glanced at Long Kongkong, and said: "You are not allowed to insult your opponent. This is a warning."

"I didn't insult him!" Long Kongkong looked innocent.

"The game begins!" The referee was too lazy to talk nonsense and directly announced the start of the game. Whatever the grudge is, see you in the game!

Tao Linlin looked at Long Kongkong angrily. As soon as he heard the referee say that the game had begun, his eyes immediately brightened and his body quickly retreated. At the same time, a strange staff appeared in his hand.

The handle of the staff is like an irregular branch, crooked and only about a foot long, but the top is made up of pieces of green leaves, like a windmill. There are six leaves in total, with different shades of gradient green on them, emitting a strange halo, which is extraordinary at first sight.

Taolinlin waved his staff, and a green halo suddenly appeared in front of him, and a green light door appeared in front of him.

Although Long Kongkong teased the opponent, he actually didn't dare to underestimate his opponent at all. Who could he underestimate? He was the one with the lowest cultivation level in Linglu Academy before!

Therefore, when the opponent retreated, he also immediately released his Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace. A faint black halo bloomed. The strange spiritual furnace, deep vortex, and powerful devouring power were released. Shengyin Devour goes straight to the opponent to connect.

Seeing the black light spitting out from Long Kongkong's chest, Tao Linlin was also startled. A silverback gorilla suddenly jumped out of the green light door, and its huge body directly blocked Tao Linlin from behind.

The devouring power of the holy guide fell directly on the silverback gorilla. The silverback gorilla trembled and its own spiritual power immediately began to be devoured.

However, the silverback gorilla received the order to attack. Although it was devoured with spiritual power, it did not hesitate at all and rushed towards Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong released the Spirit Ascension Shield with his left hand, slid down his feet, and immediately distanced himself backwards. As a summoner, Tao Linlin wanted to distance himself, but as he didn't know, as he won with a spiritual furnace, distance was equally important to him.

Seeing that the extremely fast silverback gorilla was approaching him with a single leap, Long Kongkong immediately changed direction and slid away to the side. After all, he was only at level 4, so how could he dare to touch other people's summoned creatures head-on.

The silverback gorilla fell from the sky. It was more than three meters tall and extremely strong. The moment it landed, there was a muffled "dong" sound. Then, the gorilla instantly raised its thick and powerful arms. Smashed hard to the ground.


The playing field emitted a low roar, and strong shock waves spread out indiscriminately from the ground hit by the silverback gorilla to the surroundings.

Affected by the devouring of the holy spirit, the silverback gorilla was actually a little frightened, so he used all his strength as soon as he came up.

Seismic wave!

Long Kongkong's sliding steps were indeed exquisite, but what he feared most was this kind of range attack. He only felt a strong force coming from his feet, which directly shook his body into the sky.

This silverback gorilla is a sixth-level monster, equivalent to a fifth-level professional. Long Kongkong himself doesn't even have liquid spiritual power. This gorilla doesn't know what his previous achievements are, and he doesn't think that the spiritual furnace fusion skill is so powerful that he is reckless.

It's over...

This was the first idea that came to Long Kongkong's mind, but it was at this time. Beside him, the dark golden light door suddenly lit up, and a fat body jumped out with a "whoosh".

The familiar voice of the Rat King immediately sounded in Long Kongkong's mind, "Ten portions of pork rib rice!"

The next moment, the Rat King had fallen from the sky. Its long tail directly wrapped around Long Kongkong's waist, pulling him back to the ground and regaining his balance in an instant.

The silver-backed gorilla was rushing toward Long Kongkong. He was stunned when he saw the sudden appearance of the sky-swallowing rat. At this moment, a dark golden luster suddenly lit up in the eyes of the rat king.

The silverback gorilla was stunned for a moment, as if stunned for an instant, then lost its balance and crashed forward.

The Rat King suddenly opened his mouth. His mouth, which didn't seem very big at first, actually opened to an exaggerated level that was larger than his entire body. What's even weirder is that when the silverback gorilla rushed towards it, When he was in front of him, the extremely strong body was shrinking rapidly, and then he crashed directly into the mouth of the Rat King.

"Bah!" The Sky-Swallowing Rat closed its mouth, and the silverback gorilla disappeared..., yes, it just disappeared.

At this moment, Long Dangdang led Yue Li into the competition venue and clearly saw what was happening.

A mouse is short-sighted and devours the world!

Although Long Dangdang had already guessed that the Sky-Swallowing Rat was very powerful, when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but shrink his pupils. Then that is a magical beast that is comparable to a level 5 powerhouse, and it can be swallowed at will?

What is even more shocking is naturally the opponent who is on the field.

Tao Linlin stared at this scene dumbfounded, and even forgot about her subsequent summoning method.

Long Kongkong looked at the Rat King in surprise, and was extremely shocked for a moment! Cruel, so cruel!

The power devoured by the Holy Spirit lost its original target. While Long Kongkong was surprised by the cruelty of the Rat King, he turned instantly and directed the black light towards Tao Linlin. The game was not over yet.

And the Rat King had already jumped up with a "whoosh" and rushed straight in the direction of Taolinlin. The speed was extremely fast, like a dark golden meteor.

After devouring such a large silverback gorilla, it seems that its size has not changed at all, and it is not known where the silverback gorilla was eaten.

Tao Linlin felt a strong threat, and then she reacted. The strange windmill with blades on the top of the staff in his hand spun rapidly, and his eyes turned green in an instant.

I saw that the surface of his skin quickly became rough, and his entire body began to grow rapidly. Each thick rhizome penetrated deeply into the ground, and in an instant it turned into a giant tree with a height of more than ten meters. .

The thick branches unfolded, leaves quickly grew on them, and buds emerged and bloomed, turning into bright peach blossoms.

This was the first time Long Kongkong had seen such a strange sight, and he couldn't help but be surprised. However, more than a dozen branches had already been pulled out. The rat king in the air had no way to hide, and was directly hit and flew out. .

Long Kongkong immediately felt that the spiritual power swallowed by his holy guide had increased significantly, and the other party's spiritual power had become extremely huge. The petals are flying and the fallen flowers are colorful. This wonderful scene makes people feel dazzled.

Zisang Liuying had finished her game. She did not leave. She was also watching the battle. When she saw the huge peach tree appearing, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes and she murmured: "The summons of destiny" Beast, soul-suppressing tree! The two bodies are the same, which is an extremely rare summoning ability."

In the field, the soul-suppressing tree transformed by Taolinlin is still growing in size. Branches and vines are flying towards Long Kongkong rapidly, and the petals flying in the air are like Each one was like a small knife, with a slight sharp whistling sound, and swept towards him and the Rat King.

What kind of perverts are these people who entered the Demon Hunting Group's semi-finals? Long Kongkong complained in his heart. He was glad that he was a knight. Relatively speaking, knights were much easier to deal with.

Not daring to hold anything back, he immediately activated the Shenqiyu Tung Spirit Furnace, causing the Holy Yin Tianyuan to bloom. Strips of black light rose up from behind him, and a large area of ​​the surrounding space turned into black. The powerful traction force drove the flying peach blossom petals to rotate together, and were annihilated in the Shengyin Tianyuan. At the same time, they also began to fight with all their strength. Swallow the spiritual power of the soul-suppressing tree. As for the vines that struck him, he could only dodge left and right, and ran further away.

Undoubtedly, this soul-suppressing tree is an extremely powerful summoned beast, but it also has a problem, and that is taking root. Although it is huge in size after taking root in the ground, its branches cannot cover the entire site. Therefore, Long Kongkong saw that the situation was not good and immediately ran in the farthest direction.

"Idiot, give me the spiritual power you swallowed." came the voice of the Rat King.

Long Kongkong blinked, he didn't know how to pass it on! At this moment, there was an inexplicable throbbing in his body, and his whole body became hot. His already somewhat full spiritual power suddenly found an outlet and poured out.

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