Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 143 The first round of the finals

"Actually, I don't have to be the captain." Ling Menglu sighed, with a bit of sadness in her beautiful eyes.

Long Dangdang came back, and was rejected coldly.

Long Dangdang shook his head, with determination in his eyes, "No. She is really not suitable to be a leader. I discovered this last time when I faced off against the undead army. As a team leader, you must be decisive, but Never fail to listen to other people's opinions. At that time, she was the captain and you were the vice-captain. However, from the beginning to the end, did she ask for your opinion? From the beginning to the end, she acted arbitrarily and completely in accordance with her own personal opinions. I don't trust such a team leader. It would be fine if I was the only one, but I can't leave my empty safety in the hands of such a person. You are different from her. Although you are extremely talented, But his personality is not strong, he is smart but knows how to advance and retreat, and he can stand up at critical moments at all costs. With you, we are at ease."

Listening to his words, the sadness in Ling Menglu's eyes gradually disappeared, a flash of brilliance flashed in her beautiful eyes, and the blush on her pretty face rose, "Am I so good?"

"Yes." Long Dangdang lowered his head and made his own judgment calmly, so he did not notice the change in Ling Menglu's expression.

Ling Menglu said a little shyly: "You confess to others like this, but they are not ready yet. Although they are very good, you have to be tactful. I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Long Dangdang raised his head in shock, "Are we talking about the same thing?"

Ling Menglu coughed, and the blush on her pretty face quickly faded, "You are also very good, brave, smart, decisive, and you always have a trump card, so that your partners always have confidence when they are with you. In fact, if you do The team leader is more suitable than me. After all, you are a knight. It's a pity that you are not a guardian knight, otherwise it would be better."

In most demon hunting groups, the guardian knight is the most important one, and has the highest probability of being the leader of the team. Because the guardian knight is always at the front, blocking the presence of powerful enemies, and is most aware of the enemy's various changes in battle.

Long Dangdang smiled bitterly and said: "Let's not brag about each other. Cousin! If Zisang Liuying is not willing to be in the same team with us, then we have to think about how to form the next group. Tang Leiguang, Chu Yu, and Cai Caijuan are all Entering the top eight means that they cannot be selected in the first round. As long as they choose each other and join the team in the second round, we have no chance to select them."

"This is indeed a problem. Anyway, the three of us are sure. As for the others, it shouldn't be too difficult to match up. After all, those who can enter the ranking competition are not weak. We try to choose a team with a higher ranking. Well." When Ling Menglu said this, her beautiful eyes suddenly showed a bit of teasing, and said: "Isn't your magician sister very good? This time she also entered the top eight. There are only two magicians in the top eight, except Zisang is her."

Long Dangdang glanced at her and said, "Cousin! Why do I think vinegar is added to your green tea?"

"Bah, you're the only one adding vinegar."

The finals of the Demon Hunter Team Trials have finally arrived.

The six partition isolation layers previously arranged in the Holy City Arena were all dismantled, allowing the entire arena to be fully displayed.

The audience's seat on the rostrum was obscured by a layer of light film, making it impossible to see clearly what was going on inside. But there is no doubt that there are not a few high-level officials from the six temples and even the federal government who came to watch the battle today. At least one from every temple comes to watch the game.

Today is the first day of the finals. There will be a total of four games, eight will advance to four. The eight contestants who entered the final stage have all been able to receive awards from their respective temples. Being able to enter the top eight in the Demon Hunting Team selection competition means that their excellence will naturally be encouraged by their respective temples.

As for the quality of the prizes, it depends on the final ranking. After eighth place reaches fourth place, the rankings of fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth place will be determined by the referee team based on game performance, and no additional games will be held. Tomorrow is the semi-finals, and the day after tomorrow will be the finals. The entire schedule is very compact.

Long Kongkong came with Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu. The top 60 members of the demon hunting group are qualified to come and watch the finals. After all, they also want to see what the strength of their future leader is.

The eight contestants and other members of the demon hunting group who entered the qualifying round have already gathered in the waiting area. The waiting area is in the stands next to the rostrum, which is different from the previous one. Naturally, these four games today will be played one by one.

Zisang Liuying came earlier. Beside her, the Son of Samsara met for the first time, the Thunder Sword Saint Tang Leiguang and the White Phoenix Cai Caijuan were all sitting together.

Seeing the arrival of Long Dangdang and the others, their eyes couldn't help but focus. Zisang Liuying looked at Ling Menglu, and Ling Menglu also looked at her and smiled slightly. But Zisan Liuying immediately turned away with a cold face.

Ling Menglu sighed softly, "You are right, Zisang is really getting stronger and stronger. In fact, when she was young, she was not completely like this. At most, she was just competitive."

Long Dang said: "There is tension and relaxation, the way of civility and martial arts."

Long Kongkong responded quickly and said: "In that case, it's better to be my cousin!"

Ling Menglu's initial depression was suddenly lifted up again by the compliments from her two cousins. She rolled her eyes at them and sat down first.

At this moment, a figure quietly appeared in the center of the huge arena. He appeared without any warning. His whole body was covered in black clothes and even his face was covered with a mask.

A strong man from the Assassin Temple?

There was no breath coming out of this person, but the more this happened, the more oppressive the many members of the preparatory demon hunting group present felt from him.

A low voice sounded from the direction of the podium.

"First of all, on behalf of the six major temples, I would like to congratulate all the students here. You are now part of the preparatory demon hunting group. Today will be the first round of the finals of this demon hunting group selection. The person who presides over the decision is The preparatory temple of the Assassin's Temple. I hope that the eight students who entered the finals can fully demonstrate your strength. It will give you a good start in the journey of the Demon Hunting Group."

Assassin's Templar Preparatory Temple? Ninth level?

Undoubtedly, this is the referee chosen by the Six Temples for the sake of caution in the finals. Undoubtedly, the ninth-level knights of the Assassin Temple are definitely the fastest, and they can deal with any changes in the field in time to prevent these top geniuses from being seriously damaged.

"Eight into four, the first game. San Liuying, the son of the Magic Temple, meets the Assassin Temple for the first time and enters the room."

Following the announcement from the podium, Zisang Liuying and Chu Yu stood up at the same time and walked into the field from the waiting area.

They and Long Dangdang are both in the top half. In fact, judging from the draw, Long Dangdang is lucky because he is self-aware. It is difficult for him to win when he meets Zisang Liuying or it is the first time he meets her.

But now, he just needs to be curious, who is stronger when Zisan Liuying meets him for the first time. From a professional point of view, the assassin profession restrains the magician. But in such a huge venue, the assassin may not be able to get close to a powerful magician like Zisang Liuying without any cover. The sword he used when he first met the undead strongman left a deep impression on Long Dangdang, but I don't know if he will use that desperate skill in today's game.

Soon, both sides were on either side of the chivalrous referee in the center of the field.

The referee looked at both sides and said in a low voice with a bit of hoarseness, "You can start preparing. The distance is two hundred meters."

But at this moment, Chu Yu, who usually seldom spoke, suddenly said: "I give up."

The Knight of the Assassin Temple was obviously stunned for a moment, "What did you say?"

Chu Yu repeated seriously: "I admit defeat."

The knight's voice was obviously raised a few points, "Did you know that if you just admit defeat, you will only be ranked eighth in the qualifying round?"

Chu Yu nodded and said, "I know." After saying this, he took a step back, saluted the knight referee, and then walked off the stage.

Zisang Liuying remained expressionless from beginning to end. Seeing Chu Yu leave, she looked at the referee.

The knight seemed to stand there and calm down for a moment before slowly getting the message: "In the Assassin's Temple, surrender at the first encounter. In the Magic Temple, Zisan Liu wins."

The audience can definitely understand his mood. Among the six temples, only the Magic Temple and the Warrior Temple have two people entering the top eight, while only one person has entered the other temples. In the Assassin's Temple, the Son of Samsara was the only one he met when he first met him. Now that he has directly admitted defeat, it means that the Assassin's Temple will be at the bottom in this Demon Hunting Group selection.

Long Dangdang and the others were also slightly stunned. Are they giving up now? Originally, they wanted to see a battle between the strongest assassin and the strongest magician, but they just gave up. Obviously, while ensuring Zisang Liuying's advancement, we also want to keep her in top condition.

There is no rule that does not allow for surrender, but there is no doubt that this is dissatisfying to the Assassin Temple. But they obviously have nothing to do with this son of reincarnation.

The rostrum was also silent for a moment, while Zisang Liuying returned to the waiting area on her own, and did not leave, but sat down in her previous position.

After a few minutes, the voice came from the rostrum again, "Eight into four, second game. Knight Temple Dragon Dang Dang, against Warrior Temple Wang Changxin. Both sides are preparing to enter."

Long Dangdang stood up, and not far away, Wang Changxin also stood up. The two looked at each other, Long Dangdang nodded to her, and Wang Changxin nodded in return, and walked into the competition venue one after the other.

Long Dangdang took a deep breath to keep his mood as calm as possible. He had witnessed Wang Changxin's strength with his own eyes and saw how she defeated Long Kongkong. It is by no means an easy task for him to win this game. However, he must give it his all. If he couldn't even make it into the top four, how could he be worthy of his cousin's efforts? If he and Kong Kong hadn't appeared, cousin, Zisan Liuying and the others would have already formed a team.

Both sides stood in front of the Assassin Templar referee and greeted each other.

"The distance is one hundred meters, get ready." The knight's mood seemed to have returned to calm.

"Referee, please wait a moment." Long Dangdang suddenly said.

The knight suddenly looked at him and said in a deep voice: "You also want to admit defeat?" From his question, you can tell that he has emotions about admitting defeat when they first met.

Long Dangdang shook his head and said: "No, I don't want to admit defeat, I just want to ask, I am a knight, but I am also a magician. Can I adjust the initial distance."

The knight was obviously stunned. Even if he was a ninth-level expert, this was the first time he encountered this situation. A knight and a magician? What's happening here?

He subconsciously turned to look at the podium.

Wang Changxin looked at Long Dangdang opposite with some surprise, and there was a bit of confusion in her originally calm and determined eyes.

It took a full minute before a voice came from the podium, "The distance between the two sides is 150 meters."

Long Dangdang nodded slightly to Wang Changxin, then turned and walked away. Wang Changxin narrowed his eyes slightly, then turned and walked away.

The two sides stood one hundred and fifty meters apart. Long Dangdang stared at his opponent in the distance, and his heart gradually calmed down. The reason for the distance requirement is that he is very aware of the opponent's advantages. In a head-on fight, he was definitely not Wang Changxin's opponent, although he didn't know why Wang Changxin had such powerful power. But medium and long-range attacks are relatively lacking in the opponent. And he is not only a knight, but also a magician. Only by utilizing strengths and avoiding weaknesses can victory be possible in this game.

"Game start!"

Following the Xia Zhe referee's announcement, the momentum of both sides rose almost at the same time.

Wang Changxin's eyes brightened instantly. It was as if she on the battlefield and the quiet one at ordinary times were two different people. At this moment, her eyes brightened instantly, and her whole aura also increased wildly. Lift. Pointing his toes to the ground, he rushed forward instantly, without even releasing his big hammer. The moment his left foot hit the ground, there was even a roar on the ground. Then, the whole person was like a cannonball from a magic cannon, running straight towards The dragon rushed in the same direction, as if flying close to the ground.

Long Dangdang stood there without moving, but with his bright eyes, three figures appeared beside him. Each one is him, but his eyes sparkle with different colors. Wind, fire, water, plus the light of his body. A total of four dragons lined up in a row, standing there steadily.

If in previous games, these separated "Dragon Dangdang" would be regarded as clone skills, then when the four Dragon Dangdangs started chanting spells together, whether it was the rostrum or the waiting area, instantly, It was as if it had become solidified. Zisang Liuying stood up suddenly.

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