Long Dangdang grabbed Tao Linlin, who was about to run away, and said to Long Kongkong: "Kongkong, you must not be rude to the seniors and admit your mistake quickly."

"Senior Taozi, I was wrong." Long Kongkong said with a smile. Although he was admitting his mistake, his expression didn't look like he was admitting it.

Tao Linlin's face turned red with anger, and just as she was about to turn around and leave, she heard Ling Menglu ask, "Senior Tao Zi, why do you want to join our team?" She asked the same question and changed her name to "Senior", which made her His expression softened a bit.

Tao Linlin turned to Ling Menglu and no longer looked at Long Kongkong, "My natal summoned beast is the Demon Suppressing Tree. The Demon Suppressing Tree has a strong suppressive effect on all evil spirits, and all bright and sacred powers are its most powerful. Good nourishment. If we are on the same team, my Soul-Suppressing Tree can reversely give you the ability to destroy evil, and your power of sacred light can accelerate its evolution and even mutation. When you guys were fighting just now, I I have a very strong reaction to the Soul Resurrection Tree, and I have a particularly strong sense of closeness to you. Therefore, I hope to be on the same team with you. I am very strong, I am ranked seventeenth in the rankings, and among Summoners, I Ranked third.”

After hearing his words, Ling Menglu's heart moved and she looked at Long Dangdang. Long Dang said: "Senior, when we faced the undead army before, did your soul-suppressing tree have any effect? ​​I mean its evil-destroying effect."

"Of course there is. In the direction where my classmates and I were sitting, all undead creatures were invulnerable to the evil-destroying perception of the Soul-Suppressing Tree, especially undead creatures such as resentful spirits."

Long Dangdang nodded. He had seen Tao Linlin's strength before. Undoubtedly, his natal summoned beast had obvious flaws, mainly due to area restrictions. However, the advantages were equally obvious within the scope of the Soul-Calming Tree. , its strength is still extremely powerful.

If the combination of his abilities and his cousin can really produce a powerful mutation effect, then the same team will naturally be a good choice. Anyway, they don't have a summoner candidate yet.

"Why don't you do it? You'll know if you try it, right?" Long Kongkong leaned on Long Dangdang's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Okay." Tao Linlin nodded. Although he hated the guy who said he was a girl, the selection of teammates for the Demon Hunting Group was a very important matter. It was the first priority for his own future growth and the overall development of the Demon Hunting Group.

"Captain, are you still planning to team up with Zisan Liu?" At this moment, a familiar voice sounded, and Yue Li came over at some point, looking at Long Dangdang expectantly.

Long Dangdang smiled and shook his head, saying, "We probably won't be on the same team as her."

Yue Li's eyes suddenly lit up, "Me, me, me, choose me!"

Long Dangdang smiled slightly and said: "Okay." He had discussed it with Ling Menglu before. If he did not choose Zi San Liuying, there was no doubt that Yue Li, who could be compatible with him in the spiritual furnace, was the best choice.

In terms of strength, Yue Li is definitely not as good as Zi Sang Liu Ying, but with the progress of this Demon Hunting Team selection competition, they are now increasingly discovering that sometimes, the strength of the team not only depends on the strength of the individual members, but also The fit between the team members is also very important.

Just like Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu can combine to form a powerful Cangyue Angel, a truly powerful team cannot be as simple as one plus one equals two. There must be qualitative changes in order to be stronger.

The game has progressed to this point, and there is only one final left. The entire ranking order has also been made clear. At this time, not only were they discussing in private, but the waiting area itself was also very lively. Everyone has begun to tentatively look for teammates who may be suitable for them in the selection process.

"Count me in." A deep voice sounded. When this person came over, Long Kongkong felt a bit domineering. The person who came was none other than Wang Changxin, the powerful female warrior with the Tyrant Hammer.

Wang Changxin came to Long Dangdang's side and said, "I'm not convinced that I lost to you. Let's have another fight sometime."

"Okay." Long Dangdang nodded in agreement. His victory over Wang Changxin was indeed a bit of a fluke. This female warrior's explosive power was also very strong, but that day she was taken away by him with a set meal. In a head-on fight, he only fought against the knight's explosive power. He was almost certain that he was no match. Moreover, he was also very curious about how Wang Changxin cultivated her strength to such a strong level. Long Dangdang was very interested in her internal and external cultivation methods.

Ling Menglu said with a smile: "It looks like we are almost here! Let's go, let's all try together first."

Except for Long Kongkong, they have indeed gathered the manpower of the demon hunting group at this time, knight: Long Dangdang, magician: Yue Li, priest: Ling Menglu, warrior: Wang Changxin, summoner: Tao Linlin, the only one What is still missing is the assassin.

The assassins of this generation are indeed relatively weak. Except for the first encounter with the Son of Samsara, there is no second assassin in the top ten. At this moment, no assassin took the initiative to come forward.

Everyone left the arena together, and after discussing it, decided to go to the main temple. Spirit Furnace Academy does not allow outsiders to enter, and the Temple Main Campus does not have such strict rules. Among the people, only Yue Li was born in the Temple Main Campus, and he was also a leader among the graduates. It would not be a problem to bring a few people in.

The Temple Main Campus is actually next to Linglu Academy. Under the leadership of Yue Li, everyone entered it smoothly.

Compared to the tranquility of Linglu Academy, it seemed much livelier here. When Yue Li was walking on the road, almost all the students who saw her would take the initiative to say hello and call her senior. He looked very respectful.

"Sister Yue Li, it seems that you are doing well in Temple Academy!" Long Kongkong said with a smile.

Yue Li raised her chin slightly, and said a little arrogantly: "That's right, I am the number one mage in the academy. This is recognized." In fact, she does have the capital to be proud. Among the top ten in this year's Demon Hunting Group Selection, she is the only one who came from the Temple Main Campus. Although this is because her Sun Moon Tonghui Spirit Furnace completed an evolution with the help of Long Dangdang, it still proves her own strength.

Yue Li took everyone directly to a trial field at the Temple's Magic Academy, used her own academy points to apply for the use of the venue, and led everyone inside.

Although this place cannot be compared with the large arena, there is also a wide field with a diameter of 100 meters with a protective cover.

"How should we try?" Tao Linlin was the most anxious one. Among the six people present, except for Long Kongkong, who in his opinion was a non-staff member, the others were among the top ten in this qualifying competition. He must be the one who needs to prove himself the most.

Ling Menglu said: "Let me try your evil-breaking power, and you can also try my sacred blessing. Let's see how effective the fusion of our skills is."

"Okay." Tao Linlin agreed, and with a flash of light in his eyes, his contract space opened, and the soul-suppressing branch appeared and grew rapidly.

"How long does it take for your soul-suppressing tree to grow from release to growth?" Long Dangdang asked. He saw at a glance a problem with the Soul-Suppressing Tree, which was the release time. Unlike ordinary summoned beasts that immediately possess combat power when released, the soul-suppressing tree requires a growth process, and this process will definitely have some impact on the summoner.

Taolinlin said: "It will continue to grow, but I can fuse with it at any time during this process, thus protecting me."

"But you can't protect your teammates and need time to grow. How long will this time be?" Long Dangdang asked.

Tao Linlin was stunned for a moment. He really had not considered this issue. After all, individual combat was the main focus in the past. "It takes ten seconds for initial growth to have combat effectiveness. It takes thirty seconds for full growth. If you can swallow Xie Chong, It can continue to grow and temporarily possess greater strength."

Long Dangdang's eyes lit up and he said: "In other words, if Xie Chong is swallowed, its power will increase accordingly. Is it temporary or permanent?"

Tao Linlin said: "The direct strength enhancement is temporary, but swallowing Xie Chong itself is the cultivation method of the Demon Suppressing Tree's gradual evolution, so it is also good for the long term."

"I understand. Cousin, let's start." Long Dangdang nodded to Ling Menglu.

As soon as Ling Menglu raised her hand, a sacred light shone on the Demon Suppressing Tree. Suddenly, the slow-growing body of the Demon-Suppressing Tree suddenly lit up, and then the growth speed obviously increased. The increase was not too much, but it could still be easily distinguished.

Ling Menglu did not pause, and one after another sacred light auxiliary magic fell on the demon-suppressing tree. This time the effect became more and more obvious, and the Demon Suppressing Tree grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Moreover, the surface of the huge demon-suppressing tree was covered with a layer of golden brilliance.

Tao Linlin said excitedly: "The effect is really good. I have also tried it with other priests and light magicians, and it also works, but it is definitely not that good. The light element and sacred power you release are very pure. Suppress the Demon The tree likes it very much.”

Ling Menglu smiled slightly, raised her right hand, and touched her eyebrows. The next moment, the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace flew out, flapping its wings and landed in the direction of the Demon Suppressing Tree.

It doesn't matter at this moment, the Demon-Suppressing Tree seems to have been stimulated by something, its huge branches spread out rapidly, and its surface is emitting layers of dense golden mist, and the branches are coiled together. It actually formed a small altar-like existence directly at the foot of the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace.

Even Tao Linlin saw this for the first time, and was stunned for a moment. Ling Menglu was surprised to find that her Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace seemed to enjoy this feeling, and sat down cross-legged directly on the altar. The thick breath of life was constantly transmitted from the Demon Suppressing Tree, and the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace The sacred aura reflected back from itself is bathed in the surface of the Demon Suppressing Tree, and both of them are subtly experiencing these benign changes.

Ling Menglu turned to look at Tao Linlin and gave him a thumbs up. Just the scene in front of her had already confirmed her teammate Tao Linlin. As a wise spiritual furnace, the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace is undoubtedly her core spiritual furnace in the future, and the Demon Suppressing Tree can support the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace, which is definitely the best partner for her.

The existence of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace is to wash and nourish it with pure energy, while the Demon-Suppressing Tree injects huge life energy into the Angel of Light, which is of great benefit to the evolution of the Angel of Light's Spiritual Furnace. What's more important is that they are mutually beneficial to each other.

Ling Menglu could see it clearly, and Long Dangdang could also see it clearly. He smiled and extended his hand to Tao Linlin and said, "Welcome to join."

Tao Linlin himself was extremely excited at this moment. Under the bath of that sacred aura, he could clearly feel the feeling of being nourished by the Demon Suppressing Tree that was connected to his blood.

"Okay, okay. That's great. I'm really lucky. I wanted to try Monroe before, but I was always embarrassed. If I had known this, if I had known this, I should have gone to her earlier. ! It’s really great.”

In fact, Ling Menglu herself, as the God of Light with over 100 innate spiritual powers, will have a strong auxiliary effect on all professionals who have an affinity for light and sacred attributes. The same thing applies to Cai Caijuan, the white phoenix. It's just that there are very few people who can help her in the opposite direction, not even Cai Caijuan.

"Should I give it a try?" Yue Li asked with some joy at this moment.

Long Dang said: "You can try it. I just used my spiritual furnace to restrict you that day. You can try the amplification effect."

"Okay!" Yue Li couldn't wait to do it. She circled her hands in front of her body, closed her middle fingers, and touched the heels of her palms. She spread her other four fingers to make a strange handprint. The next moment, her sun and moon shone together. The spiritual furnace flew out.

Long Dangdang's chest flashed with white light, and he also released the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace.

Yue Li opened her hands to both sides of her body, without taking out the staff. Blue and red haloes of light were already rising on both sides of her body. The sun and the moon rise together with the Huiling Furnace at the same time.

Long Dangdang pointed in the direction of Yue Li, and the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace flew out, directly to the top of the Sun and Moon Tonghui Spiritual Furnace, pouring slightly, and blue liquid poured down.

After the advancement, the Sun and Moon Tonghui Spirit Furnace can not only enhance Yue Li's power of water and fire, but also evolve ice and thunder for her magic attributes. At this moment, when the liquid of the moon spirit poured into the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, a strange scene appeared.

A bright moon and a bright sun appeared above Yue Li's head at the same time. Then, the full moon and the bright sun gradually overlapped.

The light in the entire venue began to dim. Only the demon-suppressing tree still shone with golden light, but an indescribable sense of depression instantly appeared in the hearts of everyone present.

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