"I surrender in this final!" As soon as Ling Menglu said this, the whole audience was in an uproar. Even Na Ye was shocked.

This is the finals of the Demon Hunting Group Trials. If you win the final championship, you will get a top-notch spiritual furnace. The top spiritual furnace cannot be measured by value at all. Ling Menglu's choice to admit defeat was equivalent to giving up this spiritual furnace, not to mention the halo of being blessed by a champion.

Zisang Liuying was also stunned, but the next moment, her eyes suddenly became sharp, "I don't need you to give in, let's compete."

Ling Menglu smiled slightly, "I can't beat you! What's the comparison? Even if we are not teammates in the future, you are still my sister, okay?"

For a moment, Zisan Liuying felt as if something was stuck in her throat. Suddenly, she took a step forward, pushed Ling Menglu's shoulders hard with both hands, causing her to stagger, and then shouted loudly: "I hate you." ." With a cry at the end, she turned around and ran away, no longer caring about the outcome of the game.

Naye was a little stunned at the moment. The scene in front of him felt like a scene where a pair of best friends fell out over a man! Although it's not that kind of relationship, it seems like it's really the case. Isn't it just because of Long Dangdang that they fell out?

Dang Dang! There is something!

Seeing Zisan Liuying run away crying, Ling Menglu's beautiful eyes dimmed a bit, but this was her choice, a choice that she had already considered carefully. She asked herself in her mind, would she be happy if she formed a team with Zisan Liuying? the answer is negative. Ever since she was with brothers Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong, she suddenly felt as if she had relaxed a lot. Compared with the hard training in the past, I am tense every day and work hard to catch up. The life now is what I like.

Although being with them is also about practicing hard and constantly improving. But this process is not boring. Long Dangdang, who always likes to keep a secret, brings her a sense of security. That boy seems to always be trustworthy, and She Niu's Kongkong can always make people happy unconsciously, and their emotions will soar with him. Being with them, Ling Menglu felt unprecedentedly happy.

When he first chose Long Dangdang, it was related to his profession as a knight and his cousin's identity. But after getting along for a long time, she felt that her compatibility with them was unprecedented. Extremely comfortable. Therefore, without much time to think about it, she had already decided that her future would be to grow up with these two cousins.

Naye looked in the direction of the rostrum. At this time, it was difficult for him to make an announcement. There was no fight at all, and one of them ran away. Who wins and who loses?

There was already an uproar at the war zone. Cai Caijuan had already run out to pick up Zi Sang Liuying, and Tang Leiguang and Chu Yu also joined her.

Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong also stood up, came to the edge of the field, and looked at their cousin.

Yue Li, Tao Linlin, and Wang Changxin also followed.

More than a minute passed before a voice came from the rostrum, "It is allowed by the rules to admit defeat. However, as the final champion and runner-up in the Demon Hunting Group Trials, giving up the pursuit of victory because of selfishness, this is Lack of will. After becoming a member of the demon hunting group, you will face powerful enemies and difficult tasks in the future. If you do not have a strong willpower and a firm enough belief, how can you become a truly qualified demon hunter? Who? In this competition, Zisang Liuying wins and is the champion. Ling Menglu is the runner-up. Your rewards for being the first and second place will be cancelled, as a punishment."

What? Cancel reward?

Ling Menglu was also shocked. What kind of cool operation is this from the Temple Alliance? Let’s not talk about the equipment, that is a spiritual furnace! Top-notch spiritual furnace. Just gone? I wish I had known that I and Zi Sang could pretend to fight twice! Giving the spiritual furnace to Zi Sang is better than losing it.

"I object." Ling Menglu said loudly: "Seniors have just said that admitting defeat is allowed by the rules. Since it is within the scope allowed by the rules, why should we be punished like this? My choice to admit defeat is not because of a lack of will, it is The private friendship issues between me and Zisan Liuying do not affect our respective aspirations. The alliance cannot deprive us of our rewards. This is what we fought for with our strength."

A low voice sounded from the direction of the rostrum, "The Demon Hunting Group Trials are an important competition to select talents and allow you to show yourself. It is not a child's play. There has never been any trial with so many people admitting defeat like this competition. This is your punishment for disrespecting the Demon Hunting Group Selection Competition. In the history of the Federation, every Demon Hunting Group is a real hero, sacrificing blood and life for the Federation. If you do not respect the competition, you are disrespecting the ancestors. Punishment This is a warning to you.”

Ling Menglu said loudly: "We have never disrespected our ancestors. Is it really appropriate for you to label us like this? Strategically admitting defeat is a sign of wisdom. Since there is no rule in the competition not to admit defeat, then this is within the scope of the rules. If we are not allowed to admit defeat, then it should be stated in the rules in advance. Now that the federation is depriving us of the rewards we deserve in such a far-fetched way, I am not convinced. I will apply for a ruling from the church as a preparatory church."

"I am also willing to apply for the Holy Order as a preparatory church." Long Dangdang strode into the venue, came to Ling Menglu's side, and said loudly.

Although she doesn’t have a spiritual furnace, my cousin should also get a piece of legendary equipment! That's a legendary level, so why don't you give it to me if you don't want it? Absolutely not!

"Yes, I am also preparing for the Holy Church to apply for the Holy Judgment." Long Kongkong walked to the other side of Ling Menglu. He immediately took out the badge of his church preparation.

"Apply for Holy Judgment!" A loud voice sounded, and Thunder Sword Saint Tang Leiguang also walked over holding the badge of the Preparatory Holy Church.

Then came the first encounter.

There were still tears on Zi Sang Liuying's face, but she still walked over with Cai Caijuan. The spiritual furnace, that was the top spiritual furnace, it was what she deserved. Although she was very dissatisfied with this process, could she not give up the spiritual furnace?

Seven people, seven preparations for the church.

On the rostrum, Nan Yu turned to look at all the major temples coming this time, and gave a somewhat helpless questioning look.

The saints were very dissatisfied with Ling Menglu's resignation. The person who proposed canceling the reward was a member of the Assassin Temple. Warrior Temple seconded. The Magic Temple and the Priest Temple objected. Knight Temple Neutral. Summoner's Temple ultimately chose to second the motion. That's when the decision to cancel was made.

But it is obvious that these young people are not easy to deal with. Seven people came out, all seven of whom were preparing the temple and covering all the temples. Suddenly, the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

Cancel a previous decision? Where is the majesty of the temple? Don't cancel it. Seven, prepare the temple! Although they are not a real temple, these children are undoubtedly the hope of major temples in the future.

The senior leaders of the temple present immediately realized that these young people were no longer able to knock on anything.

"These young people are not so easy to beat. What should I say, everyone?" the Knight Temple Female Temple said with a smile. She had remained neutral before.

"What else can you say? Within the rules, rewards should be given as they should be." Wu Di said lightly. At the same time, his eyes slowly swept over the other saints present.

Both the Assassin's Temple and the Warrior's Temple, who were clearly opposed, felt a chill in their bodies, and the words that came to their lips were suppressed.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Wu Di's mouth, "Young people should have a spirit of resistance that is not afraid of power. These little guys are very good." As he spoke, he stood up slowly without looking at anyone else. Several saints walked directly to the front.

A cold and deep voice spread throughout the audience, "The Holy Judgment is completed, the Holy Church has decided, and the rewards will be issued."

Several other saints looked at him with strange expressions.

The Holy Judgment is a decision made by a referendum of the church. It requires at least half of the churches to convene, and more than half of the churches participating in the decision must agree with it before the decision can be made. It is the lofty judgment of the church second only to the general referendum. But Wu Di said it in one word, which shows how arrogant this person is. But the problem is that they are really strong and their seniority is really high!

In the entire temple, there are only a few people of the same generation as Wu Di, and most of them are already idle. Regarding this person, even if the palace masters are here, there is nothing they can do against him. When Wu Di objected to the cancellation of the reward before, he didn't say much. He just watched indifferently. But this time, this activation was a direct kill. Although all the saints present were dissatisfied with his behavior, no one dared to point it out to his face that this person really dared to take action.

In the large arena, Long Dangdang recognized Wu Di's voice immediately. Others were stunned.

This is... the Holy Judgment?

Could it be said that there are more than ten saints here today?

For a moment, everyone was sweating behind their backs. Are there so many temples? Even Ling Menglu, who launched a resistance, couldn't help but stick out her tongue.

"All demon hunters are entering, and the top ten are ready to start selecting people." The voice of Paladin Commander Nan Yu soon sounded, as if what just happened was just a small episode.

Only then did the many demon hunters react, stand up one after another, walk into the arena, and stand according to different professions. And the top ten ranked in this selection are standing at the front.

Zisang Liuying had returned to her expressionless look at this time and was standing at the front. Next to her was naturally Ling Menglu. And in third place is Long Dangdang. Tang Leiguang was behind him. It was really because Tang Leiguang lost too quickly against Ling Menglu. This is also the reason why Ling Menglu chose to break out at that time.

Ling Menglu's choice to admit defeat today was actually a well-thought-out decision. When she was able to defeat Tang Leiguang, she had already used all her cards and really gave her all. Facing Zisang Liuying, she estimated that her winning rate was only about 30% to 40%. Zisang Liuying has actually never really broken out since she started competing. Therefore, her probability of winning was not very high. In addition, I felt guilty towards Zi Sang Liuying and wanted to take this opportunity to make an explanation, so I decided to admit defeat directly.

Behind Tang Leiguang is Wang Changxin, then Chuyu, Cai Caijuan, and Yueli. Here are the top eight.

"Next, the first round of selection will begin with San Liuying, the first place winner in this demon hunting group selection. The top ten will have the right to be exempted from being selected in the first round. Starting from the second round, they can make group selections. .”

Everyone's eyes were focused on Zisan Liuying. The first round selection is the most important. The reason why the top ten exempt players are selected is to allow the top ten to select other lower-ranked players, thereby making the composition of the demon hunting team more balanced.

Zisan Liuying suddenly turned her head and looked at Ling Menglu. The next moment, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then she said loudly: "My choice is, Knight Temple, Long Kongkong."

As soon as these words came out, Ling Menglu showed a look of astonishment for a moment, and then she suddenly turned her head and looked at Long Dangdang on the other side of her.

And everyone suddenly became commotion.

Long Kongkong, ranked low, his previous halo disappeared long ago when he entered the qualifying stage. Among knights, he is by no means a strong one. More importantly, students from Linglu Academy all know that he has been with Long Dangdang and Ling Menglu.

It can be seen from the previous finals between Zisang Liuying and Ling Menglu that they are in conflict now. No one expected that the first person Zisang Liuying would choose would be him.

As for the Zisan Liuying quartet, they indeed lacked a knight and a priest.

"Choose me? Really choose me?" Long Kongkong pointed at his nose and looked at Zisang Liuying in shock.

Zi Sang Liuying said calmly: "Yes, I will choose you."

"Long Kongkong came out." Paladin Commander Nan Yu and representatives of the major temples were already present, and he said in a deep voice.

Long Kongkong walked out and came to Zisang Liuying. He said with a strange expression: "Did you really choose me? You don't have a crush on me, right? I already have a master."

Zisan Liuying glared at him, "Shut up."

Nan Yu said to Long Kongkong: "Long Kongkong, from now on, you will join the Zisan Liuying team and become a member of this demon hunting group. Become a knight."

"Wait, wait." Long Kongkong waved his hands repeatedly.

Nan Yu frowned and said: "According to the rules of the Demon Hunting Team selection competition, no one can be rejected when selecting a seed player. Do you understand?"

The corners of Long Kongkong's mouth turned up slightly, and he said: "I understand, I understand. However, my situation is a bit special, and I am about to report it to you. I may have to withdraw from this Demon Hunting Group selection competition, and there is no way to join. Where’s her team?”

"What did you say?" Nan Yu was shocked, "This is no joke. Do you know what quitting means?"

The pride in Zisan Liuying's eyes froze at this moment, and she looked at Long Kongkong in disbelief.

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