Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 159: Cultivation both internally and externally, refining the golden body with blood

"So, many years ago, our melee profession proposed the possibility of cultivating internal and external spiritual power at the same time to solve the problem of insufficient physical strength from the beginning. At the same time, make the body strong enough, so that after the ninth level, there will be no If there is a problem that the body cannot withstand the inner spiritual power, you will not encounter a bottleneck that is almost impossible to break through."

"At the beginning, this was a hypothesis. After all, it is very difficult to raise the external spiritual power to a state that is equal to the internal spiritual power. It was not until later that a genius came out of our Warrior Temple, and he thought of a It was possible, and he did succeed in trying it. Even though it was a very difficult path, he proved its possibility by trying it."

Long Dangdang had been listening to Wang Changxin's story quietly. When Wang Changxin said this, there was even a hint of fanaticism in her eyes.

Wang Changxin continued: "The senior's idea at the time was that it is difficult for us humans to balance the internal and external spiritual power, but why can the body of Warcraft be so strong? Many Warcraft rely on their powerful physiques, and the gap between internal and external spiritual power is very small. .Even the outer spiritual power is superior to the inner spiritual power, and with a strong body, they have extraordinary strength. How do they do it?"

"So, he began to conduct research. After research, he found that the fundamental reason why the body of Warcraft is so powerful lies in the strength of its bloodline. The inheritance from the bloodline allows their bodies to grow under the stimulation of the powerful bloodline. From childhood, When you reach adulthood, you will naturally have a strong body, awaken the innate abilities from the body, and have strong strength. In fact, among the Warcraft, except for a very small number of Warcraft with high intelligence who can practice on their own, more Warcraft have The abilities we possess are all derived from blood. Although we humans have high intelligence, we do not have such blood power, which limits the strength of our bodies. Then, if the blood power of Warcraft can be used Can our body help us improve our external spiritual power? Based on this, he began to try to practice. From the initial intake of Warcraft blood to the later integration of the blood into his own blood, he experienced countless pains and sufferings, and even When he was integrated into the blood of Warcraft, his life was in danger many times due to blood rejection, and finally, he found a way to practice."

When Long Dangdang heard this, his eyes began to heat up. There is no doubt that this senior from Warrior Temple is not only a genius, but also a persistent strong man. Although Wang Changxin's description is simple, you can imagine that this senior was originally What a firm will it takes to endure such tremendous pain and fumble through it step by step.

Wang Changxin looked at Long Dangdang and said: "This technique was even taken seriously by the Holy Temple and was planned to be promoted in the six major temples. However, after the promotion, it was discovered that there are no people who can withstand the pain of this kind of cultivation method. 1. Moreover, even if the cultivation is successful, the progress will be slow because the balance of internal and external spiritual power must be maintained. Even the senior at the beginning only cultivated to the eighth level and did not reach the ninth level because of the problem of longevity. The threshold of the ninth level. Although he was able to defeat most of the ninth-level experts with his eighth-level internal and external cultivation, he was ultimately unable to truly fulfill his dream and advance without any bottlenecks in the ninth level. Therefore, this was destined to It’s an extremely difficult road to walk. If it weren’t for the way I practiced, I probably wouldn’t have chosen it. Because I don’t think I’m stronger than the senior at the time. The only thing I’m lucky about is that, because With his pioneering work, we don’t need to try and experiment, and we can avoid many detours. However, I once regretted it, because this kind of cultivation method is really too painful."

At this point, she paused, looked at Long Dangdang with burning eyes, and said seriously: "So, you must think about it. Once you embark on this path, you cannot regret it. There is no regret medicine to take, you can only keep walking. Go down. The speed of your cultivation improvement will slow down, and you must maintain the balance of internal and external spiritual power in order to continue to improve. Do you still want to try?"

Long Dangdang was silent. After listening to Wang Changxin's story, he probably already understood a little about the risks of this kind of practice. There is no doubt that strong willpower is an innate must-have. Only by relying on tenacious will can one persevere, and even if one perseveres, one may not be able to truly cultivate to a higher level.

However, for him, it is necessary to choose this method of cultivation. After his inner spiritual power reaches the sixth level peak, he will begin to supply the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace. Only after supplying 200,000 spiritual power can one continue to improve himself. This will undoubtedly be an extremely long process. The sixth level peak doesn't sound weak anymore, but what if it is placed decades later? At that time, his companions might even be at the eighth or even ninth level. He was still at the sixth level. How could he keep up with his companions?

The clone is one of his strengths, but it's not enough. If he can cultivate this method of internal and external cultivation, then his strength will undoubtedly be far beyond the sixth level, and his body will have stronger endurance, and the endurance of inner spiritual power will also become stronger through cultivation. For Yueming Canghailing The speed at which the furnace provides spiritual energy can also be accelerated.

If it weren't for this reason, he would also like to cultivate his inner spiritual power to the ninth level and then return to temper his body. Whether it is elementalization or other methods, he believes that he should be able to do it. After all, his innate inner spiritual power is over 90. With such a talent, it should be very possible for him to cultivate to level 9 or above. However, because of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, he had to consider finding another way. With the strength of the sixth level, although he has the help of the Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace, the Shenqiyu Tong Spiritual Furnace and the Bright Angel Spiritual Furnace, he is not sure whether he can accumulate enough spiritual power to help him at the sixth level. The Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace has been repaired. If it cannot be done, won’t it mean that it will remain at the peak of the sixth level for the rest of its life? Therefore, he also has a reason to try it!

"Senior sister, I want to give it a try. Can you tell me this cultivation method?" Long Dangdang asked.

Wang Changxin nodded and said: "This skill is not a secret to begin with. It is spread in the six major temples. When the senior created this skill, his biggest hope was that one day it would be able to make all professionals All have benefited from this. In order to commemorate this senior, the Warrior Temple has also announced that if someone can practice this secret method to the ninth level, then they will automatically become a Warrior Temple. And have the ability to become a Warrior Temple. The possibility of the Lord. This method is called blood alchemy. After many years of research, the senior found that the blood of monsters cannot be directly injected into our bodies, otherwise it will cause a huge rejection reaction and even be fatal, and it is not It will make our body stronger. Although taking it directly has a certain effect, it is not the best. The best way is to soak the body with the blood of monsters, supplemented by the guidance of exercises, to guide the blood of monsters through the pores to stimulate our bodies. Absorbing the power of its blood vessels stimulates our physical body, causing our muscles, muscles, bones, and even blood to produce stress reactions. Through such strong stimulation, we can achieve the purpose of improving our physical fitness."

Speaking of this, a flash of throbbing flashed in her eyes, "This process will be very painful. The pain caused by the blood of different monsters is different, but without exception, it will cause a great stress response in our bodies. Generally speaking, The more powerful the Warcraft, the stronger the stress response produced by the blood. The most uncomfortable part is that no one knows the pain that the Warcraft blood will cause before trying it. Pain is often the best response. At least it’s easier to tolerate. There are also various negative reactions such as burning and extreme cold. The most painful one I’ve ever experienced so far is itchiness..."

Speaking of this, Wang Changxin shivered, which showed how intense the pain she had endured.

itch? Long Dangdang couldn't help but have a flash of fear in his eyes, it was very scary just thinking about it!

Wang Changxin smiled bitterly and said: "Everyone's physique is different, men and women are different, and their talents are different. Therefore, the reaction when using the blood of Warcraft is also different. It is possible that one kind of blood will cause pain on my body, and it will cause burning on you. Feeling. There is no experience to draw from, so this not only tempers the body, but also willpower, and even mental endurance. I almost couldn't bear it once and felt like I was going crazy. If you really want to If you try, you have to think carefully about whether you can endure such pain if you keep persisting. It was okay at the beginning, the pain caused by the blood of low-level monsters is limited, but the further you go, the more difficult it becomes. Like me now, It requires the blood of a seventh-level monster to temper the body, because I have to prepare for the sixth level. Also, it takes a lot of money to cultivate the blood-alchemy body, and monsters are not that easy to find, especially for high-level ones. Warcraft, the further you practice, the more money you need to buy the blood of these high-level Warcraft. So the only equipment I have now is the spirit demon-level Tyrant Hammer, and the money given by my family is All used to buy Warcraft blood."

Sure enough, nothing is easy! It sounds very strong to cultivate both internal and external. The external spiritual power is as much as the internal spiritual power. Although it cannot be said that the strength is doubled, it is still much stronger than the same level. He was able to defeat Wang Changxin mainly because of the special nature of magic, and because Wang Changxin was still unable to use his spiritual wings, it was a fluke. If you fight head-on, you will definitely lose. However, the price to pay for this blood-refined gold body and the pain of cultivation are indeed not enough for outsiders to understand.

Wang Changxin's hand flashed with light, and a porcelain bottle about half a foot high appeared in her hand. She handed the porcelain bottle to Long Dangdang, "I estimate that your current external spiritual power should be between three hundred and four hundred. This is a kind of The blood of a level 4 monster salamander. Three thousand gold coins. I’m really not rich and can’t give it to you. If you want to try it, you can buy it back and give it a try. It doesn’t matter if you try to practice for the first time, as long as your external spiritual power has not increased to Before the age of 1,000, you can still stop practicing the Blood Alchemy Body. It will not have any impact on your body. It will also not affect your cultivation of inner spiritual power. If you think you can continue on this path in the future, then you can continue .If it doesn’t work, give up.”

"Okay, let me give it a try." Long Dangdang took the blood of the Salamander without hesitation, "I will give you the money tomorrow."

Wang Changxin took out another metal plate with magic runes on it, "This is the blood alchemy body cultivation method. You only need to use your mental power to penetrate into it to get it. This was given to me by the Warrior Temple when I broke through to the fourth level. If it’s given to me, there’s no need for money. I’ll lend it to you. It contains the cultivation methods for the first six levels of Blood Alchemy. I haven’t picked up the higher methods yet. The following methods do not require meritorious deeds, as long as you can master the first six levels. We, the Warrior Temple, can provide it for free. Other temples only have the first six levels of cultivation methods."

"Okay, thank you, senior sister." Long Dangdang took the metal plate. He knew that this metal plate recording the practice skills was a inheritance token. The Blood Alchemy Body is indeed a popular cultivation method in the temple, otherwise Wang Changxin would not have given it to herself directly like this.

"Senior, let me go back and give it a try. If you have any questions, I will chat with you privately online through the spirit crystal." Long Dangdang said.

"Well, okay. I wish you success. Frankly speaking, I hope you can succeed. This road is really difficult to walk. I also hope to have a partner to walk with me so that we can verify and encourage each other. Maybe it will be easier to walk."

After bidding farewell to Wang Changxin, Long Dangdang went directly to his cousin's dormitory. Without hiding anything, he told Ling Menglu and Long Kongkong about his conversation with Wang Changxin.

After listening to his story, Ling Menglu said: "Are you really going to try it? It sounds a bit scary!"

Long Dang said: "I'm going to give it a try. Anyway, within one thousand external spiritual power, you can still regret it. Moreover, even if the external spiritual power is only raised to one thousand, it is not bad. My body's endurance will be greatly enhanced." .So, I suggest you give it a try. You don’t need to keep practicing. Cultivating to a thousand spiritual powers will enhance our body’s endurance, which will also be of great benefit to improving our strength in the future. The body can also withstand more spiritual powers. .”

But Long Kongkong waved his hands repeatedly and said, "No, no. If it hurts, I don't want to try."

Long Dangdang looked at him with burning eyes and said: "Only if your body has stronger endurance, you can absorb more spiritual power and pass it to me through the Yuan Vortex Spiritual Furnace, helping me solve the problem of Yueming Canghai Spiritual Furnace as soon as possible."

"Ah..." A scream sounded instantly.

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