Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 161 The Unexpected Blood Alchemy Body

"Hmm -" A pleasant hum came from Long Dangdang's nose, and Long Kongkong, who was standing aside, couldn't help but shivered intelligently. What is this for?

Then he saw an extremely relaxed look on Long Dangdang's face, and even his eyebrows seemed to be completely relaxed at this moment. The surface of the skin showed a healthy light red color, and then Long Kongkong was stunned to see that the vat of red liquid gradually became transparent. The red inside disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Long Dangdang's own feeling was even more special. The pain he expected did not appear at all. On the contrary, the next moment he felt the burning heat all over his body, an extremely comfortable warmth instantly spread throughout his body, as if It seems to penetrate into one's own bones. Then his limbs began to exude a warm feeling, as if some power had been aroused, making him feel as if he was soaking in a hot spring, feeling indescribably comfortable. Not to mention the pain, even the nerves that were tense due to caution were completely relaxed at this moment.

Long Kongkong stared at Long Dangdang for a moment, thinking to himself, I am pretending to be too similar in order to deceive myself into practicing this technique, right? Isn’t it said that this thing is very painful to practice? Why does he look like he's having an orgasm? Being too scheming is really unbecoming of a human being!

However, looking at him, I felt something was wrong. Because soon the tank of water completely turned into water. It was so clear that you could clearly see every detail of my brother’s body. Ahem...

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that a faint purple color began to appear on the surface of Long Dangdang's body. It was a very strange purple color. And when the purple color appeared, Long Kongkong subconsciously felt an extremely intimate feeling in his heart. It was a kind of intimacy that was connected by heart and blood, and even he felt that his body seemed to become warm because of seeing this touch of purple.

And the purple color on the surface of Long Dangdang's body gradually appeared some shapes, which were like grids, or like scales, densely covered on the surface of the skin, looking a bit like diamonds, very strange.

Brother, you won't transform into a lizard, right? After absorbing this lizard blood, is this bloodline mutation?

The purple color did not last for too long, but in about half a minute, the scale-like lines gradually disappeared, and then, the purple color also gradually converged.

Less than five minutes later, Long Dangdang opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, there was a flash of purple light in his eyes, which made Long Kongkong stunned. Then he saw a bit of surprise in Long Dangdang's eyes.

"Why is the water cold?" Long Dang looked into the bathtub subconsciously, and then looked up at Long Kongkong, "Did you change the water for me?"

Long Kongkong said angrily: "Boss, a quarter of an hour has passed since you started practicing till now. Even if I wanted to change the water for you, I couldn't do it that fast! You were not pretending to be happy just now. Right? In order to trick me into practicing this thing, you also worked hard!"

"Fart, what am I pretending to be? However, it is indeed quite comfortable. Why is it different from what Senior Sister Wang said. Can you tell me what changes happened to me just now?" Long Dangdang asked.

Long Kongkong blinked. He was still familiar with his brother. Judging from his eyes and emotions, it really didn't look like he was pretending. At that moment, he recounted the changes he had just seen in Long Dangdang.

"Absorbed blood? Purple?" After hearing his description, Long Dangdang couldn't help but fall into deep thought. It seems that the situation of practicing this blood alchemy body is a little different from what is described in the technique!

He got out of the bathtub first and drained the water. Dry yourself and put on clothes. Then he clenched his fists subconsciously. Suddenly, a powerful feeling came through his hands.

Although there was no test, he was certain that his strength had definitely been enhanced, and the degree of enhancement was quite significant. In other words, is it effective to cultivate the Blood Alchemy Body yourself?

He took out the porcelain bottle again. About half of it was used to mix water before, but now there is still half of the salamander blood in the bottle. Opening the bottle cap, Long Dangdang poured out a drop of Salamander's blood into the palm of his hand and isolated it with spiritual liquid.

Then he activated the method of blood refining the body, and then removed the spiritual liquid, allowing the drop of blood to fit into the palm of his hand.

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared. That drop of blood, with a faint warmth, disappeared quickly in the palm of his hand. Immediately afterwards, Long Dangdang saw a touch of purple rising in his palm, and this touch of purple quickly spread down his palm and quickly passed from his arm to his body. The pleasant burning sensation from before suddenly appeared again.

"This seems a little different! According to the description of the Blood Alchemy Body Skill, each time it absorbs the blood of a monster, it takes a constant time. The blood of the monster will stimulate the blood of the cultivator. While stimulating, it can absorb a little bit of the blood of the monster. The energy in it also stimulates the potential of one's own bloodline, thereby achieving a certain cultivation effect. But how come I absorbed it all directly?"

Long Kongkong was also a little surprised and said: "Brother, I'm afraid you can suck blood."

Long Dangdang thought for a while and said, "I'll put another tank of water in, and I'll teach you the skills, and you can try it too. It just so happens that the blood of the salamander here is still half full."

"Ah? Are you trying to show me this? You're pretending to be happy just to fool me into practicing, right?" Long Kongkong looked at him warily.

"Fart. Hurry up. Don't let me stuff it in for you! It seems that my practice is really different. If I can do this, we have the same blood, and you should be able to do it too." Long Dangdang said as he spoke Have started to put hot water back on.

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes and said: "Are you serious? Brother, don't forget that we are dragon brothers and mouse brothers. How much inner spiritual power are you gifted with? How much am I? This thing Even if it feels comfortable on you, it may not feel comfortable on me!"

Long Dangdang said: "Stop talking nonsense, I will add a little less salamander blood to you first to make the dilution greater. I will also protect you. Besides, there is a cousin outside. I am your brother, I can Will it harm you? Get ready."

Seeing Long Dangdang's serious look, Long Kongkong sadly understood that he couldn't escape. He could only watch as he prepared another vat of blood, which was indeed more diluted than the previous one.

"I will teach you the skills now. You should learn from them." At that moment, Long Dangdang taught the blood-alchemy body skills to Long Kongkong. The technique is not difficult. After Long Kongkong tried it three times, he was able to slowly activate his blood vessels.

"Go in." Long Dangdang pointed to the water.

Although Long Kongkong was reluctant, he also knew that he couldn't defeat his brother, so he had to use his spiritual power to protect his body, gritted his teeth and walked into the pool. Although he does not have liquid spiritual power, he can still protect his body with simple spiritual power. After all, defensive light-based skills are what he is best at, and safety comes first.

Lying down slowly in the bathtub, he followed the example of Long Dangdang before and began to run the blood alchemy body technique.

Gradually, the body began to become warm due to the exercises, and the blood boiled.

"Let's start once the technique is running." Seeing that Long Kongkong's skin had begun to turn red, Long Dangdang knew that he was basically ready.

Long Kongkong gritted his teeth and slowly withdrew his spiritual power. He secretly thought that if his brother lied to him, he would definitely complain to his mother when he returns.

Warmth instantly enveloped his whole body, and then became intense. The blazing warmth penetrated into his body from his limbs, and Long Kongkong's body suddenly tensed up.

Huh? It's warm and seems to be a bit comfortable.

"Well..." Long Kongkong stretched his body subconsciously, and suddenly felt that his whole body seemed to be stretched out, feeling indescribably comfortable.

Long Dangdang stood aside and watched the changes in Long Kongkong. Sure enough, as he said, when Long Kongkong began to relax his body, the blood in the bathtub obviously began to fade, and you could even vaguely see the red gradually blending into Long Kongkong. It was like inside the body, and Long Kongkong's body gradually began to appear the purple color he mentioned before, with a faint purple color emitting, and scale-shaped lines gradually appeared on the surface of the skin.

Looking at the purple color, Long Dangdang could faintly feel that his blood was boiling, and he seemed to be getting closer to Kongkong.

What's going on with this purple color? The Blood Alchemy Body Technique never mentioned that such a situation would occur!

However, this purple gave him a very familiar feeling, as if it had vaguely appeared before, but it was not as clear as this time.

But no matter how you put it, it seems that the blood alchemy body has mutated after practicing it on yourself and your brother, and it is a very good mutation. It seems that you can cultivate it successfully without paying any price. Not only is it effective, but it is also fast. It's fast and comfortable. Isn't this great? I don’t know if my cousin can do it.

If this is the case, then the Blood Alchemy Body will have great potential! However, further experiments are needed. After all, only the blood of the Earth Salamander has such an effect. I don't know if the blood of other types of Warcraft can have such an effect. It would be great if that was the case too.

"Ouch, the water is cold!" While Long Dangdang was thinking, Long Kongkong had already opened his eyes. Looking at the birds in the water, he immediately sat up.

"Brother, this is great, it's really great! Why should we suffer if we find such a good technique earlier! This is so great. You can practice just by taking a bath. It's really good." With that said, Long Kongkong also got out of the bathtub and wiped his body.

"Try to see if your strength has increased." Long Dangdang said to Long Kongkong.

Long Kongkong waved his arm, and immediately brought up a wave of air, "Yes, there is a real change. It seems that my strength has become a little stronger. Look, have I gained muscles?" As he said this, he also talked to Long Dangdang. He gestured with his arms.

"You put on your clothes first, why are you still walking the bird when your hair is not even long?" Long Dangdang said angrily.

Long Kongkong retorted: "What's the difference between you and me? You're still talking about me, huh. But, brother, this technique is really good! If we get some blood or something, our external spiritual power will increase. Okay. , I decided to practice this with you. It’s really good.”

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "We have to try other types of Warcraft blood to see if it is easy for us to absorb the blood of all Warcraft, or only the blood of the Earth Salamander. If it is the former, then we will be in trouble. Good luck.”

The two walked out of the bathroom. Outside, Ling Menglu was fiddling with a golden light ball in her hands. She was practicing the control of the light element, because she could rescue Long Dangdang at any time, and she was not meditating.

"It's over? So soon?" It had only been half an hour since the two brothers entered the room.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "The effect is better than expected. We can easily absorb the energy of the salamander blood. Not only did I try it, but the effect was also good after I tried it. And there is no pain."

Ling Menglu blinked, "Is it so good? Then I'll try it later. Doesn't it hurt?"

Long Kong shook his head like a drum, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all, it feels so comfortable! Cousin, this is the first time I feel that my brother is so reliable. You must try it later, it's so comfortable ”

Long Dangdang said: "However, the price of this monster blood is quite high. This bottle of Salamander blood costs three thousand gold coins. I will send it to Senior Sister Wang later to see if I can buy some other monsters from her. Blood. Cousin, can you ask my uncle if he can buy World of Warcraft blood cheaper at the auction house?"

Ling Menglu said: "Okay, I'll ask. Then I'll see if there's anything in stock at home. Do you want a fifth-level one?"

Long Dang said: "At least level 4 or above. Our external spiritual power is not too strong. I think we can try it. I will go to Senior Sister Wang to have a look and buy some. Then I will ask her how to measure external spiritual power. "

"Okay. Let's make an appointment with her now. I'll go home first."

Long Dangdang sent Ling Menglu to the door, and then took out the Ziling Crystal to contact Wang Changxin.

With the bright moon in the sky, Long Dangdang chatted privately with Wang Changxin, "Senior Wang, are you there? I'll send you money."

With the bright moon in the sky, Wang Changxin chatted privately with Long Dangdang, "Yes, come on."

Long Dangdang came to Wang Changxin's dormitory again, first used the gold coin stored-value card to contact her stored-value card, and directly transferred three thousand gold coins to her through the docking array above. This is a stored-value card that can only be used by professionals. Everyone's stored-value card has a special corresponding magic circle, and outsiders cannot use it even if it is lost. But reissues are troublesome, so they are usually collected very carefully.

"Have you tried it?" Wang Changxin asked.

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