Sealed Divine Throne II: Twin Sons of Dragon

Chapter 168 Awakening, bloodline talent

With Long Dangdang's previous attempt, Long Kongkong could absorb the blood of the Earth Spinosaurus much faster than he did before. Because there is no need to try and slowly increase the absorption concentration, but it is absorbed directly at a high concentration.

Long Kongkong absorbed one hundred liters of Earth Spinosaurus blood in only twenty minutes, and his external spiritual power also increased to more than 980 levels. Long Dangdang did not let him continue to absorb it, but also left some room for the external spiritual power to naturally increase in the next three months.

After his younger brother had finished absorbing the blood of the Earth Spinosaurus, Long Dangdang continued to absorb it. His current inner spiritual power is at the fifth level. He wants to try to see if his inner spiritual power can continue to practice if his outer spiritual power also breaks through to the fifth level. At the same time, let's see to what extent the blood of the Earth Spinosaurus can increase his external spiritual power.

Continue to absorb, one hundred liters, two hundred liters, three hundred liters!

Another three hundred liters of Earth Spinosaurus blood energy was absorbed, but Long Dangdang's external spiritual power had not yet reached two thousand. Obviously, as the external spiritual power continues to increase, the effect of the blood of the Earth Spinosaurus has also begun to decrease significantly. You don't need to try Long Dangdang to know that if you change to a lower level five monster blood now, you may not be able to improve your external spiritual power.

There was also the last one hundred liters of Terrestrial Spinosaurus blood. Long Dangdang poured fifty liters into the bathtub at once and soaked it in.

The feeling of warmth has decreased a lot, but the thick feeling has been increasing.

The body continued to absorb it rapidly, and the red color in the bathtub was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Long Dangdang could also clearly feel the heaviness in his body increasing.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something strange changing in his body, the kind of thing he felt all of a sudden. All the heavy feeling suddenly disappeared in an instant, and then, his body was filled with purple light. The purple color that originally appeared as light streaks on the surface of his body suddenly solidified, and the purple light turned into raised scales that appeared on his skin.

This scene startled Long Dangdang, but he could clearly feel that his strength was greatly enhanced.

At this moment, Long Kongkong suddenly rushed in from the outside, and when he rushed in, his body also lit up purple.

When he saw the purple scales on Long Dangdang's body, Long Kongkong couldn't help but froze. The next moment, the purple on his body became more intense, and even his eyes were bursting with purple light.

An indescribable sense of powerful power and a rage that seemed to want to destroy everything appeared in the hearts of the two brothers almost at the same time. The entire bathroom was colored purple by the light emanating from them.

Looking at the strange purple color in each other's eyes, feeling the violent and destructive thoughts in their bodies, Long Dangdang was the first to wake up, and he suddenly jumped out of the bathtub. He raised his hand and grabbed Long Kongkong's shoulder.

Long Kongkong's eyes were flickering with purple light. When Long Dangdang's hand grasped his shoulder, both of their bodies were slightly shaken. The spirit suddenly sobered up. At this time, purple scales also appeared on Long Kongkong's body. What's even more strange is that the purple color on his body, along with himself, seems to have melted and swam towards Long Dangdang. A thick purple armor suddenly appeared on Long Dangdang's right arm. The purple armor looked extremely ferocious, with sharp blades coming out one after another, and a terrifying sense of power spread to Long Dangdang's right arm.

Although Long Dangdang didn't know what it was, at this moment, he felt like he could destroy everything.

However, when the purple color spread to close to his shoulders, Long Kongkong's body suddenly trembled, and then the purple color immediately faded like a tide. He also stumbled back two steps with a pale face, and almost fell into the bathtub. Fortunately, Long Dangdang grabbed his arm and stabilized himself.

The purple color on Long Dangdang's body also faded quickly at this moment, and everything returned to normal.

"Are you okay?" Ling Menglu's anxious call came from outside.

Long Kongkong suddenly burst into the bathroom with purple light emitting from his body. Although she was anxious, she couldn't rush in right away.

"It's okay." Long Dangdang said, but he found that his voice had undergone some changes, and it seemed to be a bit deeper than normal.

ten minutes later.

After finishing cleaning up, Long Dangdang, Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu were sitting on the sofa in the living room. All eyes were focused on the external spiritual power test ball in Long Dangdang's hand.

two thousand!

This number is fully displayed on the outer spiritual power test ball.

Long Dangdang clenched his fists. At this time, he had undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before he absorbed the blood of the Earth Spinosaurus for the last time. The spiritual liquid that was originally entangled with the body has returned to normal and flows on its own, and the meridians, bones, and muscles in his body are actually emitting light like spiritual liquid.

Yes, his external spiritual power reached two thousand and entered the fifth level state. Although the same fifth-level internal spiritual power is stronger than 3,700, it will not affect the body and can be practiced normally.

In other words, both internal and external cultivation will not affect each other as long as they are at the same stage. But if you want to enter a higher stage, you need to maintain balance. No matter how much internal spiritual power is gained first, when the internal spiritual power is ready to break through the bottleneck of four thousand, the external spiritual power must also reach it.

Ling Menglu was shocked that it was too fast. This is only three days! Long Dangdang's external spiritual power has been directly increased from more than three hundred to two thousand. He can't lift into the air so quickly with magic. The total spiritual power is close to six thousand, which is a terrifying number.

You know, the entry threshold for a seventh-level powerhouse is only 10,000 spiritual powers!

More importantly, after finding this way of cultivation, practicing internally and externally is as simple as eating and drinking for the brothers. This alone definitely surpasses all current geniuses, including herself.

In the history of the Federation, no one has ever cultivated both internal and external skills to the ninth level. That's why there is a saying in the Warrior Temple that someone can directly become a temple by entering the ninth level with a blood-alchemized body. This shows how powerful this method of cultivation is.

Although she didn't understand why Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong were able to do it, the talents they displayed now could no longer be described as geniuses, they were simply monsters!

But Long Dangdang and Long Kongkong are thinking more now. The most important thing is the previous fusion state of their arms. How did that come about? Although only the fusion of the right arm was completed, Long Kongkong's right arm became the armor of Long Dangdang's right arm. what 's wrong?

Then I think back to what my grandfather once said about his mother’s strange origin. There is no doubt that this should be related to my mother.

Although the two brothers didn't say much in front of Ling Menglu, they thought the same thing. They had to find a chance to go back and ask their mother what was going on. Long Dangdang can still clearly remember that super sense of power. However, if he was asked to urge him again, he couldn't do it. Even the purple scales on his own body can't do it. It won't be possible to absorb the blood of the Terrestrial Spinosaurus. Moreover, it can’t be absorbed anymore.

Yes, he probably absorbed close to forty liters of the last fifty liters of diluted Terrestrial Spinosaurus blood. Now the water in the bathtub is still red, but he can no longer absorb it. In other words, the blood of the Earth Spinosaurus has reached a saturation level for him. And according to what Wang Changxin said, the blood of level six monsters can only be used up to the peak of level five. But for them, it seems to have dropped a level.

Undoubtedly, these are the unique and distinctive features of the two brothers.

"Look at this." Long Dangdang said suddenly. As he spoke, he pointed his right hand towards a cup on the coffee table in front of him. The next moment, the cup floated swaying.

"What is this? Instant magic?" Long Kongkong asked doubtfully.

Long Dangdang shook his head. The next moment, a flash of yellow light suddenly flashed in his eyes. Then, Long Kongkong and Ling Menglu suddenly felt their bodies sinking, as if they were being forcibly suppressed by something. The whole person became heavy.

"Gravity control? This is... the innate skill of Terrestrial Spinosaurus?" Ling Menglu's mind was faster, and she realized something immediately and blurted out.

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "In the history of the Federation, is there any record that the blood alchemy method can awaken the innate skills of a single kind of monster when the blood amount reaches saturation? Mine is not magic at all. , is an ability that seems to be imprinted on my instinct, and it does not require inner spiritual force to stimulate, and is directly released by the power of blood. It should be the same as the Earth Spinosaurus's native skill."

"Hiss——" Ling Menglu and Long Kongkong took a breath of cold air at the same time.

Ling Menglu was silent for a long time before slowly saying: "As far as I know, there is no such thing. But I'm not completely sure. But it is conceivable that if such a situation can really occur, if it is not your own special case, but can If promoted, the value of the Blood Alchemy Body Method will be greatly enhanced, and this will definitely become a great achievement."

Long Dangdang said: "From the blood alchemy body method that Senior Sister Wang gave me, I didn't see any record of this. And, as you said, if there really is such an ability, or someone can discover it, If so, then there will never be so few people cultivating the Blood Alchemy Body. Being able to possess the innate skills of Warcraft will greatly enhance your strength."

Long Kongkong said excitedly: "That's right! Not only is it greatly strengthened, it is simply invincible! Think about it, if you find ten or eight powerful monsters, absorb their bloodline power and possess their innate abilities, Wouldn’t that be unparalleled in the world?”

Long Dang said: "It's not that easy. There has never been a case of obtaining the natural ability of Warcraft through the blood alchemy body before. This is actually very normal, because it is difficult for ordinary people to do it. To cultivate the blood alchemy body requires enduring great pain. Yes, you can only absorb a little bit of the blood of Warcraft each time, and gradually increase your spiritual power. In this case, you will definitely give priority to the most cost-effective Warcraft blood to improve yourself. You will not be able to improve yourself with little improvement like me. Under such circumstances, a single type of Warcraft blood is still used. At the same time, how much time does it take to simply cultivate a type of Warcraft blood to reach hundreds of kilograms, close to one ton? I am afraid that it may not be completed in ten or eight years, and it will be greatly delayed. Slow down the progress of cultivation. That’s why such a situation did not occur. What’s more, unless it is a Warcraft raised in human captivity, it is very difficult to collect so much Warcraft blood.”

Long Kongkong was stunned, "It seems to make sense! No wonder no one has discovered it. So, aren't we the chosen ones? Hahahaha. How wonderful! When I get to the fifth level later, I will have one too, Gravity Take control! Not bad, not bad.”

Ling Menglu said: "In any case, this discovery has cross-epochal significance for the blood alchemy body technique. Kong Kong is right about one thing. If you have a blood skill that is very consistent with your natural ability and your own cultivation ability, , the enhancement to oneself will even be as good as that of a spiritual furnace! I’m a little tempted.”

Long Dang said: "You'd better not give it up now. Even if you plan to take this path, wait until after the ninth level. If you encounter a bottleneck at that time, you can consider it. And the efficiency should be higher."

Ling Menglu shook her head repeatedly and said: "That's what I said. I tried it once and it already made me miserable. If you practice this all the way to 100,000 spiritual powers, it is really unimaginable. You are really the chosen ones. This Even I would be envious of you."

Long Dangdang said: "Do you think we should report this matter to the federation?"

Ling Menglu said without hesitation: "Don't do it yet. There are many factions within the Federation, including our six major temples. If this matter is reported, the benefits will be huge. Especially for the Warrior Temple, even more So. I think this can be kept for now, at least until you can maximize the benefits. You have to know that once the report is reported, if nothing else, the price of Warcraft blood will definitely skyrocket. Wait for the right opportunity. Let’s use this in exchange for training resources.”

Long Dangdang nodded and said: "My cousin is right, just listen to your cousin."

Ling Menglu rolled her eyes at him, "When did you become so obedient?"

Long Kongkong rolled his eyes, "Hey, do you two have a story?"

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